
User:Doctor Who?

Doctor Who? thats me, i live in Tasmania Australia. I go to Rosetta High ,the school of Awesomeness. I adore science fiction such as Doctor Who, Battlestar Gallactica and Star Wars. My picture is on the side of a bus thanks to cultural diversity and it also have a picture of LORO one of the coolest people ever! I play indoor soccer with The Tanks! the greatest indoor soccer team in our league if not the world!. I enjoy making movies and doing long multiplication sums. I have a cat named Gerald and a dog named Eddie and i was almost killed by a killer horse named monty once... I love starting pointless chants and have the best maths class ever, Mr Macrumm is my favourite teacher and a teacher at my School, Mr Wooley whom my dad named Super Mario is hilarious! My Pop is the coolest person ever with such quotes as ive nearly had me chips and come we shall rid the world of these sniffs. I play such games as Half-Life 2 and Oblivion. I also used to play for the indoor soccer team the Blue Roosters.

Doctor Who forever