User:CJ Harkness Wikipedia:BabelenThis user is a native speaker of the English language.jaこの利用者は日本語を母語としています。This user can speak Japanese.Search user languages Language Usage UKThis user uses British English.ipa-1əThis user has a basic understanding of the International Phonetic Alphabet. Wheaties, Cheerios, and Rice Chex This user prefers the cereal comma. HrktあThis user has an understanding of the Katakana or Hiragana.漢字-4This user has a near complete understanding of the Kanji script. Miscellaneous TThis user knows that "the 21st century's when everything changes - and you've got to be ready!"DrLive like John Smith?I'd rather do Impossible Things! This user is a member ofWikiProject Doctor Who.This user sleeps, but not for predictable amounts of time. DuneThis user knows that fear is the mind-killer. A This user is an Auror. This user is a fan of The Lord of the Rings. This user is a Unitarian Universalist.This user believes the world would be a happier, safer and saner place if everyone respected everyone else's freedom of belief. This user is a committed flexitarian.This user eats bananas.