

I like Science,space and filming and editing Geological time templates. I also like Politics and coding and games now and then. I am Exited to be making and editing Wkipedia pages. Remember include sources and get it done correctly. I im intrested in Crabs,whales, astrobiology, reptiles, fish, Godzilla 1998 (and other roland emmerich films), Animation, Paleoart, fossils, Geology and Dinosaurs. I also like sharks.Film making rocks

V. mongoliensis in environment by Nobu Tamura, 2007.

My birthday is july 8th 2004

Main fact checkers and Inspirations

Plant Drew is a biologist/Botanist who i take some inspiration from. He sometimes edits my wikipedia articles which I do appreciate from him. I am still learning how to use Wikipedia's editing and making article tools.

Fred Wierum: Host of the popular but now inactive Youtube channel Fredthedinosaurman. Fred Wierum is a paleo artist on wikipedia who draws great art. I think Its Important to mention his last video (Dryo Bush) was a little a unexpected.

NOTE: I am not a troll nor do i take part in Vandalism if i do its not me and could be because of hacking or something because I never vandalize on purpose. I might have had this issue before (once on a previous account and once on this account) That's one of the many reasons why I abounded the old one created this one and made this one protected.

(NOTICE) I WILL SAY WHEN SOMETHING IS MINE on Certain Photos Please do not delete them.

( I am an unidentified creature) (JOKE)→

Gallery/work i like

Work I like quite a lot

Velociraptor skeleton
Basilosaurus cetoides (1)
Tyrannosaurus Rex Holotype
Report on the bones of Cetacea (IA reportonbonesofc00turn)
Spinosaurus 2020 reconstruction
Spinosaurus Dinopark Denkendorf
Spino face fond
202005 Deinonychus antirrhopus

Velociraptor skeleton

T. rex infection

Tyrannosaurus holotype skeleton

202005 Spinosaurus aegyptiacus

Ceres - RC3 - Haulani Crater (22381131691) (cropped)

Please feel free to talk

Please feel free to talk to me about any concerns you maybe having.