Useful info
There's not really "a" database. WCSP [1] , POWO [2], and GBIF are usually up-to-date for the taxa they cover, at least in my experience. The Plant List is getting old now and is not going to be updated, I understand. GRIN Taxonomy is usually reliable for native North American plants, although you need to check the date on which the entry was updated. Tropicos is good for nomenclature issues, but doesn't focus on "accepting" names, so its accepted names are not always the latest or best supported (again in my experience). For Australian plants, APC is regularly updated.
Category Flora of India (region)
Hi Peter, what's the policy for adding this Category:Flora of India (region) to an article? All taxa or endemic only? AshLin (talk) 11:35, 1 April 2018 (UTC)
- Well, the policy is supposed to be as explained at Wikipedia:WikiProject Plants/World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions#Using the categorization hierarchy. So all species where no higher level WGSRPD category is appropriate (hence not just endemics), and endemic genera, families, etc. However, I've recently realized that I'd forgotten the restriction on genera, and have been adding the full distribution categories to genus articles I created.
- As a side issue, there's always a problem with categories where the WGSRPD region doesn't match the ordinary use of the word the WGSRPD uses. As you will doubtless have noticed, POWO uses the WSGRPD name without qualification. So when for Mucuna sanjappae, POWO says "India", it doesn't mean "India" but "India (WGSRPD region)". Other sources do mean the country when they say the distribution is "India". Sigh... Peter coxhead (talk) 12:51, 1 April 2018 (UTC)
Sardesai et al
- Clematis hedysarifolia pg 138 Commons - Done. Needs img from Botanical Register, volume 7, pg 599.
- Clematis gouriana pg 138
- Clematis smilacifolia pg 139
- Naravelia zeylanica pg 139 Commons
- Uvaria narum pg 140 Commons
- Anamirta cocculus pg 141
- Diploclisia glaucescens pg 141 Commons
- Tinospora cordifolia pg 142
- Capparis moonii pg 142 Commons
Capparis murrayanapg 143 X of Capparis spinosa- Capparis zeylanica pg 143
- Ancistrocladus heyneanus pg 144
- Grewia umbellifera pg 144 Commons
- Toddalia asiatica pg 145
- Sarcostigma kleinii pg 145
Cansjera rheediipg 146 Commons Correctly Cansjera rheedei (per [3] & [4])- Celastrus paniculatus pg 146
- Ziziphus oenoplia pg 147
- Allophylus cobbe pg 147
- Connarus monocarpus pg 148
Tali minorpg 148 X correctly Rourea minor vide [5]- Abrus precatorius pg 149
- Canavalia ensiformis pg 149
- Mucuna monosperma pg 150 Commons
- Mucuna pruriens pg 150
- Mucuna sanjappae pg 151 X
- Paracalyx scariosus pg 151 Commons
- Sphenostylis bracteata correctly Nesphostylis bracteata pg 152 [Nesphostylis bracteata Commons]
- Spatholobus parviflorus pg 152 Commons
- Moullava spicata pg 153
- Entada rheedei pg 154
- Acacia concinna pg 155
- Calycopteris floribunda pg 155
- Cucumis indicus pg 156 X
- Passiflora foetida pg 156
- Cucumis maderaspatanus pg 157 Commons
- Solena amplexicaulis pg 157 Commons
- Trichosanthes tricuspidata pg 158
- Mussaenda belilla pg 158 X
- Embelia ribes pg 159
- Jasminum multiflorum pg 160
- Jasminum rottlerianum pg 160 X
- Aganosma cymosa pg 161
- Anodendron manubriatum pg 161 X
- Beaumontia jerdoniana pg 162 X
- Carissa congesta pg 162
- Chonemorpha grandiflora pg 163 X
- Parsonsia alboflavescens pg 164 Commons
- Quirivelia frutescens pg 164 ?
- Hemidesmus indicus pg 165
- Bidaria khandalense pg 165 ?
- Ceropegia huberi pg 166 X
- Ceropegia evansii pg 166 X
- Ceropegia fantastica pg 167 X
- Ceropegia oculata pg 167 Commons
- Ceropegia vincaefolia pg 168 shown as "vincifolia" Commons
- Cynanchum viminale pg 168
- Gymnema sylvestre pg 169
- Heterostemma dalzelli pg 169 Commons
- Heterostemma deccanensis pg 170 ?
- Oxystelma esculentum pg 170
- Pentatropis capensis pg 171 Commons
- Pergularia daemia pg 171
- Seshagiria sahyadrica pg 172 ?
- Toxocarpus kleinii pg 173 Commons
- Ipomea alba pg 173 present as "Ipomoea alba"
- Ipomea clarkei pg 174 ?
- Ipomea indica pg 175 present as "Ipomoea indica"
- Ipomea nil pg 175 present as "Ipomoea nil"
- Ipomea obscura pg 176 present as "Ipomoea obscura"
- Merremia hederacea pg 176 Commons
- Merremia rhyncorhiza pg 177 X
- Operculina turpethum pg 177
- Symhorema involucratum pg 178 Commons
- Premna coriacea pg 178 Commons
- Aristolochia tagala pg 179
- Piper hookeri pg 180 X -
- Piper trichostachyon pg 180 X
- Elaeagnus latifolia pg 181 Commons
- Casytha filiformis pg 181 Commons
- Ficus heterophylla pg 182 Commons
- Smilax zeylanica pg 182
- Gloriosa superba pg 183
- Calamus rotang pg 183
- Pothos scandens pg 183
List of Indian creeper articles
- Helmet Pepper Piper galeatum
- Long Pepper Piper longum
- Hill Pepper Piper mullesua
- Black Pepper Piper nigrum