
Talk:Steelman language requirements


Does anyone know which is the SPL/1 language referenced in the Steelman? I would like to add an article of that SPL/1 to Wikipedia, but I cannot find much information about it. I've found some info about SPL/I, but I'm not sure whether that is the language referenced at the Steelman. Also, I've found that there are some programming languages called SPL, and one of these (the "Space Programming Language") was used by the US Air Force. Can someone give me more information about this? Thanks --suruena 13:29, 2005 Apr 11 (UTC)

Yes, the Intermetrics/Naval Reasearch Laboratory Signal Processing Language One is the SPL/I of Steelman: See §3.6 "SPL/I Evaluation" of the Language Evaluation Coordinating Committee's January 14, 1977 Executive Summary Report to the High Order Language Working Group. AHMartin (talk) 03:17, 16 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]