The referendum was planned since 1991. For the state flag, the choice was to either keep the flag with the red star or to remove it.[3] For the coat of arms, the choice was to keep the Serbian shield with cross and firesteels or to include the bicephalic eagle of the Nemanjić dynasty.[3] For the anthem, Bože pravde and Marš na Drinu were offered.[3] The results showed a majority of voters preferred keeping the red star on the flag, to keep the Serbian shield with firesteels, and choosing Marš na Drinu as the anthem.[5]
Flag with five-pointed starFlag without five-pointed star
Coat of arms
Shield with cross and four half moons
Shield with cross and four half moons in front of a white double-headed eagle
^Slobodan Vučetić (1998). Fatalna vlast. Stubovi kulture. p. 116. На референдуму су се гра^ани из- јашн>авали о предлогу нових државних симбола – грба, заставе и химне.
^"Preporuka o korišćenju zastave Republike Srbije" [Recommendation on Use of the Flag of the Republic of Serbia]. Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia – No. 49/1992 (1188) (in Serbian). JP Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije. 1992-06-21. p. 1666. Archived from the original on August 17, 2009. Retrieved 2009-06-22.
^"Svi naši referendumi" [All our referendums] (in Serbian). Novi Sad: Radio-televizija Vojvodine. 2008-03-06. Archived from the original on 2012-07-23. Retrieved 2009-06-22.