
Aquila (Roman)

Roman ornament with an aquila (100–200 AD) from the Cleveland Museum of Art
A modern reconstruction of an aquila

An aquila (Classical Latin: [ˈakᶣɪla]; lit.'eagle') was a prominent symbol used in ancient Rome, especially as the standard of a Roman legion. A legionary known as an aquilifer, the "eagle-bearer", carried this standard. Each legion carried one eagle.

The eagle had quasi-religious importance to the Roman soldier, far beyond being merely a symbol of his legion. To lose a standard was seen as extremely grave, shameful and dishonorable, and the Roman military went to great lengths both to protect a standard and to recover one had it been lost; after the annihilation of three legions in the Teutoburg Forest, the Romans spent decades retaliating for the defeat while also attempting to recover the three lost eagles.

No legionary eagle standards are known to have survived. However, other Roman eagles, either symbolizing imperial rule or used as funerary emblems, have been discovered.[1]

Roman imperial eagle from the 2nd century AD, possibly from Trajan's Forum, in the outer portico of the Basilica of the Holy Apostles in Rome


The signa militaria were the Roman military ensigns or standards.[2] The most ancient standard employed by the Romans is said to have been a handful (manipulus) of straw fixed to the top of a spear or pole. Hence the company of soldiers belonging to it was called a maniple. The bundle of hay or fern was soon succeeded by the figures of animals, of which Pliny the Elder (H.N. x.16) enumerates five: the eagle, the wolf, the ox with the man's head, the horse, and the boar.[3][4] Pliny attributes to the consul Gaius Marius the setting aside of the four quadrupeds as standards and the retention of the eagle (Aquila) alone after the devastating Roman defeat at the Battle of Arausio against the Cimbri and Teutons in 104 BC. It was made of silver, or bronze, with upwards stretched wings, but was probably of relatively small size, since a standard-bearer (signifer) under Augustus is said in circumstances of danger (the Teutoburgerwald battle) to have wrenched the eagle from its staff and concealed it in the folds of his tunic above his girdle.[5] Pliny's claim is refuted by sources showing late republican and early imperial legions with other animal symbols such as bulls and wolves.[6]

Eagle and weapons from an Augustan-era funerary monument, probably that of Messalla (Prado, Madrid)

Even after the adoption of Christianity as the Roman Empire's religion; the eagle continued to be used as a symbol by the Holy Roman Empire and the early Byzantine Empire although far more rarely and with a different meaning. In particular the double-headed eagle, despite strongly linking back to a Pagan symbol, became very popular among Christians.

Lost aquilae

Arch of Constantine

South attic

Arch of Constantine showing carvings of aquila

Ancient imagery

See also


  1. ^ "Roman eagle found by archaeologists in City of London". The Guardian. 2013-10-29. Archived from the original on 2023-06-26.
  2. ^ Yates, James, "Signa Militaria" in Smith, William, A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, John Murray, London, 1875, pp. 1044–1046 (http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/secondary/SMIGRA*/Signa_Militaria.html)
  3. ^ The ox is sometimes confusingly described as a Minotaur. See Festus, s.v. Minotaur.
  4. ^ Theodore Mommsen, History of Rome, vol. 3, p. 459.
  5. ^ Florus Epitome, book II XXX,38
  6. ^ Taylor, Michael J (2019). "Tactical reform in the late Roman republic: the view from Italy". Historia. 68 (1): 79 n. 14. doi:10.25162/historia-2019-0004. ISSN 0018-2311. S2CID 165437350.
  7. ^ Frontinus Stratagems 2.5.34
  8. ^ a b Res Gestae Divi Augusti, 29
  9. ^ Cassius Dio 47, 35–36
  10. ^ Cassius Dio, 54.11
  11. ^ Velleius Paterculus, Vell. II – 97
  12. ^ Tacitus Annales 1, 60
  13. ^ Tacitus, ann. 2,25
  14. ^ Cassius Dio 60,8,7
  15. ^ Tacitus, De vita et moribus Iulii Agricolae, 41.
  16. ^ Dion Cassius, Histoire romaine, livre LXVIII, 9, 3.
  17. ^ Peter Schäfer (2003) The Bar Kokhba War Reconsidered: New Perspectives on the Second Jewish Revolt Against Rome Mohr Siebeck ISBN 3-16-148076-7 p 118
  18. ^ Cassius Dio LXXI.2
  19. ^ Duncan B Campbell, The fate of the Ninth: The curious disappearance of Legio VIIII Hispana", Ancient Warfare

Further reading