
Ein-Mensch-Theater (German: Mensch "human being") is a German expression for a traveling theater, within the owner is writer, director, stage designer, performer and sometimes even his own tour manager in one person.[1]

The term was coined by Natias Neutert after his performance (The poet reels into the Open) at Schauspielhaus Bochum during a panel discussion with Peter Zadek[2]

His intention was going to replace the worn and partial label one-man show by a label under which both males and females could find equally.[3]
Dario Fo, Robert Kreis, Johnny Melville, Natias Neutert and Franca Rame became famous exponents as this type of theater in Europe.[4]
See also
- ^ A definition, corresponding with The poor Theater and its imagination power. Cf. Jerzy Grotowski: Towards a Poor Theatre (Preface: Peter Brook/Edited by Eugenio Barba). Eyre Metghuen, London 1980. ISBN 978-0-413-34910-1
- ^ DIE ZEIT No. 32, 4 August 1978.
- ^ So Neutert in the panel discussion at Schauspielhaus Bochum, August 1978.
- ^ Cf.Hannes Heer (Ed.), Dario Fo über Dario Fo. Übersetzt aus dem Italienischen von Ulrich Enzensberger. Prometh Köln, 1980 ISBN 3922009115