
Nepal Baptist Church Council

Nepal Baptist Church Council
ClassificationEvangelical Christianity
AssociationsBaptist World Alliance
HeadquartersKathmandu, Nepal
SeminariesNepal Baptist College
Official websitenbccnepal.org

The Nepal Baptist Church Council is a Baptist Christian denomination in Nepal. It is affiliated with the Baptist World Alliance. The headquarters is in Kathmandu.


The Nepal Baptist Church Council has its origins in a British mission of the BMS World Mission and the Council of Baptist Churches in Northeast India in 1962. [1] It is officially founded in 1992. [2] According to a census published by the association in 2023, it claimed 254 churches and 22,397 members. [3]


It has 1 affiliated theological institute, the Nepal Baptist College in Kathmandu founded in 1998. [4]


  1. ^ William H. Brackney, Historical Dictionary of the Baptists, Scarecrow Press, USA, 2009, p. 408
  2. ^ Mark A. Lamport, Encyclopedia of Christianity in the Global South, Volume 2, Rowman & Littlefield, USA, 2018, p. 574
  3. ^ Baptist World Alliance, Members, baptistworld.org, USA, retrieved May 5, 2023
  4. ^ NBCC, History, nbccnepal.org, Nepal, retrieved May 5, 2023