List of botany journals
The following is a list of notable botanical scientific journals.
General botany
The following table is a list of scientific journals publishing articles on many areas of botany.
Journal | Publisher | Publication History | Language | Publication Frequency |
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae | Polish Botanical Society | 1923–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Aliso | Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden | 1948–present | English | 2 issues per year |
American Journal of Botany | HighWire Press and the Botanical Society of America | 1914–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid | Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid | 1941–present | Spanish and English | 2 issues per year |
Annals of Botany | Oxford Journals | 1887–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden | Missouri Botanical Garden Press | 1914–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Annual Review of Plant Biology | Annual Reviews | 1950–present | English | 1 issue per year |
AoB Plants | Oxford Journals | 2009–present | English | Continuous, Online |
Aquatic Botany | Elsevier | 1975–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Arnoldia | Harvard University | 1911–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Australian Journal of Botany | CSIRO | 1953–present | English | 8 issues per year |
Australian Systematic Botany | CSIRO | 1988–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Biologia Plantarum | Czech Academy of Sciences | 1959–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Blumea | ingentaconnect and National Herbarium of the Netherlands | 1934–present | English | 3 issues per year |
Blyttia | Norwegian Botanical Association | 1943–present | Norwegian | 4 issues per year |
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society | Wiley Online Library | 1856–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Botanisk Tidsskrift | Danish Botanical Society | 1866–1980 | Danish, German, English, and French | 4 issues per year |
Botany | National Research Council Canada | 1929–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Brittonia | New York Botanical Garden Press | 1931–present | English | 4 issues per year |
The Bryologist | American Bryological and Lichenological Society | 1898–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Caldasia | National University of Colombia | 1940–present | Spanish and English | 2 issues per year |
Castanea | Southern Appalachian Botanical Society | 1936–present | English | 2 issues per year |
Curtis's Botanical Magazine | Wiley and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew | 1787–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Dansk Botanisk Arkiv | Danish Botanical Society | 1913–1980 | Danish, English, French, and German | Variable |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany | Cambridge University Press for the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh | 1954–present | English | 3 issues per year |
Evansia | American Bryological and Lichenological Society | 1984–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Harvard Papers in Botany | Harvard University Herbaria | 1989–present | English | 2 issues per year |
International Journal of Plant Sciences | University of Chicago Press | 1875–present | English | 9 issues per year |
Journal of Experimental Botany | Oxford Journals for the Society for Experimental Biology | 1950–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Journal of Plant Physiology | Elsevier | 1909–present | English | Continuous, Online |
Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society | Torrey Botanical Society | 1973–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Kew Bulletin | Springer Science+Business Media and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew | 1887–present | English | 4 issues per year |
New Journal of Botany | Taylor & Francis and Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland | 1949–2017 | English | 3 issues per year |
New Phytologist | Wiley-Blackwell and the New Phytologist Trust | 1902–present | English | 16 issues per year |
New Zealand Journal of Botany | Royal Society of New Zealand | 1963–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Nordic Journal of Botany | Wiley and Nordic Society Oikos | 1981–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Nuytsia | Western Australian Herbarium | 1970–present | English | 3 issues per year |
Pakistan Journal of Botany | Pakistan Botanical Society | 1969–present | English | 6 issues per year |
PhytoKeys | Pensoft Publishers | 2010–present | English | Continuous, Online |
Phytotaxa | Magnolia Press | 2009–present | English | Continuous, Online |
Phytochemistry | Elsevier | 1961–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Plant Biology | Wiley, German Society for Plant Sciences and Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands | 1999–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Plant Ecology & Diversity | Taylor & Francis for Botanical Society of Scotland | 2008–present | English | 4 issues per year |
The Plant Journal | Wiley-Blackwell and the Society for Experimental Biology | 1991–present | English | 24 issues per year |
Plant Physiology | American Society of Plant Biologists | 1926–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Plant Science | Elsevier | 1973–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Planta | Springer Science+Business Media | 1973–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Portugaliae Acta Biologica | University of Lisbon | 1945–present | English and Portuguese | 1 volume per year |
Preslia | Czech Botanical Society | 1914–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Rhodora | New England Botanical Society | 1899–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift | Swedish Botanical Society | 1907–present | Swedish | 5 issues per year |
Systematic Botany | American Society of Plant Taxonomists | 1976–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Taxon | International Association for Plant Taxonomy | 1951–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Telopea | National Herbarium of New South Wales, Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust | 1975–present | English | 1 issue per year |
Willdenowia | Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin | 1895–present | English | 3 issues per year |
Agronomy and horticulture
The following table is a list of botany journals specialising in agronomy, including crop science and horticulture.
Journal | Publisher | Publication History | Language | Publication Frequency |
Agronomie | INRA and EDP Sciences | 1981–2004 | English and French | 6 issues per year |
Agronomy for Sustainable Development | INRA and EDP Sciences | 2005–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Ceiba | Escuela Agricola Panamericana | 1950–present | English | ? |
Crop Science (journal) | The Crop Science Society of America | 1961–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Davidsonia | UBC Botanical Garden | 1970–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Economic Botany | Society for Economic Botany | 1946–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Hilgardia | University of California, Berkeley | 1925–1996 | English | 9 issues per year |
Journal of Applied Horticulture | Society for the Advancement of Horticulture | 1999–present | English | 3 issues per year |
Plant and Soil | Springer Science+Business Media and the Royal Netherlands Society of Agricultural Science | 1948–present | English | 12 volumes per year |
the following table is a list of journals that specialize in publishing articles on dendrology.
Journal | Publisher | Publication History | Language | Publication Frequency |
Canadian Journal of Forest Research | National Research Council Canada | 1971–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Plant pathology
The following table is a list of botany journals specializing in plant pathology.
Journal | Publisher | Publication History | Language | Publication Frequency |
Annual Review of Phytopathology | Annual Reviews | 1963–present | English | Once a year |
Australasian Plant Pathology | CSIRO | 1972–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Crop Protection | Elsevier | 1982–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Molecular Plant Pathology | Wiley-Blackwell and the British Society for Plant Pathology | 2000–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Phytopathologia Mediterranea | Firenze University Press and Mediterranean Phytopathological Union | 1967–present | English | 3 issues per year |
Phytopathology | American Phytopathological Society | 1910–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Plant Pathology | Wiley-Blackwell and the British Society for Plant Pathology | 1952–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Review journals
The following table is a list of botany journals that contain collections of review papers about general plant science.
Journal | Publisher | Publication History | Language | Publication Frequency |
Annual Review of Plant Biology | Annual Reviews | 1950–present | English | 1 volume per year |
Current Opinion in Plant Biology | Elsevier | 1998–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Trends in Plant Science | Cell Press | 1996–present | English | 12 issues per year |