
List of people from Lewiston, New York

A list of people who are from or have lived in Lewiston, New York (including: The Village of Lewiston, Lewiston Heights, the Tuscarora Reservation, Pekin, and Colonial Village). Individuals are listed in alphabetical order by last name in each category.



Bands, composers, and musicians

Business and industry

Entertainers and actors


Politics and law

Religion, charities, social advocacy



  1. ^ a b c "History of Lewiston, New York". historiclewiston.org. Friends of the Lewiston Library, Inc.. Archived from the original on 14 November 2015. Retrieved 11 October 2015.
  2. ^ "Catherine Gildiner: Biography". Amazon.com. Retrieved April 2, 2011.
  3. ^ New, Jake (April 15, 2013). "Herbert Richardson v. the World". The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved 9 February 2016.