
Inès de Castro (1723 play)

Inès de Castro: tragedie
Written byAntoine Houdar de la Motte[1]
Date premiered6 April 1723 (1723-04-06)
Place premieredFrance
Original languageFrench
SubjectInês de Castro

Inès de Castro: tragedie is a French Tragedy play written by French playwright Antoine Houdar de la Motte.


Inès de Castro was written by Antoine Houdar de la Motte as a pseudo-classical adaptation of an old Portuguese play based on the subject of Inês de Castro.[2][3][4] It was first presented in Paris on 6 April 1723 at the Comédie-Française and became a success on the French stage.[5]

There are many other variations and adaptations of the Inès de Castro story with origins tracing back to António Ferreira's Castro.[6] It is claimed that M. de la Motte wrote the tragedy by incorporating powerful emotions for theater. He then enlisted scholars to identify a historical event that aligned with the plot, settling on Inès de Castro's story, which led to the play's title.[7]

De la Motte responded to parodies of his play by defending it in his Troisième discours à l'occasion de la tragédie Inés de Castro (1730).[8]

De la Motte's adaptation was later translated into Spanish in 1826 by Manuel Bretón de los Herreros.[9]


  1. ^ La Motte, A. H. d. (1723). Inès de Castro: tragédie. Par M. Houdart de La Motte ... econde édition. Netherlands: H. Du Sauzet.
  2. ^ Armitage, J. (1836). The history of Brazil, from ... 1808, to ... 1831. A continuation to Southey's History. United Kingdom: (n.p.).
  3. ^ Madame de Sévigné and Her Contemporaries. (1841). United Kingdom: H. Colburn.
  4. ^ Burrows, D., Dunhill, R., Harris, J. (2002). Music and Theatre in Handel's World: The Family Papers of James Harris, 1732-1780. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
  5. ^ Landor, W. S. (1927). The Complete Works of Walter Savage Landor: Poems. United Kingdom: Chapman and Hall Limited.
  6. ^ Ferreira, A. (1987). The Tragedy of Ines de Castro. Indonesia: Universidade de Coimbra.
  7. ^ Anecdotes dramatiques, contenant 1°. Toutes les pieces de théatre, tragédies, comédies, pastorales, drames, opéra, opéra-comiques, parades, proverbes qui ont été joué à Paris ou en Province ... depuis l'origine des spectacles en France jusqu'à l'année 1775, rangés par ordre alphabetiques. 2°. Tous les ouvrages dramatiques qui n'ont été réprésentés sur aucun théatre, mais qui sont imprimés ... 3°. Un recueil de tout ce qu'on a pu rassembler d'anecdotes imprimés ... 4°. Les noms de tous les auteurs, poëtes ou musiciens, qui ont travaillé pour tous nos théatres ... 5°. Un Tableau, accompagné d'anecdotes, des théatres de toutes les Nations. (1775). (n.p.): (n.p.).
  8. ^ Canepa, N. L. (1997). Out of the Woods: The Origins of the Literary Fairy Tale in Italy and France. United Kingdom: Wayne State University Press.
  9. ^ Ferreira, A. (1987). The Tragedy of Ines de Castro. Indonesia: Universidade de Coimbra.