English: A fine Royal Plate from the Lawrence Collection featuring a geological oddity near Kenmare in Co. Kerry. “Green Stone on Lime” is the title which probably means that it is an erratic dating from the last ice age? Is it still there intact, or has the pollution and the increased movement of people toppled what thousands of years could not do?
+++ UPDATE +++
It is still outstanding in its field! And well done, that derangedlemur and that beachcomber australia, for finding this scientific description of our mighty stone wonder in The Irish Naturalist, September 1898, which would have been published around the time this photo was taken: “Carrigacappeen, a very remarkable erratic of Old Red grit, standing on a 6-foot pillar of Carboniferous Limestone, a striking example of denudation by solution since the Glacial Epoch”. We thank you, lemur and beachcomber, our very own "remarkable erratics"!
Photographer: Robert French
Collection: Lawrence Photograph Collection
Date: Circa 1865-1914
NLI Ref: L_ROY_04359
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