
File:Further European Union Enlargement.svg

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català (ca): Ampliació de la Unió Europea
Estats membres de la UE (27).
Estats candidats oficials (9).
Estats candidats potencials (1).
čeština (cs): Budoucí rozšiřování Evropské unie
Členské státy
Bývalé Členské státy
Schválení kandidáti
Potenciální kandidátské země schválené EU, které podaly žádost
Státy, které zmrazily či stáhly svou žádost o členství
Státy, které podepsaly asociační dohodu a maji evropskou perspektivu
Deutsch (de): Maximale Expansion der Europäischen Union
Momentane Mitgliedsstaaten
Ehemalige Mitgliedsstaaten
Potenzielle Beitrittskandidaten, die einen Antrag zur Mitgliedschaft eingereicht haben
Current member states
Former member states
Recognised candidates
Recognised by the EU as potential candidates which have submitted an application
States which have withdrawn their applications and which are members of EFTA
Τρέχοντα κράτη μέλη
Πρώην κράτη μέλη
Αναγνωρισμένοι υποψήφιοι
Αναγνωρίζονται από την ΕΕ ως πιθανές υποψήφιες χώρες που έχουν υποβάλει αίτηση
Κράτη που έχουν παγώσει τις αιτήσεις τους και που είναι μέλη της ΕΖΕΣ
Κράτη που έχουν αποσύρει τις αιτήσεις τους και που είναι μέλη της ΕΖΕΣ
Esperanto (eo): Estontaj aliĝoj al Eŭropunio
Anŝtatoj de Eŭropa unio (27).
Eksaj anoj (1).
Agnoskitaj kandidatoj (9).
Memproklamitaj kandidatoj (1).
Eksaj kandidatoj (3).
español (es): Ampliación de la Unión Europea
Estados miembros de la UE (27).
Antiguos estados miembros (1).
Candidatos reconocidos (9).
Candidatos potenciales que han presentado una solicitud (1).
Estados candidatos que han paralizado/cancelado el proceso (3).
euskara (eu): Europar Batasunaren hedapena
EB-ko estatu-kideak (27).
Estatu kide ohiak (1).
Estatu kidegai ofizialak (5).
Estatu kidegai izatea eskatu duten estatuak (1).
Batasunean sartzeko prozesua gelditu edo utzi duten estatu kidegaiak (3).
Elkarte-hitzarmena sinatu duten estatuak (3).
français (fr): Futur élargissement de l'Union Européenne
Pays membres de l'union européenne
Anciens pays membres
Pays candidats reconnus
Pays candidats déclarés
Pays ayant retiré ou interrompu leurs candidatures membres de l'AELE
hrvatski (hr): Buduća proširenja Europske unije
Trenutne države članice
Službeni kandidati
Države priznate kao potencijalni kandidati koje su podnijele zahtjev za članstvom
magyar (hu): Az Európai Unió jövőbeni bővülése
Jelenlegi tagállamok
Elfogadott tagállam jelöltek
Elfogadott potenciális jelöltek, akik már benyújtották csatlakozási kérelmüket
한국어 (ko): 미래 w:ko:유럽 연합의 확대
현재 회원 국가
전 회원국
공식 확대 후보국
유럽 연합이 인정한 잠재 확대 후보 국가 중 신청서를 제출한 국가
Nederlands (nl): Toekomstige uitbreiding van de Europese Unie
Huidige lidstaten
Erkende kandidaat-lidstaten
Erkend door de EU als mogelijke kandidaat-lidstaat die hiertoe een verzoek heeft ingediend
português (pt): Futuro alargamento da União Europeia.
Estados membros.
Ex-Estados membros.
Candidatos oficiais à adesão na UE.
Candidatos potenciais que apresentaram um pedido de adesão.
Países que optaram por permanecer fora da UE, mas que possuem acordos com o bloco, como o EEE.
Бывшие государства-члены
Официальные кандидаты
Потенциальные кандидаты, подавшие заявку на вступление
Отозвавшие свои заявки кандидаты, которые также являются участниками ЕАСТ
Source Blank map of Europe.svg
Further European Union Enlargement2.png
Potential candidates
Author Blank map of Europe.svg: maix¿?
Further European Union Enlargement2.png: JLogan
Derivative work: JCRules
Other versions


w:en:Creative Commons
attribution share alike
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
You are free:
  • to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work
  • to remix – to adapt the work
Under the following conditions:
  • attribution – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • share alike – If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same or compatible license as the original.


Countries and their status in the EU

Items portrayed in this file


copyright status


copyright license

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported


5 March 2013

media type


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

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current14:32, 18 August 2024Thumbnail for version as of 14:32, 18 August 2024680 × 520 (659 KB)Xolanichanged colors for accessibility and standardization reasons (see my page for more info). circled microstates for accessibility reasons.
08:13, 1 January 2024Thumbnail for version as of 08:13, 1 January 2024680 × 520 (600 KB)Danlaycockrvt again- neither were member states, so it's incorrect to depict them as former member states. they are former parts of current member states.
00:13, 20 December 2023Thumbnail for version as of 00:13, 20 December 2023680 × 520 (629 KB)SenseiACReverted to version as of 19:02, 18 December 2023 (UTC) Algeria became independant. Greeland left while still a part of a member state.
06:33, 19 December 2023Thumbnail for version as of 06:33, 19 December 2023680 × 520 (600 KB)Danlaycockso was algeria, but it was never a "member state" so confusing it make it the same colour as the UK
19:02, 18 December 2023Thumbnail for version as of 19:02, 18 December 2023680 × 520 (629 KB)SenseiACGreenland was part of the EEC and then left, so it is more consistent to have it with same color as post-Brexit UK
23:23, 14 December 2023Thumbnail for version as of 23:23, 14 December 2023680 × 520 (600 KB)SenseiACGeorgia officially candidate
21:16, 27 December 2022Thumbnail for version as of 21:16, 27 December 2022680 × 520 (599 KB)Danlaycockupdate bosnia and kosovo
15:37, 26 June 2022Thumbnail for version as of 15:37, 26 June 2022680 × 520 (599 KB)DanlaycockArmenia/Azerbaijan border seems to got distorted
13:30, 24 June 2022Thumbnail for version as of 13:30, 24 June 2022680 × 520 (652 KB)SenseiACIceland is not just frozen (2013-06-13) but withdrawn (2015-03-12)
18:45, 23 June 2022Thumbnail for version as of 18:45, 23 June 2022680 × 520 (647 KB)EricLewanUkraine and Moldova got candidate statuses
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