
Central Weather Administration seismic intensity scale

The Central Weather Administration seismic intensity scale (Chinese: 交通部中央氣象署地震震度分級, CWASIS) is a seismic intensity scale used in Taiwan. It was established by the Central Weather Administration.

Scale overview

Seismic Intensity Scale[1][2][3]
Intensity Level
Strong Ground Acceleration
Ground Speed
What People Feel Effects Indoors Effects Outdoors
0 Undetectable
below 0.8 gal Imperceptible to humans
1 Slight
0.8-2.5 gal People may feel slight shaking when motionless
2 Weak
2.5-8.0 gal Most people will feel shaking, and some sleepers may wake up Light shaking of dangling objects such as lamps Stationary vehicles shake slightly, similar to when a truck passes by, but only for a short time
3 Light
8.0-25 gal Almost everyone will feel shaking, and some may experience fear Houses shake; bowls, plates, doors, windows etc. make noise; dangling objects swing Stationary vehicles shake visibly; power lines sway slightly
4 Moderate
25-80 gal less than 15 cm/s Will cause a considerable degree of fear; some people will look for shelter, and almost all sleepers will wake up Houses shake violently; objects tumble; heavy furniture moves; slight damage may occur Vehicle drivers feel slight shaking; power lines sway visibly; pedestrians also feel shaking
5 5 Lower Strong
80 gal and above 15–30 cm/s Most people are frightened and panic Some walls crack; heavy furniture may be overturned Vehicle drivers feel obvious shaking; some signboards and chimneys fall or collapse
5 Upper 30–50 cm/s Almost everyone is frightened and panics, and has difficulty walking Large quantities of unsecured items tumble and fall; furniture moves or is overturned; some doors and windows become twisted; some walls crack; a small number of houses with poor seismic resistance may be damaged or collapse Wall tiles fall from some buildings; rockfalls occur in mountainous areas; liquefaction may occur in soft soil; utilities and/or communications may be interrupted in some areas; a small number of brick walls with poor seismic resistance may be damaged or collapse
6 6 Lower Violent
50–80 cm/s Violent shaking makes it difficult to remain standing Some buildings are damaged; heavy furniture is overturned; doors and windows twist Drivers have difficulty driving; soil liquefaction is seen
6 Upper 80–140 cm/s Violent shaking makes it almost impossible to stand Lots of furniture moves violently or is overturned; doors and windows become twisted; some houses with poor seismic resistance may be damaged or collapse, and even houses with better seismic resistance may also be damaged Some ground surfaces crack; landslides may occur in mountainous areas; liquefaction occurs in soft soil; utilities and/or communications may be interrupted on a large scale
7 Extreme
140 cm/s and above Violent shaking make voluntary action impossible Some buildings are seriously damaged or collapse; almost all furniture moves a long distance or tumbles Landslides occur and fissures appear; railroad tracks are twisted; underground pipelines are damaged
