
BBCH-scale (grape)

In biology, the BBCH-scale for grapes describes the phenological development of grapes using the BBCH-scale.

The phenological growth stages and BBCH-identification keys of grapes are:

Growth stage Code Description
0: Sprouting/Bud development
00 Dormancy: winter buds pointed to rounded, light or dark brown according to cultivar; bud scales more or less closed according to cultivar
01 Beginning of bud swelling: buds begin to expand inside the bud scales
03 End of bud swelling: buds swollen, but not green
05 “Wool stage”: brown wool clearly visible
07 Beginning of bud burst: green shoot tips just visible
09 Bud burst: green shoot tips clearly visible
1: Leaf development 11 First leaf unfolded and spread away from shoot
12 2nd leaves unfolded
13 3rd leaves unfolded
1 . Stages continuous till ...
19 9 or more leaves unfolded
5: Inflorescence emerge 53 Inflorescences clearly visible
55 Inflorescences swelling, flowers closely pressed together
57 Inflorescences fully developed; flowers separating
6: Flowering 60 First flowerhoods detached from the receptacle
61 Beginning of flowering: 10% of flowerhoods fallen
62 20% of flowerhoods fallen
63 Early flowering: 30% of flowerhoods fallen
64 40% of flowerhoods fallen
65 Full flowering: 50% of flowerhoods fallen
66 60% of flowerhoods fallen
67 70% of flowerhoods fallen
68 80% of flowerhoods fallen
69 End of flowering
7: Development of fruits 71 Fruit set: young fruits begin to swell, remains of flowers lost
73 Berries groat-sized, bunches begin to hang
75 Berries pea-sized, bunches hang
77 Berries beginning to touch
79 Majority of berries touching
8: Ripening of berries 81 Beginning of ripening: berries begin to develop variety-specific colour
83 Berries developing colour
85 Softening of berries
89 Berries ripe for harvest
9: Senescence 91 After harvest; end of wood maturation
92 Beginning of leaf discolouration
93 Beginning of leaf-fall
95 50% of leaves fallen
97 End of leaf-fall
99 Harvested product

See also


  • Lorenz, D.H.; K.W. Eichhorn; H. Bleiholder; R. Klose; U. Meier; E. Weber (1994). "Phänologische Entwicklungsstadien der Weinrebe (Vitis vinifera L. ssp. vinifera)". Vitic. Enol. Sci. 49: 66–70.