
2021 Rzeszów mayoral election

2021 Rzeszów Presidential Election

← 2018 13 June 2021 (2021-06-13) 2023 →
Konrad Fijołek (2022) (cropped).jpg
Ewa Leniart Sejm 2019.jpg
Marcin Warchoł (2017) (cropped).JPG
Candidate Konrad Fijołek Ewa Leniart Marcin Warchoł
Party Rozwój Rzeszowa 2.0 (supported by KO, PL2050, PSL, Lewica) Wspólny Dom Rzeszów (supported by PiS) Dla Rzeszowa (supported by SP, PJG, K15, Tadeusz Ferenc)
Percentage 56.51% 23.62% 10.72%
Popular Vote 45,059 18,831 8,546

Grzegorz Braun Sejm 2019.jpg
Candidate Grzegorz Braun
Party Confederation
Percentage 9.15%
Popular Vote 7,296

President before election

Marek Bajdak

Elected President

Konrad Fijołek
Rozwój Rzeszowa 2.0

The 2021 Rzeszów Presidential Elections – were announced after the incumbent President Tadeusz Ferenc resigned, which happened on 10 February 2021.[1] The election commissioner in Rzeszów, through a decision on 17 February 2021, declared the mandate of the city's president to expire.[2]

On 14 March 2021, the Polish Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, ordered that the election take place on 9 May.[3] The Election date has been moved to 13 June 2021.

Electoral committees

According to the election calendar, until 30 March 2021, the election commissioner will receive notices about the establishment of electoral committees intending to nominate candidates for the mayor of the city.

The following committees have been registered:[4]

  • KWW Ewy Leniart Wspólny Dom Rzeszów
    KWW Ewa Leniart Shared Home Rzeszów
  • KWW Grzegorz Braun – Konfederacja
  • KWW Konrada Fijołka „Rozwój Rzeszowa 2.0”
    Konrad Fijołek's KWW "Development of Rzeszów 2.0"
  • KWW Rzeszów Przyszłości
    KWW Rzeszów of the Future
  • KW Marcin Warchoł Tadeusz Ferenc – Dla Rzeszowa
    KW Marcin Warchoł Tadeusz Ferenc - For Rzeszów
  • KWW Waldemar Kotula – Porozumienie dla Rzeszowa
    KWW Waldemar Kotula - Agreement for Rzeszów
  • KW Polska 2050
    KW Poland 2050
  • KW Hejt Stop
    KW Stop Hate
  • KWW Kazimierza Rocheckiego „Z-C-Z Rzeszów”
  • KWW Trybuna Miasta Rzeszowa
    KWW Tribune of the City of Rzeszów
  • KWW Artura Głowackiego
  • KW Normalny Kraj
    KW Normal Country
  • KWW Dobry Wybór dla Rzeszowa
    KWW Good Choice for Rzeszów


According to the election calendar, until 16 April 2021, the city election commission will be accepting applications for the President of the city. Each committee will be able to register one candidate.

On the day of Tadeusz Ferenc's resignation, Marcin Warchoł, Deputy Minister of Justice from United Poland, announced his run in the elections, who received the support of the outgoing president.[5]

On 22 February 2021, the local branches of the Polish People's Party announced the run of the president of one of the Rzeszów housing cooperatives, Edward Słupek.[6]

On 23 February 2021, Jarosław Gowin's Agreement announced that they would run for the elections.[7] The party's candidate was city councilor Waldemar Kotula, who won in the party primaries in March 2021 with the second candidate, vice-president of the Polish Tourist Organization, Arkadiusz Opoń.[8]

On 4 March 2021, Confederation announced that its candidate would be MP Grzegorz Braun,[9] who in 2019 ran unsuccessfully in the early elections for the president of Gdańsk.

On 10 March 2021, Law and Justice recommended the candidacy of Ewa Leniart, the voivode of the Subcarpathian Voivodeship[10]

On 15 March 2021, Konrad Fijołek, the deputy chairman of the City Council in Rzeszów and the head of the Rzeszów development club, officially presented his candidacy in the elections. He will run from his own election committee, with the support of the Civic Coalition, the Polish People's Party, the Left and Poland 2050[11]

Waldemar Kotula dropped out from the election and endorsed Marcin Warchoł, United Poland's candidate and Ferenc's picked successor.


The election was won in the first round by the United opposition candidate Konrad Fijołek, a former councillor from Tadeusz Ferenc’s Electoral Committee. In second place came Ewa Leniart, the Law and Justice candidate and Voivode of the Subcarpathian Voivodship.

Konrad Fijołek [pl]Independent (with KO, PL2050, The Left, PSL support)45,05956.51
Ewa LeniartLaw and Justice18,83123.62
Marcin WarchołIndependent (with SP, P, K15 support)8,54610.72
Grzegorz BraunConfederation7,2969.15


  1. ^ "Tadeusz Ferenca resigns as President of Rzeszów". samorzad.pap.pl (in Polish). Serwis Samrzad PAP. 10 February 2021.
  2. ^ "President Ferenca's Mandate is expired". radio.rzeszow.pl (in Polish). Radio Rzeszów. 17 February 2021.
  3. ^ "There is an election date for the president of Rzeszów. Prime Minister's Order". www.onet.pl (in Polish). Onet.pl. 13 March 2021.
  4. ^ "National Electoral Commission". pkw.gov.pl (in Polish). National Electoral Commission. 12 April 2021.
  5. ^ "The president of Rzeszów resigned. Will Marcin Warchoł replace him?". gazetaprawna.pl (in Polish). Gazeta Prawna. 11 February 2021.
  6. ^ "Edward Słupek is the PSL candidate for president of Rzeszów". www.biznesistyl.pl (in Polish). BIZNESiSTYL. 22 February 2021.
  7. ^ "Elections in Rzeszów. Agreement presented its candidates". wiadomosci.onet.pl (in Polish). Onet.pl. 23 February 2021.
  8. ^ "Waldemar Kotula is a candidate of Agreement for the president of Rzeszów. He is a PiS councilor". wiadomosci.gazeta.pl (in Polish). Gazeta.pl. 22 March 2021.
  9. ^ "Grzegorz Braun will be a candidate for the president of Rzeszów". www.polsatnews.pl (in Polish). Polsat News. 4 March 2021.
  10. ^ "Ewa Leniart is a candidate for the presidency of Rzeszów. She has the support of PiS". www.polsatnews.pl (in Polish). Polsat News. 10 March 2021.
  11. ^ "Konrad Fijołek will run in the elections for the president of Rzeszów. Who is the candidate?". wiadomosci.onet.pl (in Polish). Onet.pl. 15 March 2021.