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Manado Malay

Manado Malay
Bahasa Manado
Native toIndonesia
RegionNorth Sulawesi
Native speakers
850,000 (2001)[1]
Malay Creole
  • Eastern Indonesia Malay
    • Manadoic Malay
      • Manado Malay
  • Coastal Malay (Borgo)
  • Mountain Malay
  • Town Malay
Language codes
ISO 639-3xmm

Manado Malay, or simply the Manado language, is a creole language spoken in Manado, the capital of North Sulawesi province in Indonesia, and the surrounding area. The local name of the language is bahasa Manado, and the name Minahasa Malay is also used,[2] after the main ethnic group speaking the language. Since Manado Malay is used primarily for spoken communication, there is no standard orthography.

Manado Malay differs from standard Malay in having numerous Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish, and Ternate loan words, as well as having traits such as its use of kita as a first person singular pronoun, rather than as a first person inclusive plural pronoun. It is derived from North Moluccan Malay (Ternate Malay), which can be evidenced by the number of Ternate loanwords in its lexicon.[3] For example, the pronouns ngana ('you', singular) and ngoni ('you', plural) are of Ternate–Tidore origin.[4] Manado Malay has been displacing the indigenous languages of the area.[5]



The vowel system of Manado Malay consists of five vowel phonemes.[6]

Manado Malay vowels
Front Central Back
High i u
Mid e o
Low a


Manado Malay has nineteen consonants and two semivowels.[7]

North Moluccan Malay consonants
Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n ɲ ŋ
Plosive p b t d c ɟ k ɡ ʔ
Fricative f v s h
Lateral l
Trill r
Semivowel w j


Most words in Manado Malay have stress on the pre-final syllable:

kadera 'chair'
stenga 'half'
doi 'money'

However, there are also many words with final stress:

butúl 'right, correct, true'
tolór 'egg; testicle'
capát 'fast'




Pronoun Standard Indonesian Manado Malay
First singular aku kita
First plural kami/kita torang
Second singular kamu ngana
Second plural kalian ngoni
Third singular dia dia
Third plural mereka dorang


Possessives are built by adding pe to the personal pronoun or name or noun, then followed by the 'possessed' noun. Thus pe has the function similar to English "'s" as in "the doctor's uniform".

English Manado Malay
My friend kita pe tamáng / ta pe tamáng
Your (sing.) friend ngana pe tamáng / nga pe tamáng
His/her book dia pe buku / de pe buku
This book is yours (pl.) ini ngana pe buku

Interrogative words

The following are the interrogative words or "w-words" in Manado Malay:

English Manado Malay
why kyapa, bakyapa
where (di) mana
who sapa
which one(s) tu mana, yang mana

Grammatical aspect

Ada ('to be') can be used in Manado Malay to indicate the perfective aspect, e.g.:

  • Dorang ada turung pigi Wenang = 'They already went down to Wenang'
  • Torang so makang = 'We ate already' or 'We have eaten already'

Nasal final

The final nasals /m/ and /n/ in Indonesian are replaced by the "-ng" group in Manado Malay, similar with Terengganu dialect of Malaysia (as well as other languages in Sulawesi such as Buginese and Makassarese), e.g.:

  • makang (Indonesian makan) = 'to eat',
  • jalang (Indonesian jalan) = 'to walk',
  • sirang (Indonesian siram) = 'to shower', etc.


"ba-" prefix

The ber- prefix in Indonesian, which serves a function similar to the English -ing, is modified into ba- in Manado Malay. E.g.: bajalang (berjalan, 'walking'), batobo (berenang, 'swimming'), batolor (bertelur, 'laying eggs')

"ma(°)-" prefix

° = ng, n, or m depending on phonological context.

The me(°)- prefix in standard Indonesian, which also serves a function to make a verb active, is modified into ma(°)- in Manado Malay. E.g.: mangael (mengail, 'hooking fish'), manari (menari, 'dancing'), mancari (mencari, 'searching'), mamasa (memasak, 'cooking'), manangis (menangis, 'crying').



Due to the historical presence of the Dutch and the Portuguese in eastern Indonesia, several Manado Malay words originate from their languages. However, there is little influence from the local Minahasan languages, and borrowings from Spanish are not very prominent either – in spite of the historical Spanish dominance – suggesting that Manado Malay was transplanted from outside the Minahasa region.[8] On the other hand, Portuguese influence is comparatively significant,[8] considering that the Portuguese presence in the area was relatively limited.[9] There is also some influence of loanwords from another Austronesian language group called Gorontalo–Mongondow languages. There is also a layer of loanwords from the non-Austronesian language of Ternate, which was controlled by the Portuguese in the period 1512–1655.[8]

Standard Indonesian Manado Malay loanword Source language Source word English
topi capeo Portuguese chapéu cap, hat
bosan fastiu, pastiu Portuguese fastio bored
untuk for, por Dutch voor for
garpu fork, forok Dutch vork fork
tenggorokan gargantang Portuguese garganta throat
kursi kadera Portuguese cadeira chair
bendera bandera Portuguese bandeira flag
saputangan lenso Portuguese lenço handkerchief
tapi mar Dutch maar but
jagung milu Portuguese milho corn, maize
sudah klar Dutch klaar finished
paman om Dutch oom uncle
nenek oma Dutch oma grandmother
kakek opa Dutch opa grandfather
teduh (ba)sombar Portuguese sombra shade
keringat suar Portuguese suar sweat
bibi tante Dutch tante aunt
dahi testa Portuguese testa forehead, temple
penyu tuturuga, tuturaga Portuguese tartaruga turtle
sepatu chapatu, sapatu, spatu Portuguese sapato shoe(s)
kebun kintál Portuguese quintal (agricultural) field or garden

Indonesian loanwords from Manado Malay

Several words in Manado Malay are loaned to standard Indonesian:

  • baku (which indicates reciprocality) e.g.: baku hantam ('to punch each other'), baku ajar ('to hit each other'), Originally a loanword from Ternate, it has spread through Manado Malay into other regions of Indonesia.[10]


Examples :

  • Kita or ta = I
  • Ngana or na = you
  • Torang or tong = we
  • Dorang or dong = they
  • Io = yes
  • Nyanda’ or Nda = no (' = glottal stop)

Sentences :

  • Kita/ta pe mama da pi ka pasar : My mother went to the market
  • Nyanda’/Nda’ makang Ngana dari kalamareng. : You haven't eaten since yesterday.
  • Jang badusta ngana pa kita! : Don't lie to me!
  • Pasti torang/tong bisa! : We can surely it.


  1. ^ Manado Malay at Ethnologue (18th ed., 2015) (subscription required)
  2. ^ Stoel 2007, p. 117.
  3. ^ Allen & Hayami-Allen 2002, p. 21.
  4. ^ Bowden 2005, p. 137.
  5. ^ Henley 1996, p. 86.
  6. ^ Warouw 1985, p. viii.
  7. ^ Warouw 1985, p. ix.
  8. ^ a b c Prentice 1994, p. 412.
  9. ^ Schouten 1998, p. 39–40.
  10. ^ Prentice 1994, p. 432.

Works cited

