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this map is inaccurate compared to the “Bonanza” map illustration offered at each airing of the tv series. With descendants living nearby and in the surrounding areas and States; we Cartwrights claim our heritage. Our ancestors migrated into the area receiving Spanish Land Grants for establishing commerce and revenue generating land, timber, cattle and mining companies.
BeskrivningMap of Ponderosa Ranch.PNG
English: Approximate location of the Ponderosa Ranch from the TV series Bonanza. The map is oriented with North at the top, instead of East as in the version associated with the TV show. The cities of Reno, NV, Carson City, NV and Virginia City , NV are located correctly instead of placing them in positions dictated by artistry and not where they really are. As a result, the boundary of the fictional Ponderosa has been squeezed to place the Ponderosa more or less in equivalent positions with respect to these cities and to Washoe Lake, which would be impossible with the original cartoon of the ranch boundary shown in the TV logo.
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