Langbahn Team – Weltmeisterschaft


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Rozmieszczenie miast bez kolei na mapie kraju
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Kaczawa, [w:] Elektroniczny słownik hydronimów Polski, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN.

Smyru/brudnopis, [w:] Elektroniczny słownik hydronimów Polski, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN.

Source editor copy/paste is unpredictable with disabled clipboard events

List of steps to reproduce

  • open `about:config` in Firefox, search for `dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled` and turn it off
  • open an article in Wikipedia
  • edit the article in the source editor
  • select the whole article content (ie. Ctrl+A) and copy to clipboard
  • open local text editor app (gedit, mousepad, leafpad etc.), paste the copied content
  • select all of the pasted content and copy it again – without any modification
  • go back to Firefox
  • select textarea content and paste from clipboard replacing the selected content
  • preview the article

What happens?

1. The article source code pasted into a text editor has duplicated line endings. 2. Copying the unmodified article source in locally running Xorg application and pasting back into Wikipedia source editor in Firefox will produce a broken article.

See an initial edit written fully in a text editor and later pasted and saved without previewing:

What should have happened instead?

A properly formatted article when copied and pasted back with no modification into the source editor should not loose quality.

Software version (if not a Wikimedia wiki), browser information, screenshots, other information, etc

This was reproduced against Polish Wikipedia in an Xwindow env with xorg-server-1.20.13 and firefox-94.0.2.