Title: Astronaut Gerald Carr during spacesuit pressure and fit checks at KSC
Description: Astronaut Gerald P. Carr, commander of the Skylab 4 mission, undergoes spacesuit pressure and fit checks at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Florida. This shoulder and head shot of Carr was taken a few days before the scheduled Skylab 4 launch.
ID: S73-36908
Title: Astronaut Gerald Carr during spacesuit pressure and fit checks at KSC
Description: Astronaut Gerald P. Carr, commander of the Skylab 4 mission, undergoes spacesuit pressure and fit checks at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Florida. This shoulder and head shot of Carr was taken a few days before the scheduled Skylab 4 launch.
ID: S73-36908
Title: Astronaut Gerald Carr during spacesuit pressure and fit checks at KSC
Description: Astronaut Gerald P. Carr, commander of the Skylab 4 mission, undergoes spacesuit pressure and fit checks at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Florida. This shoulder and head shot of Carr was taken a few days before the scheduled Skylab 4 launch.
ID: S73-36908
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Gerald Carr
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obszar jurysdykcji: Stany Zjednoczone
metoda określenia: utwór Rządu Federalnego Stanów Zjednoczonych
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11.08.1973 Title: Astronaut Gerald Carr during spacesuit pressure and fit checks at KSC Description: Astronaut Gerald P. Carr, commander of the Skylab 4 mission, undergoes spacesuit pressure and fit checks at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Florida. T