This has caught my eye on @Volgabulgari's talk page: That's why you blocked my and my friend's account[9]. An odd thing to say when as of now, @Volgabulgari's block log is clean. –Austronesier (talk) 20:51, 26 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Well I initially thought they were the same account, but I think he should learn from his mistake and not calling friends for help. I don't think he should be permablocked. Beshogur (talk) 08:39, 27 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Can you compare each individual you suspect I am and comparemy edits with theirs? Unfortunately, I double edited some of the contents because you reverted them but I believe there can't be significant similarity, you people suspecting Hunnic-related contents, but I'm not only editing Hunnic-related contents. Akatziri (talk) 15:22, 3 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Most of my contributions consist of copy-pasted edits from the Chuvash page. I did not personally create or write them. If these are considered sock edits, why are they allowed to remain on pages? I'm curious, as the Hunno-Bulgar section was also copied from the Hunnic page. Is the editor who added it here also banned? Or is the editor who added these edits on the Chuvash page also banned? Why am I being suspected for copy-pasting? I have over 170+ edits, and I have done this in everywhere. Akatziri (talk) 15:31, 3 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Because majority of your 170 edits looks similar to Kamista / Volgabulgari (I guess two different persons related to eachother. Once Volgabulgari called him "my friend"), and your style of writing, and your starting to edit 2 days after Volgabulgari's request was declined. It is obvious. Beshogur (talk) 16:18, 3 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
He associated me user @Chuvash studies not with those two. I created my other accounts few weeks later of joining Wikipedia actually. the Check user here detected my other accounts easily. If I was truly related to them as you claim, couldn't a Checkuser have found me as well when I joined Wikipedia just two days later? or investigations are necessary for this? I'm wondering how he found my other accounts but he cannot compare my account with those multiple accounts. Can you send me the proof of user Volgabulgari's decline please. I will check.
So if I'm right, I'm suspicious because I may related to these three different people, or one people who related to these three accounts. I believe what is important is their IP/MAC address; what they say is irrelevant. I want to see IP logs. Are there more people than three @Beshogur? Don't think none of them have exact same edit topics with me.
I don't agree with you about relation. My 170+ edits were mostly unrelated things: war strategy, WW2 and Hunnic-related contents. Hunnic related contents are related to each other at some point but I don't only edit about them. Please reconsider your claims. I only did copy paste edits in Hunnic-related contents. I'm not the one who added these in Hunnic page. Was one of these three banned accounts who added the term 'Hunno-Bulgar' into the Hun page? If it is, then I will start thinking that you are telling lies about your claims. The possibility of that being true cannot even be remotely close.Akatziri (talk) 16:49, 3 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
@Kansas Bear: his writing style is more similar to Karak1lc1k (talk· contribs). i don't think they're the same persons, but we know the relation between Karak1lc1k and Volgabulgari. They were frequently editing the same pages. [10]. I also compared Volgabulgari, Chuvash Studies, Karak1lc1k, Akatziri[11], found that he did exact same edits with Chuvash Studies one +714 and another +24.[12]. He actually restored Chuvash Studies' edits twice, not once. Chuvash Studies also likes to uses italic and bold text. This should be enough evidence. See User talk:Chuvash Studies. @Dreamy Jazz:. It's clear as the sky. We shouldn't buy his IP nonsense. Everyone can use a VPN or change location for editing. Beshogur (talk) 16:06, 4 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Also please don't forget that Akatziri is another tribal name associated with Huns, Oghurs. We know these socks are named after those, and Karak1lc1k is obsessed with this stuff as well. Beshogur (talk) 16:08, 4 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Beshogur is also Ogur tribal name. Are you associated with those four people? Your contents are similiar too. I'm sorry but your evidences are worse than a fragile. You're not even sure about accusing me of which one of these people. If it is proven that I am not who you suspect (which you are not even sure who you are accusing me), only thing left from this investigation would a bunch of personal attacks and angry comments reflecting your character. Akatziri (talk) 19:25, 4 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Hello, Karak1lc1k here. Dear Wikipedians, I have no idea why and how you guys are this delusional, and I'm really, really sorry for you guys, especially that bot-like Beş-Oğur who acts like a Turk, but probably not since we are familiar with Wikipedia's policy against the Turks who are expertised on their own history. Whatever you do, whatever the huge amount of historian Turks you banned on your Twitter-like platform, Turkic peoples around the world learn their history this way and your hard agenda-pushing will never affect and never alter the way we are learning our history. We will never submit ourselves to the Western-centered, Europhile historiography, even if Atatürk introduced and supported this idea which is one of Kemal's countless ill-minded actions. Westophiles or Europhiles such as Beş-Oğur, are one of the inferiority-complexed chippy generations (against the West) made by Atatürk. I can count VolgaBulgari for being a member of this mindset aswell since he for a long time also tries to be a good boy for you while being not even aware that admins see the IPs he got on various accounts easily, he desperately, stubbornly, still tries to be a good boy even if he saw your biased, agenda-pushing, hypocrite way of behavior, even if he knows that all of you guys here have serious twisted mental problems, considering the way you approach issues, it is really really disturbing, jawdropping, disgusting, sad, really, ones like Kansaso already do their despicable job but what I'm really sad is, seeing Kemalist Turks like Beş-Oğur selling their soul to pro-West agenda which ultimately targets Turkic identity with historical revisionism. I don't care what this red-legged Kansas-Opossum says about me since he constantly referencing to my edits made around 2013, 2014, 2015 while I was 14-17 years old.
But you, Beş-Oğur, my pal, Wikipedia's loyal servant that strictly obeys to the pathetic pro-Western agenda pushing on especially Turkic areas, I think you're doing really good for them as a good boy, be proud, you do your job quite good. Interesting, you have a Oğur mention in your nickname aswell, are you also obsessed with Oğurs, Huns, Göktürks etc bro? Since you also referred to the Göktürk inscriptions with big puntos on your profile as the first lines that welcomes us when we visit your Wikipedia page. Keep up the good work for them, dear, so-called "Turk", good job, I read how you were closely patrolled and nearly in custody by Kansaso-Opossumo and you were too submitted, miserably try to show "look I'm a good boy, we needed to fix ourselves on your platform according to pro-Western propaganda!", so sad, really. No Turk on Wikipedia approves of your acts, you know this very well too, since we really think that you're an unoccupied guy who miserably wastes an enormous amount of precious time on such Twitter-like sites.
So, my nickname is Kara-Oğur. "Obsession", not a thing to be confused with the interest of study on a specific area. According to this lamebrained point of view, a moronic understanding, scholars who are experts and specialized on subjects, like for example Rasonyi, Pritsak or ancient ones like Priscus are also "oBsEsSed" with the branch, study, area that they are going deep.
I will make this short, I am from Tokmanaklı village of Bolgar Mountains, I am a Yörük who now lives in a city while continuing on the Yayla (resort) culture, going on vacations in my mountainous yaylak areas. Around Bolgar Mountains, only we Varsaks live. I'm not an obscure man to hide myself, you can find me on Instagram, Facebook etc just type "Karaus" and search, you can reach my personal details, okay? So you can see what I mean here: As I mentioned in my Wikipedia user page ( User:Karak1lc1k ), I am interested in with my family history. When we read researches made by scholars on Varsaks, we reach such results like in the user page of mine on Wikipedia, so are we okay here aswell? So a tribal guy who likes to be in the wild, in the mountains, in the yaylas, who loves his family, his own village, which is the most normal thing in the world, would love to research everything about the region, the names, the family. But I know, sadly for you robotised non-earth dwellers who live only on online platforms killing your time with such deppressing vague actions, safe to say "aliens", or the individuals who have serious sociological and mental health problems, these are not normal, am I right? Really, really sad. I sadly say, "I see, you are a culture of man, as well" :)
Take good care VolgaBulgari, dont struggle too much while these problematic guys preserve every inch of info about your main account or side-accounts known as "sockpuppets" on this Twitter-like platform. Dont try to be a good boy for them, you're going on the same way the Oğur oBsEsSeD Beş-Oğur (Beshoghur) who is in charge of Turkic history as an omniscient ordinarius proffessor of Turkic history, since he is a Westophile obeying to Eurocentric agenda-pushing by Wikipedia itself, the degree also already given by the barons of Wikipedia, probably loyal and linked to either Soros family or his capitalist/imperialist, globalist friends. Wikipedia is owned by the ones who fund it, and the ones like this Hun-Oghur obsessed Beşoğur, are just little pawns of this twisted, mentally ill platform. (Türk demeye bin şahit ister, tam buradan beyan etmek isterim ki yetkili mercilere kanıtlarıyla birlikte seni araştırmaları için bildirimlerde bulunacağımı bildiririm, benim fikrimce yetkili merciler zaten seni vatandaşlıktan çıkarma gibi değişik birtakım sonuçlara ulaşacaktır, sevgili, tasmalı, hain, Beşoğur, teröristlerden bir farkın yok) This is my last comment on this Twitter-like globalist Eurocentric platform. Bye. (talk) 12:33, 5 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
You really are @Karak1lc1k? I wasn't actually expecting you to notice our pings. Apparently, you were banned in February. Still, there are already many people here, mostly friends of user Beshogur, like Kansar Bear. If you can confirm that you are actual Karak1lc1k to the admins by checking your IP logs or MAC addresses, could you also confirm that you are not VolgaBulgari? Beshogur associated my accounts with multiple people.
If you know them, please invite them here and let them prove their identities through their IP/MAC. If you can only reach one of them, it would fine. Beshogur said he suspecting if these are multiple people but we have no reason to trust this. Admins can compare their/his IP/MAC with the information from the pre-sock era to verify if it's really him.
If they find out it's them/him, I'll probably be free to go, unless Beshogur associates me with another sixth person. Could you please share your email address with me if possible? I'd like to know why you were banned and what this Beshogur thing is all about. You both seem wild. I'm assuming your ban has something to do with Beshogur. I can confidently say that this IP user wasn't me. Check User Dreamy Jizz can compare our geolocation. This is getting insane.
I kindly request admins to join this conversation. If this invesgiation continues for another week, there will be 20 different users in this room, and Beshogur may falsely associate me with 50other people. ("if they all are not the same person") Akatziri (talk) 18:24, 5 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
@Dreamy Jazz I'm sorry. I thought Kansas Bear was referring to my edit that added the "History of Chuvasia" template. That's why I mentioned that these are not the same. I apologize for any confusion caused. Later, I mentioned that I just copied and pasted many things from both Hun and Chuvash pages. Not written by me. It seems like there are several users such as Chuvash Studies, VolgaBulgari, Kamista, and now user KaraK1l1k these are people you associate me with. However, I want to clarify that I am none of these users. You are saying hiding IP adress but I was also mentioned about my MAC address. I wouldn't use different internet connections or devices for "sockpuppeting" on Wikipedia.
Is there a way for me to contact these users? How can I prove that I am not one of them? What kind of evidence you need. Please tell me. I will give it to you. It seems like you are considering banning me based solely on these copy-paste edits. You are making assumptions without any substantial evidence. Please reconsider this. What does using italic and bold formatting have to do with it? Do you think I was a sockpuppet who tries to hide themselve, why would I still use?
You are saying I could hide my IP-internet, even my MAC adress but I would still use same writing-style? Comes to think of it, you are accepting that my writing style rather similiar to user @Karak1lc1k rather than these three people. Then why do you guys associated my writing-style with these three people few days ago?
Are you suggesting that's the reason why I am associated with @@Karak1lc1k? Based on my nickname and writing-style? But I couldn't find anything similiar with him and me except Bulgar page. Please take a look at his talk page. He was banned in February. My account has no relation to him or these three. I don't even understand if those four are related people or one people who use four accounts. I urge you to compare my activities with @Karak1lc1k thoroughly.
I also hope that the users who added these edits to the Chuvash and Hun pages have been banned as well because I can confirm that it wasn't me who added these. I highly doubt that these banned users were responsible for those edits. What are the chances? It seems like you're acting like it is kind of purge rather than an investigation.. Akatziri (talk) 19:15, 4 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
I would be very pissed about your emoji but I can understand your situation. I have no enemies. And I don't think I'm the right person you're looking for. Dreamy Jizz or admins probably investigating my location and my IP-MAC adresses, when it will done I will forgive you for these hateful things. Akatziri (talk) 21:14, 4 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
These are not even the same edits! Are you trying to say that these added edits are considered the same according to the Sock puppet account page? What is deception in my edits also? I just read the page. I added the 'History of Chuvashia' template in Chuvashia, I'm also maker of this template. I also did many improvments to History of Turkic peoples template. I insterested in Hunnic peoples as I'm saying in my user page and I'm doing edits to whoever they may related.
I had created this template a while ago for the Bulgar page. Later, I deleted it because user Ermenrich pointed out that the origin of the Huns is a subject of clear dispute on the Hun talk page. That's why I deleted the template. (please see) Yes, I was the one who added the template. Are you going to ban me due to the editing same page with another user? How many people are you associating me? I thought I'm here for copy pasting a paragraph from Hunnic page. When IP/MAC investigations.done, you'll feel shame for these hateful actions.
You made fun of me and deleted every edit I made with using the nerd emoji. Additionally, you associated me with another banned user simply because we both edited the same page. It's hilarious. I'm waiting for someone else to pop up and claim that another banned user edited the WW2-related and war strategy pages like me, and you will associate them with me. Do they also use bold and italics? I apologize for causing huge suspicion in your account. Akatziri (talk) 15:17, 3 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
I have already said nearly ten times that the text I copied and pasted belongs to the Chuvash and Hun pages. I have asked multiple times if the users who added this content are the same sockpuppet, but I have not received any replies from you nor your friend. Please stop your personal attacks with weird emojis. If you're not seriouslyasking or investigating me, why are you reporting me for "possiblesockpuppet" with possible "multiple people"?
According to your account, my writing style is similar, which is why I am being associated with Karak1l1c. I'm related to VolgaBulgari because I copy pasted a paragraph from the Hun page to the Onogurs page, but I haven't seen any evidence that VolgaBulgari wrote this paragraph or has any connection to it on the Hun page (I have asked about this multiple times).
I am associated with Chuvash Studies because my copied paragraph was previously used by him. The paragraph you find suspicious is actually written in the Chuvash page itself, and I simply copied and pastedit, as I have done with various other things. You are even associating me other people based on my usage of bold and italic.
You have a lots of free time and prejustice against me apparently. When I was just joined Wikipedia, you were reported me photograph for possible copyright violation. You had no evidence during that time too, but still you did it. Now, you are associating me with multiple people with fringe connections. Are you trying to be a dictator for Turkic-related contents? Will you always revert edits of wiki users who edit Turkic peoples and report everything about them. You could just ask me for the photograph.
It is obvious that you have personal problems with them. I can see your bloody conflict, but it's not my case. I wonder if you did this to other people. Please keep these cringe emojis to yourself. Goodbye until you come up with something serious. Have a nice day. Akatziri (talk) 21:00, 4 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
What should I say in this place? Am I going to be banned for similiar edit style with a banned user? Can you please compare your IP addresses, MAC addresses and locations even. Can I see it? Akatziri (talk) 16:17, 2 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
@Dreamy Jazz I'm not very active on Wikipedia, I only look 30 minutes daily. I joined just a few weeks ago. , I don't fully understand the hellhole I've been dragged into by the user Beshogur. Since I joined Wikipedia, Beshogur has been consistently reverting my edits and reporting my photograph for possible copyright violation, all without providing any prior warning. I suspect that he is a Turkish moderator being overly cautious. Despite his rude behavior I don't solely blame him. However, if my account is blocked by Wikipedia without any substantial evidence, I will blame you. I will explain what happened to me in Reddit and other communities, expose this unjustice. As a user I want to me see my IP logs, and want to compare with these banned users. What a corrupt community. I'm almost gonna ban for a similiar edit with a banned user. What's our connection? Same country? Akatziri (talk) 16:45, 2 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
@Akatziri, no determination on whether you would be blocked from editing has been made yet. My involvement in this case so far was to gather evidence used in determining whether you are related to these banned users. A determination will be made that will take into account my comment as well as a comparison of your editing to the blocked accounts here.I cannot detail the IPs used by you or other accounts to protect your privacy as well as the privacy of the other accounts.I cannot see MAC addresses. The location data comes from the geolocation assigned to IP addresses.On a separate note, @Beshogur can you give specific diffs that suggest a connection between this user and this case. Dreamy Jazztalk to me | my contributions18:12, 2 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for explaining. I thought someone lied about my MAC adress related to those people. I got pissed for a second because everyone roasted me already in user @Ermenrich's talk page. I can share you my own country, region, adress or IP with you if that help the investigation. If administrators have any right to see these informations, they can compare mine with those people. I have no hesitate.
From what he told, user @Beshogur said "This user [1] has similar edits to Volgabulgari (talk· contribs) did you notice it? Thoughts?" in Ermenrich's talk page.
This edit of mine was suspiciously similiar to those banned accounts according to him. He also said I chose similiar contents in here. But I only edit Hunnic related peoples, war strategies and WW2 related contents. I don't think anyone would match with me in such unrelated contents. He also pointed that "it was obvious since day one just wondered why no one took action" in his talk page which was very disturbing to me.
It seems that's why he reported my photograph on Wikimedia for a possible copyright violation, even though I had only been on Wikipedia for two weeks and had no prior knowledge of Wikimedia. You said no determination has been made but user Kansas Bear already revert almost all of my edits. I was out of Wikipedia in my phone. I just saw the investigation. Now I'm in my computer. That's why I replied late. Sorry about that.
This was my comment against claims:
"Hello, @Beshogur. Are you connecting me with a banned user? I also received a report about my photograph in my first edits, you reported me due to possible copyright violation. I'm not sure what your problem is. You did this because of this suspection? Since, I joined Wikipedia you keep revert my edits and report me without warning me. Please investigate my account, IP address, device, and even my location. If you find I'm not him please apologize from me.
Copied this from the Hun page and added it to the Onogur page. It has a reference from Kim Hyun Jin, which I directly copied and pasted. I also did something similar on the Hungarian page. Could you please address these issues and provide guidance to me?"
Please note that this has been the strangest experience for me on a website. I'd owe an apology from them when it's proven that I am innocent.Akatziri (talk) 19:07, 2 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
@Dreamy Jazz:Volgabulgari (talk· contribs)'s last edit was on 23 May, requesting for unblock, while Akatziri suddenly popped up on 25 May, editing on related articles. He literally use same bold and italic texts when writing, or just both, with lot of quotations. Simply compare see this edit (and others on his talk page) and this. Not to mention his dispute with OrionNimrod (talk· contribs) on my talk page. (also his disputed with Ermenrich)
Volgabulgari: I am writing to request an unblock of my account on Wikipedia. My account was recently blocked due to "Sockpuppet"
Akatziri: This was my edit: "Hunnish origin or influences on Hungarians ...
Volgabulgari using the terminology "Hunno-Bulgar" [13] He says later No need in here since Hunno-Bulgar topic is controversial and not accepted by wikipedia. I was first added this here but i deleted later for that reasons.[14]
Akatziri edits on a different page using the same terminology [15] (citing Hyun Jin; meanwhile Volgabulgari has also edited Hyun Jin's page [16])
None of the arguments presented here are even remotely valid. The only thing that could be considered suspicious is the use of the term 'Hunno-Bulgar,' which I believe is why you are accusing me. Are you suspecting me simply because I use italics and bold formatting, just like someone else? What does 'with a lot of quotations' even mean? Are you even serious?
• Dispute with OrionNimrod??, he actually thanked me for that edit. He sent me a Wikipedia thank. I did not dispute anything with him/her. I merely asked @Ermenrich about the validity of Orion's source because I am not familiar with reliable sources. I said him too. Please look
•I have never disputed anything with Ermenrich about anything at all. Please check your facts. I only asked him about the reliability of sources,
•Yes, among my numerous edits on war strategies, Hunnic history, and World War II history, I did copy a paragraph from the Hunnic page and paste it into the Onogurs page. I understand that it might appear suspicious, but I can assure you that I am not the same person. If I were, I wouldn't have made such a mistake.
•I copied this paragraph from Hunnic page and it has Hyun Jin's citations. I did not add this source myself. Check your facts again.
"After Dengizich's death, the Huns seem to have been absorbed by other ethnic groups such as the Bulgars.{{sfn|Maenchen-Helfen|1973|p=168}} Kim, however, argues that the Huns continued under Ernak, becoming the Kutrigur and Utigur Hunno-Bulgars.{{sfn|Kim|2013|p=123}}"
I copied this and paste into Onogur page. I'm not the one who added this to Hunnic page. A Wikipediator later deleted this and I never added again.
•I joined Wikipedia a month ago. You are suspiciously harassing me everywhere. I thought you are an admin because you are everywhere. If @Volgabulgari thought you banned his friend's account didn't you also say that you're not an admin? I'm assuming you did. If not I will think this Volgabulgari thing is just for trying to ban me.
•"what kind of low threat is that lol" what kind of disgusting language is this? I said I'll prove I'm not him and expose this unjust. What's your problem, man? I'm asking seriously, since I've joined Wikipedia you're harassing me, reporting me for irrelevant things, doing personal attacks to me. Akatziri (talk) 20:56, 2 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you for your response. I was actually searching for the Green in the writing section. I have a question regarding the level of specificity provided for Check Users. Specifically, does it show only the country, region, town, or street? I believe with that way we can potentially resolve this investigation. As you have confirmed that these accounts (Hunnien, Laudaricus, and Huldin) belong to me, if the geographic data shows the same country or region, it may be considered normal.
Worth noting that if you can see my city, you would understand the overpopulation it experiences.
However, if it goes as far as specifying a particular town or street, then it is undoubtly suspicious. If you can provide a specific town, it would be good for both of us. I am aware that Beshogur spent hours searching me for the suspicion of a copied edit. To further support my case, I am willing to provide my IP address or MAC address. It is highly likely that an administrator would have access to this information as well. Unlike what Beshogur said, I did not threaten you. I thought you claimed that my IP/MAC address matches with those people, which made me pissed off because I thought you lied. However, I did not make any threats. All I said was that I would expose this injustice in other communities. If you find that inappropriate, I sincerely apologize. But please believe me when I say that I am experiencing a very strange day. Akatziri (talk) 00:57, 3 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
I suspect that he is a Turkish moderator being overly cautious. Despite his rude behavior I don't solely blame him. I'm not a moderator. Are you kidding? Volgabulgari also claimed I blocked his friend's account. However, if my account is blocked by Wikipedia without any substantial evidence, I will blame you. I will explain what happened to me in Reddit and other communities, expose this unjustice. what kind of low threat is that lol. Beshogur (talk) 20:31, 2 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Listen, man. I used to work for a Geek website using WordPress, so I'm familiar with SEO. Whenever it was necessary, I'd use bold and italic formatting. I'm sorry if these similarities make you think I'm connected to those banned users. But please try to understand how confusing this situation is for me right now. I suspect there was a serious bloody conflict between you and them, given your angry responses. I didn't understand why you reported my photograph when I first joined Wikipedia, but now I can empathize with how you feel. I checked the link you mentioned and found some instances of bold formatting in the comments, but it's only few compared to mine. Using bold formatting is just something I frequently do. Please also look here.
Please also consider that if those users wanted to hide their accounts, they wouldn't engage in the same actions. I have absolutely no reason to use the term 'Hunno-Bulgar.' I simply copied and pasted it from Hun page. It was actually someone who added this to here. Why isn't he "suspicious" too? I just copy pasted just as I have done with many other things. Another user later deleted my edit in Onogurs, I thanked him for it. I never did anything similar again. It's merely a coincidence. All of my edits have been deleted and you have repeatedly harassed me since I joined Wikipedia. This is the weirdest experience ever.
We don't need to spend so much time on this, dear friend. We don't need to argue. From what I've understand we talked with a Check User but not with an admin. We can ask help from Wikipedia admins. Admins probably have the ability to see our IP addresses and MAC addresses, allowing them to compare me with those banned users. It's true that Laudaricus, Hunnnien, and Huldin are my accounts.
I explained myself in my another comment (Please read them too) but I have no any relation with others. None of them. When admins found out I'm not related to them, please apologize from me and it's all done. Please also give my edits back. I hope these angry comments make you feel shame. Akatziri (talk) 22:57, 2 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Let me explain myself. That's correct. Hunnien, Laudaricus, and Huldin are my accounts.
When I joined Wikipedia, I made an edit to the Hun page. Then, a user named Ermenrich reverted my edits. I found his username Ermenrich cool. I guess it's also his name.
So, I decided to change my username to a Hunnic name. When I searched for Wikipedia username changing on Google, I came across a statement on Wikipedia that said, "User accounts with few or no edits might not be renamed as it is quicker and easier to simply create a new account." Here.
Since the name "Hunnen" was already taken, I chose the name "Hunnien" instead. I also wanted to include personal names, just like Ermenrich did, so I named my other accounts Huldin and Laudaricus.
However, I want to clarify that I have absolutely no connection with the banned users Volgabulgari or Kamsta. I mostly due Hunnic. But I don't know about reliable sources and don't know very much about multiple Wikipedia policies. That's why I copy Wikipedia paragraphs and transfer them into other pages with saying that.
With my over hundred edits one of my edits copied from Hunnic page to Onogur page say that Onogurs are Hunno-Bulgar people related to Huns. That's the reason of my investigation as he said in page of Ermenrich. I look the banned account. He finds our topics similiar but I only did Hunnic edits, WW2 edits and war strategy edits. As a user here, I am 100% sure I don't have same IP adress, same MAC adress or same location of these people. I want to see the proof. Akatziri (talk) 17:18, 2 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Comment This is getting ridiculous. Can an admin please either block the associated accounts as socks are say there's insufficient evidence and close the case? I personally like to collect more to show before I file something like this, but I'd say that the fact that the technical evidence indicates sock-itude and the very similar reactions of these accounts to say Volgabolgari when that account was blocked more than makes up for that now. If nothing else they can be blocked as "suspected socks".--Ermenrich (talk) 13:12, 5 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Could someone please block the socks and close this case? Nothing has been done since July and the sock master has probably moved on to new socks...-Ermenrich (talk) 17:09, 14 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Awaiting administrative action - These 3 spare "alts" created in a row look WP:ILLEGIT to me and Akatziri has not given any reasonable explanation. Instead of doing that, they managed to post a few walls of text that display the same abuse of bold text that other socks used in discussions, and also engaged in the same disputes. This looks dishonest to me. Please, indef the 4 accounts, with dual tags (confirmed to Akatziri, suspected to Kamista). Thank you. MarioGom (talk) 19:32, 17 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]
I didn't understand what he meant by "Guess who's back" but now I do. Yes, you got me there. I am related to all these people whatsoever. Don't forget to take your pills, Turk. (talk) 16:50, 19 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Artem Petrov CHV is Unrelated to this case, and No comment with respect to IP address(es) though I had already blocked several of these IP ranges for edit warring and personal attacks. Ivanvector (Talk/Edits) 14:18, 19 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]
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