Wikipedia:Requested articles/Applied arts and sciences/Engineering
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- Helen Hopfield Senior physicist at Applied Physics Laboratory. Research into atmospheric refraction of electromagnetic waves, especially as related to Orbit Determination. Helen Hopfield appreciation by Harold D. Black. Wife of John Hopfield.
- Spetcmash (aerospace in the USSR) We have two mentions on Wikipedia of "Barmin's Spetcmash bureau" ( , ). Our article on Vladimir Barmin has no info. Can somebody create a stub or add info to Vladimir Barmin ?
- NanoRacks Independence-1 Outpost (NanoRacks, after finalizing its contract with NASA, and after winning NextSTEPs Phase II award, is now developing its concept Independence-1 (since renamed from Ixion), which would turn spent rocket tanks into a habitable living area.) (link)
- Antaios (aerospace), (Antaios already has other content) - Antaios is an orbital fuel depot being developed by Gateway Galactic:
- Brigante Aviation: Aircraft Design and Manufacturing company - [2] Of note because it is the first Caribbean based aircraft manufacturer. This company has a wing design of unusual characteristics and also has unique approaches to Calvinistic Corrosion that are of note.
- AS9120 Quality Management Systems Standard - requirements for aviation, space and defense distributors
- Blade valve - valve consisting of a blade mounted on an axis at one end, the axis being rotated rapidly (typically by a fast acting solenoid) and the end of the blade away from the pipe cuts a pipe preventing flow; valve can be used to enable or disenable high pressure cryogenic flow through a pipe, and by mounting two blades on a shared axis, two supply fluids can be permitted or prevented with high synchronisation very rapidly as in a bootstrapping starter on a rocket engine; pipe is fitted with two spring-loaded annular rings which normally fit so tightly that leakage is prevented; blade separates the annuli so rapidly that leakage is extremely small, either on opening or closing
- Deployable Mesh Reflector Antennas for Space Applications Deployable antenna structures are required to generate the large apertures necessary for many space applications. Deployable mesh reflectors have been successfully used in telecommunications applications for several decades. The structures are lightweight and can be packaged in a compact form for launch. Once deployed, the antennas are rigid and can be built with surfaces accurate enough for Ka-band operation. Reflector mesh fabrics are available that are fine enough to be highly reflective at Ka-band, yet have relatively low mass. Space Antenna Handbook
- DRESS: Distributed and Redundant Electrical nose gear Steering System - [3]
- Arthur Louis Klein (Biography of Aeronautics for 40+ years at Caltech) (,
UAV Autopilot(Flight control systems for UAVs) (Hobby:,,, Professional:,, Maximum continuous thrust (MCT) - in jet engines; so far a Wikipedia title only exists. MCT is professionally discussed in aviation engineering literature, flight control manuals, etc. See, for example, the article by Professor Krahe in the December 1996 Airbus Industries technical review ([1]). Deserves an article.
- Aloysius Reisz
- Instantaneous phase-shift speckled interferometer - used in testing components of the James Webb Space Telescope for thermal expansion
- Stratford ramp
- Gulfstream eXternal Vision System
- Joseph (Joe) Gavin
- Hinge Moments
- Spin Resistant airframe Technology - recently used in amphibious aircraft ICON A5 for the first time
- magneto-aerodynamics
- Stanford Systems - requesting an article on this Arizona-based suborbital manned rocket design company. They currently have two designs: the DBeta and the Daedalus PSC. Homepage:
- FlyingShip - A world war one ship that has a balloon like a airship over it, that makes it fly
- Chris Roumeliotis - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory engineer, lead rover planner for the Mars Curiosity mission. see: &
- ZUPT - Zero velocity Update - An important technique used to improve inertial navigation in ground applications
- KOMTA (link)
- Thickness/chord ratio per and mentioned in Grumman F-14 Tomcat and NACA airfoil
- Gust alleviation or Gust load alleviation is a technology for keeping aircraft more steady by automatically compensating for wind gusts. It’s mentioned in Adaptive compliant wing and Katherine Johnson but not explained anywhere, as far as I can see. It might be possible to add an explanation as a new section in Aileron which currently doesn’t talk about this use at all. (Some info on a forum)
- Nazism and Space Race
- Michael Suffredini
- Tau Zero Foundation — Interstellar Spaceflight ([4], [5]) – easy transfer from h+pedia. Previously deleted on notability grounds. References updated, please reassess.
- Woodward "Woody" Stanford - requesting an article on the founder of Stanford Systems. History as succumbing to schizophrenia preventing his entry of the Daedalus PSC system in the original X-Prize competition. Returned to business in 2014 designing the DBeta suborbital and the Daedalus PSC true suborbital. Might mention EXPER-VERTEX as a minor theory pertaining to Grand Unification, as it is making strides these days in the physics community. Homepage:
- EPFL Rocket Team (Student Association from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), conceiving and manufacturing rockets. One of their main goals is to attend and win the Spaceport America Cup, the largest student rocketry competition. They have already won the Jim Furfaro award in 2018) ([6][7][8])
- ICID Water Dictionary - International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage cf. [9]
- --Is this the same as the Multilingual Technical Dictionary? [10]
- Gas-lift-loop reactor - waste water treatment
- Kings River Conservation District - public agency covering over one million acres in Central California; flood control, hydropower and gas-fired power generation, groundwater management and fisheries management; [11]
- List of Genetically Modified Organisms- useful for the general public to find approved and non-approved GMO products with links to individual modified organisms that currently exsist on wikipedia
- Mehamet Fatih Yanik - do you mean Mehmet Fatih Yanik; his MIT page:[12]
- Moving bed reactor - waste water treatment
- Saras Publication
- Chromatography resin (basic info on chromatography resin)
- Black zinc
- Eleftherios Papoutsakis, academic
- Acrylate dispersion (Industrial Coatings with Polymer-Bound Stabilizers) (
- Altefiert-anodized with PTFE - hat is the detail process?
- Blowcase/Blowing egg
- Bollman extractor
- Commensurism as it is included in article
- Dielectrophoresis field flow fractionation - [13]
- Direct oxidation process in a fuel cell
- Ebullated reactor
- Gas Processors Suppliers Association
- Goliat (oil platform) - Oil Platform on Goliat field
- Jacob Lahijani - Inventor of ECCtreme® ECA 3000 High Temperature Resin sources:[14]
- Labthink - International company that develops testing instruments to ensure packaging safety in medical and food plastics; [17] [18]
- Lindsay code - found in 1960s ceramics literature, designating raw materials; e.g.
- Polymer pen lithography see
- Pressure assisted sintering
- Pyrochemistry - creating fire with chemicals
- Rotocell extractor
- Stabilise (oil)
- Thermalysis technology - conversion of recycled plastics to diesel fuel; see Thermolysis/Pyrolysis
- Trickle-flow reactor
- Vacuum system in an oil refinery
- Uniaxial hot-pressing
- Winklemann's method - calculation of diffusivity coefficient
- Wiped film vacuum distillation
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Agnes Weilandt Engineer and author on topics such as smart structures and energy efficiency.
- California Seismic Safety Commission There seems to be one, I wonder what it does
- Captive and short column effect
- Cement paint
- Supplementary Cementitious Materials (additive materials into concrete to increase physical/chemical properties, developing area in green concrete) ( , )
- Coral dredging (I think this is covered enough here
An additional section in dredging? - Cross method
- Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (The Dynamic Cone Penetration Test provides a measure of a material’s in-situ resistance to penetration. The test is performed by driving a metal cone into the ground by repeated striking it with a 17.6 lb (8 kg) weight dropped from a distance of 2.26 feet (689 mm). The penetration of the cone is measured after each blow and is recorded to provide a continuous measure of the shearing resistance of the soil. Test results can be correlated to California Bearing Ratios, in-situ density, resilient modulus, and bearing capacity.) (
- Dynamic and Static yield stress
- Kirchoff hypothesis - possible spelling error for the hypothesis discussed in Kirchhoff–Love plate theory
- Fredric George Krieg / SWATH ship designer Example in research ship KILO MOANA at University of Hawaii and in US Navy stealth design. / SWATH - </><>– (,
- Lake Shiwha Tidal Power Plant - largest tidal power plant in the world; built in S. Korea, August 2011; fully operational at September 15, 2011 (This article already exists here
- List of inhabited bridges
- List of hydroelectric dams ranked by highest hydraulic head difference (In Hydroelectric generation the hydraulic head difference plays a major role when calculating power per liter of water however there is no comparative on the internet regarding this important engineering subject. I´d like to see which dam is the most powerful in the world per liter of water.) (
- Macintosh Probe Test
- McGuire Building, Carpenter's Tower - Unsealed post tension cables in concrete structure required the building to be declared unsafe and demolished ten years after construction in downtown Seattle
- Modified Krupkowsky's Law for Finite Element Analysis
- Modified Ludzack-Ettinger Process (MLE) - Wastewater treatment process employing activated sludge microorganisms to promote denitrification of process mixed liquor using separate anoxic tanks or treatment phases, assisted by secondary source of carbon - (Wastewater Treatment / Design)
- Modulus of Subgrade Reaction - pertains to foundation slab design
- Muskingum Method - Reach river routing (hydrology)
- Willoughby Monzoni - associated with the Warren-style truss bridge and girder design
- Parallel strand stay - suspension bridge
- Regent Street disease - structural defect found in stone/masonry and steel buildings [20] [21]. Maybe there's a more technical name for it, in which case this should probably be a redirect. the wub "?!" 18:01, 1 March 2019 (UTC)
- The Resilience Shift - A global programme funded by the Lloyds Register Foundation and hosted by Arup to foster the creation of resilient infrastructure. Established in 2016 with a £10 million grant. See the Resilience Shift website [22] and LRF article announcing launch of project [23]. Dave Hall (talk) 12:47, 29 October 2019 (UTC)
- Roberts Tunnel - The Roberts Tunnel is a 23-mile trans-basin diversion, built by Denver Water in 1962, that diverts water under the Continental Divide from the Colorado River basin into the South Plate River Basin. The east portal is approximately one mile upstream of Grants, Colorado. See "Blue River (Colorado)" article. Tunnel is owned by Denver Water.
- Scala penetrometer (The Scala penetrometer or Hand cone penetrometer is used to determine the penetration resistance of a soil. The Scala is manufactured in accordance with NZS 4402 Test 6.5.2: 1988 and is an extremely useful tool for profiling soil strength at depth. The Scala penetrometer is used widely within New Zealand. It is described in the 1956 professional paper by A.J. Scala) (; Scala, AJ. Simple methods of flexible pavement design using cone penetrometers [online]. New Zealand Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 2, Feb 1956: 34-44. Availability: <;dn=218423931293630;res=IELENG> ISSN: 0028-808X. [cited 21 Jan 16])
- Prof. ir. Wolter Reinold de Sitter (October 17, 1936) graduated cum laude in civil engineering in 1961 at Delft University of Technology. Between 1970 and 1997 he was employed by H.B.G. n.v. (general international contractors), from 1980 as director of Technology Development. In 1986 he was appointed parttime professor in design of structures in concrete at Eindhoven University of Technology. In 1997, at the occasion of his retirement from H.B.G., de Sitter was awarded the order of Officier in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau. In 1997 de Sitter started a review of documents pertaining to his grandfather, the astronomer Willem de Sitter, in the archives of the Observatory at Leiden University. ( Responsible for 'De Sitter's Law of Fives' arguing that $1 spent on maintenance in the first phase of a structure's life is as effective as $5 spent in the next phase. (
- Sandrock Tunnel - need definition of sewer and other forms of this underground fluid transport existing in St. Paul, MN
- Structure Craft Builders - company who made a major contribution to the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada, by building the roof of the Richmond Olympic Speedskating Oval; [24]; have also built several other famous projects like that of the roof of the visitor's center in Van Dusen Gardens; [25]
- Architect David Fisher and Les Robertson - structural engineers for The Burj and the World Trade Center, New York
- Association of Plumbing & Heating Contractors (APHC) - British trade association for plumbers and heating engineers
- Prof. Mustafa Erdik - KOERI Chairman of Earthquake Engineering
- Normande Bruyne
- Operational Building Access and Security Systems (OBASS)
- Monopole Towers (Monopole Towers used for carrying Electric and telecom cables)
- shear key some kind of reinforcement substructure, has appeared in the news with respect to the San Francisco Bay Bridge eastern span cracking bolts issue
- Sideform - type of construction form
- SmartDitch a drainage / erosion plastic ditch I've heard of through tradeshows and tradepubs. Gov. Bill Richardson fasttracked it in NM a couple years back
- Soakaway trenches, i think it's related to drainage, may be similar to French Drain
- Valve Chamber - Valve Chamber in a municipal water distribution system
- Virtual Gas Curtain - something to do with venting gas safely; vertasefli
- rothfuchs method - something about blending aggregates
- Xinjiang-Bohai Sea diversion project - proposed plan to pipeline sea water from the sea to Xinjiang through Inner Mongolia, with the goal of increasing rainfall in the region from evaporation
- Price & Myers - Firm of consulting Structural and Civil Engineers, with offices in London, Oxford and Nottingham. Provided services for Bishop Edward King Chapel and the Astley Castle restoration.
- Robert J. Melosh - The Robert J. Melosh Medal Competition was inaugurated in 1989 to honor Professor Melosh, a pioneering researcher in finite element methods
- Master Municipal Construction Documents - A set of standards all/most municipalities in BC, Canada adhere to, with specification on construction, tender, estimating, ect.
- half-slab
- Copper plumbing Include information on leaching of lead into water, and switch to silver/tin sodder Adirondack BlueLiner (talk) 16:30, 22 January 2016 (UTC)
- Linear load for Talk:Pfäffikon–Arth-Goldau railway, Wädenswil–Einsiedeln railway & Pfäffikon–Arth-Goldau railway perhaps as an additional section in [[axle load]
- SPACE GASS - SPACE GASS is a multi-purpose 3D analysis and design program for structural engineers. [26]
- Wolmar Fellenius was a sweedish geotechnical engineer. This page exists in Sweedish but not in English. Could someone be so kind as to translate it to English?
- spelter socket - a type of connector for braided metal cables
- Frank A. Brownell - camera designer for Kodak[2][3]
- Robert Benaim and Associates - consulting civil and structural engineers; created 1980 by Robert Benaim; sold 2007 to Scott Wilson
- Biomedical Information Management Systems (BIMS) -BIMS primary goal: enhance the competency of the veterinarians to exploit information technology and the Internet to access the electronic knowledge base of biomedicine and use the computer and related digital technologies for systematic biomedical problem analysis and management; [27]
- DeSimone Consulting Engineers, PLLC - consulting structural engineers; Founded in New York City in 1969, the firm has grown to have offices worldwide. DeSimone performs structural analysis and design for all types of buildings at all project phases.
- Vinay Gupta - designer of Hexayurt structure and other disaster/aid technology
- Leroy lettering system - in drafting
- Multifab manufacturing process.
- Heterogeneous architecture, see also Heterogeneity (disambiguation), a general design/structure.
- Leo Mehlig[4][5][6], creator of Structured (Software)[7][8]. His app gained more than 40.000 5-star ratings internationally already. Structured was awarded "App of the Day"[9] by Apple.
- Klemens Strasser: Austrian Indie-Game Developer, Apple Design Award 2015[10] winner and 2× Apple Design Award Finalist[11][12].
- Capacitor-commutated converter -- see High-voltage_direct_current
- Cater coefficient, a correction factor used in the design of electromagnetic machines
- Ceriated tungsten electrodes
- Half-wave filter. Generally intended for use as harmonic filters. The term comes from the characteristic of a lossless half-wave transmission line wheron the input impedance is the same as that of the load connected to it. An example would be two cascaded Pi or T LC sections, each of which provides a 90 deg phase shift and an impedance inversion. Cascaded, at the design frequency, in the lossless case, the filter provides a fixed input-output voltage ratio independent of load. Practical realizations may have different topology and include devices to protect the filter components from excessive voltage/current. More details available:
- Faster than Nyquist signaling
- Primary energy factors
- Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations - (ESQCR) a UK legislation enacted 2002 impacting all distribution and transmission network operators in the UK [28]
- C-Line changeover switches
- IEC 60068-2-32(free fall);IEC 60068-2-27 (shock) IEC electronics shock specs.
- integrated fluid circuits - This is particularly helpful when genotyping
- Time-varying phasors
- Pancake generator
- Rogers' Material Rogers' Material most often refers to high frequency circuit material used in microwave PCB design and fabrication. Two families of materials are commonly used. These are R3000 Series and R4000 Series. RO4000 Manufacture's Page. RO3000 Manufacture's Page. Product Selection Guide. Scholarly article that references the material. Google Scholar search that references the material.
- Vernier filter
- Cathodic bombardment Material Science related to the uses of electrical arc.
- I. M. Onderdonk, Creator of the Onderdonk equation - the go to equation for Fusing Current
- Fuse melting integral - Important in safe design of electrical devices WRT inrush currents. Fuses and semiconductor design. Good starting article - [13]
- Low voltage disconnect (LVD): a device that continually monitors battery voltage then disconnects the load when low voltage is sensed. It helps extend battery life by preventing over-discharge and protects equipment from operating at potentially low voltages.
- IEC 60072
- Multiple-input multiple-output system -- an alternative to single-input single-output systems. There are some links in control theory and other articles that *should* point here, but that instead point to MIMO (which is a radio thing) or MIMO (disambiguation).
- History of MC Cable
ISA-106Procedure Automation for Continuous Process Operations; in German or English; related to existing ISA-88 and ISA-95 article ( Rayleigh bandwidth
- Wire tracer (A tool for locating the other end of a wire where there may be many wires. The tool may be in 2 parts, one part attaches to the wire to be traced, the other part is placed on or near wires that may be the same wire. An audio tone or light indicates when the probe has found the other end of the desired wire. The tool can be used on network cables, individual wires within an electrical device, building wiring systems, etc. There is a similar tool called a Cable Tracker, however that requires a signla to be placed down 2 wires in the cable.) (, )FreeFlow99 (talk) 08:27, 18 October 2018 (UTC)
- Euro-Pro Operating LLC(redirect:SharkNinja) About Shark® (ja:Euro-Pro Operating LLC)
- PADS (CAD software), Xpedition (CAD software), Board Station, Integra Station, several important (because either high-end, "famous", and/or traditional) EDA tools, meanwhile all owned by Mentor Graphics, for which we don't have articles yet but really should have. (So far we only have some prototypical redirects to help build up some infrastructure around them, but we need experts of these tools to write articles about them.) --Matthiaspaul (talk) 17:05, 25 March 2019 (UTC)
- Mechatrolinks Members Association Mechatrolink Members Association (MMA) is a worldwide group of over 3,000 Mechatrolink product developers and users who promote the use of Mechatrolink, an open field network.
- Anti-serial (electronics) We have a (still very weak) article on anti-parallel (electronics) circuits, and equally need one for anti-serial circuits.
- Henry Daniel Wilkinson, 19th century engineer concerned with submarine telegraph cable laying. Author of Submarine Cable Laying and Repairing, obituary in Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, review of his book in Nature by Charles Tilston Bright.
- Ivan P. Kaminow / Ivan Kaminow - 2013 IEEE Edison Medal[29]
- Foldback distortion (Also know as wavefold distortion: a signal processing process, which horizontally flips content exceeding a certain value.) Sources: [30], and [31]
- Global Energy Storage Alliance - sponsors World Energy Storage Day on September 22 (since 2017)
- Coherent spectrum shaper a device for reducing distortion in recorded audio signals. Best known for the one the CIA used with Nixon's tapes in the Watergate scandal.
- Kenichi Iga - 2021 IEEE Edison Medal[32]
- Bizen wafer process is a new IC foundry system by [Search for The Next] that claims to "turn Moore’s clock back by 10 years". A conjunction of "bipolar" and "zener", it's said to use quantum electron tunneling effects to reduce the number of process layers in IC fabrication. If true, this could be highly notable and be game-changing for semiconductors.
- SRE-M – This radar system has a page in German [33].
- Antea Group USA, a global environmental and sustainability consulting firm, part of the larger international Antea Group. Founder and facilitator of numerous industry organizations: Beverage Industry Roundtable, Healthcare Plastics Recycling Council, and Monetization Working Group. Regularly included in lists of the best and healthiest workplaces at a local and national level. [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40]
- Coal-Direct Chemical Looping, the only "clean coal" solution, a form of "chemical looping combustion" which already has a page but for (clean) coal specifically. It can be retrofitted to existing coal power plants knocking off 99% of the CO2 emissions. The Coal-Direct Chemical Looping method page can be linked in the See Also sections in both the "clean coal" and "chemical looping combustion" pages. Funding of the Coal-Direct Chemical Looping process by the Obama administration Fox News article about the process OSU news of ramping up production of the new method successful 203 hour test of a pilot power plant using coal-direct chemical looping at the Department of Energy 2012 study about the technology 2008 study about the technology
- Charles N. Haas is the LD Betz Professor of Environmental Engineering at Drexel University. He received the 2017 Clarke Water Prize Athalie Richardson Irvine Clarke Prize, and has been elected to the 2021 class of the National Academy of Engineering.
Fluid mechanics
- Annular Refrigerant Flow Device
- Aerodynamic admittance
- Boger fluid
- Canned pump
- Confusor Used in conjunction with Diffuser in rotor contact with stator in some boundary layer turbines. I'm guessing it reduces slip between rotor and stator, improving efficiency? Encountered it in paragraph 0014 of patent EP2171260B1. Search engine results don't clarify what it is, how it looks, or how it works. Thanks.
- Circulation Theory (Frederick W. Lanchester)
- Conway non linear momentum theory
- Energy Grade Line Related to pipe flow; the line showing the total energy at any point in a pipe.
- Energy Thickness Boundary layer energy thickness
- Finite element method quadratic prism element interpolation function derivation
- Favorable pressure gradient and its effect on boundary layer development
- Float and tape liquid-level gauge
- Flooded subfloor How to build and maintain a "flooded subfloor," a component of "green house" design.
- Hover efficiency or Hover lift efficiency, (Hover efficiency relates the weight of an aerial vehicle with the power required to keep it aloft in hover. It is usually expressed as lb/hp or kg/hp or kg/kW.)[14]
- Hydraulic Grade Line Important concept for understanding and designing pipe flow: an amount equal to the velocity head at the section
- Hydraulic Institute Standard development organization for pumps
- Hydrobrake Device for absorbing energy of flowing water in flood schemes etc
- Hydrotek
- klA-coeeficient of oxygen transfer
- Lichao's Surface
- Merkel Equation
- Relevant Fluid definition according to Pressurised System Safety Regulations 2000 (UK).
- Regenerating pump
- Rayleigh conductivity
- Rolled joints Commonly used in the nuclear industry for some applications. May be other applications (see also: High Times)
- Small-amplitude oscillatory shear
- Strip theory for fixed wing aerodynamics
- Subsonic inlet design
- Supersonic inlet design
- Stage Efficiency for both turbine and compressor. eta_thermal and w_net / Cp*T definitions+derivations
- USBM index - an alternative wettability index - petroleum engineering
- Vertical single-stage pump
- Flow behavior index the index used to calculate apparent viscosity
Instrumentation and controls
- Ackerman angle
- Astrobiology Science & Technology Instrument Development (ASTID)
- Control philosophy (aka Control System Functional Description)
- Discharge throttling in a compressor
- EdS Chart
- Excitation volume
- Foundation Field Bus
- Hybrid Supervisory Control
- Industrial Imaging Acquisition & Control
- Internal Model Control (IMO) (Control Engineering)
- Imaging laser altimetry
- Defeat switch
- OSQP (Optimized Problem Solver) (
- phonic wheel
- Photopolarimeter
- Relative Gain Array (RGA) (Control Engineering)
Resonant sensor- Sextupole and kicker magnet
- Trim indicator
- Suction throttling in a compressor
- {Ventilation Balometer (multipurpose electronic air balancing instrument primarily used for efficiently taking direct air volume readings)
- Aerodynamic moment (with regard to helicopter dynamics)
- Aerospace structures (information on what you'd learn from a course in Aerospace Structures)
- Alloys for forming operations
- Alloy designation reference all carbon steels list c1018 steel, C-1045 TG&P, C1137, C12L14, Stressproof EMS-630A, C-1117, C-1144/EMS-630A, C-1018 TG&P, C-1215, Ledloy A MIL-S-13422A1, ASTM-A-108 1010 thru 1215, etc. Need strength to weight ratio, etc.
- Antimicrobial materials (Many articles describe materials as antimicrobial but I was unable to find an article listing antimicrobial materials, treatments, categories of AM materials, etc.)
- Balometer
- Blower air movement calculations (calculating/converting blower psi from Dia. size, CFM, Max pressure (h2O) and Max Vacum (h2O))
- Carbon canister - See this
- Cashmilon (a type of synthetic yarn)
- Cermakrome
- Colaco (alloy) A solidified emulsion of silver, lead and copper requiring no lubrication when made into bearings and bushings.
- Chain-growth polycondensation (CGP)
- Clay blocks
- CNC safety equipment
- Copper-bearing steel
- Creep machine - How creep machines work?
- DAMASK (Software) (,,
- Dowmetal – a trade name for various lightweight (85%+) magnesium alloys from Dow Chemical[41]
- Double servo pantograph
- Dymondwood A trademarked material often used for knife and sword handles.
- Dynamic scaling theory
- Edge rounding An unwanted artifact which can occur during the polishing of a specimen for microstructural research
- Electron-beam cold hearth melting
- Engineering alloy
- Euler-Savary equation
- First and second order phase transitions
- Fluoroaluminate alloys for forming operations
- Hard-alpha defect - a defect in metal (titanium)
- Hardening furnace - just the oven itself, description, functioning.
- Heat tint (steel) (Discolouration of steel as a result of a heating process such as welding, forging etc.)
- Hertzian contact law in composite laminates
- Hysteresis motor - The Exploratorium has an article: [42] --Ian01 14:54, 31 July 2007 (UTC)
- IM7 - the best existing composite material [43]
- Indexed gear
- Industrial forging techniques - info on what is involved in industrial forging processes; the forging page has very little info
- Kamlok fittings
- Leather testing - testing in lab,spec that iso and bs accept,type of leather,best leather through test
- Line pipe - a specific term in the oil and gas industry for the a type of steel used to make pipelines. Defined by API 5L (and other standards). It is distinct from pipeline casing and pipeline transport
- Liquation cracking
- Loss coefficient
- Machine direction orientation - used to specify anisotropic material properties, esp. of 3d-printed materials whose strength depends on layer orientation. "MD" (machine direction) and "TD" (transverse direction) are used,[15] but which is which?
- Mandel stress - mentioned briefly at,
- Metal diaphragm [44]
- MGS epoxy
- Model centric design
- Monobloc steel - lots of mentions of it ref. bofors 57mm cannon and many navel guns and train wheels but noting actually why it is different to standard steel
- Nanoclay
- Particle-reinforced composite
- Piezoelectric paint - Piezoelectric paint is a very attractive piezoelectric composite in many fields, such as non-destructive testing, or structural health monitoring. [
- Plasma transferred arc welding - (PTAW), also called Powder plasma welding
- Polyethylene of raised temperature resistance - (PE RT)
- Oxide dispersion strengthened steels - (ODS)
- Remote laser welding - (catagories: welding, laser applications)
- Short Beam Shear Test - an ASTM test of shear strength for composite materials
- Single Sheet Test - Purpose, method, standards in regards to electrical steel etc.
- Solidification cracking
- Staybrite steel - ability to take a cutting edge of, relative to stainless and plain-carbon steels
- Steel grading
- Stitched resin film infusion - in manufacturing, a method of assembling large composite structures such as aircraft wings [45]
- Strain ageing
- String test, Load string test, No-load string test (relating to compressor skid performance testing)
- Tensile viscosity
- Testing standards for ruggedized electronic equipment (i.e. MIL-STD-810 and "Intrinsically Safe")
- Trifilar suspension
- UV resistance factor
- Vandalite Strong plastic, used in industrial lighting.
- washed flake, an intermediate product in the plastic recycling process. [46] [47]
- Ya ke li plastic, quite common in stores, used in beer vessels and holders for electronic equipment for display for example cell phones, very difficult to find information.
- Pliant energy systems (Pliant Energy Systems is a private research company developing novel mechanical transducers with applications in the fields of energy harnessing, pumping, propulsion and marine robotics. This is my company, but I think the novelty of the technology we are developing will be of interest to the general population, since it is both technologically and visually interesting. I also think that our innovations in fluid dynamics, continuum mechanics and autonomy may be of interest to scientists and innovators in different fields.) (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
- Labthink - International company that develops testing instruments to ensure packaging safety in medical and food plastics; [48] [49]
- Kolsterising - a low temperature carburization process for austenitic stainless steels to provide dense surface to improve mechanical properties as to avoid failures, such as, galling.
- flexible engine shaft
- Scrivet - a panel fastener common in the automotive industry. It is generally plastic and consists of a rivet with an integral screw to permit removal. example vendor page.
- Mikhail Margolin - Blind Gunsmith who mainly worked on pistols and designed the revolutionary "upside-down" MC3 pistol
- HyQ robot HyQ is a Hydraulically Actuated Quadrupedal robot.
- Infinadeck Mechanical omnidirectional treadmill for virtual reality.
- KAT VR or KAT VR treadmill, most successful VR treadmill, most units sold to consumers
- poker gauge and tramel gauge marine engineering, propeller and rudder drop measurements.
- Acoustics and Noise Control (book) popular book used for acoustic and vibration engineering.
- Broadband vibration in vibration condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines
- Composite plastic - i.e. mineral filled plastics, etc.
- Diamond teeth - a common type of tooth patterns used on wheels and flat surfaces to grip pliable materials
- Key steel - Used to provide driving torque between shafts and pulleys, gears sprockets [51]
- Macrostructure (engineering)
- Metric taper threads - dimensions of standard sizes and explanation of nomenclature including "keg"
- Overlay coatings
- Paccar MX engine
- Reluctor
- Shott engine - crankless axial marine steam engine
- List of busiest Paris Métro stations
- Libralato cycle engine - Also called the 'rotary Atkinson cycle,' it is an alternative to the Wankel Rotary Engine who's compression and expansion are different, causing higher efficiency.
- Triple leaf effect - acoustical phenomenon in a 3-leaf, 2-cavity assembly
- William M. Clark - An engineer who created a set of over 200 mechanical movement models in the early 1900s. 120 of these models comprise the Clark Collection of Mechanical Movement Models at the Museum of Science in Boston. [52]
- Wolfrom gear
- Duplex helical method - A method to manufacture spiral bevel gear oogle
- Trinkle coupling - Tool end fitting for bits and associated driver collet; frequently used in powered medical instruments
- Electro-chemical discharge machining - Micromachining processes; hybrid of ecm and edm
- Modified Trinkle coupling - Tool end fitting for bits and associated driver collet; frequently used in powered medical instruments
- Hudson coupling - Tool end fitting for bits and associated driver collet; frequently used in powered medical instruments
- Countershaft brake - "The countershaft brake described ... is an air operated device to help slow/stop turning [transmission] shafts to assist in initial gear engagement, typically used on trucks with push type clutches that don't use typical pull type clutch brakes." [53]
- Way oil - Aka. way lube: Oil made for lubricating machine tool ways. Mentioned in one section at Cutting fluid#Liquids:
, may be used as a starting point, or at least redirect there?Way oil (the oil made for machine tool ways) works as a cutting oil. In fact, some screw machines are designed to use one oil as both the way oil and cutting oil. (Most machine tools treat way lube and coolant as separate things that inevitably mix during use, which leads to tramp oil skimmers being used to separate them back out.)
- mineral processing / ore dressing
- iron ore mineral processing / iron ore dressing
- reverse flotation
- Lock pin — A mechanical fastener for quick attachment and separation of parts.
- John Harrison Carter (6 October 1816, Newry, Oxford, Maine, United States – 21 April 1896, Provo, Utah, Utah, United States), American (?) inventor who invented crankcase, which is also called "carter". (,, & (the latter is in Dutch))
- Safari wheelchairs or The Accessibility Institute's wheelchairs, produced by The Accessibility Institute since 2018, giving them away for free, unique in hand cranks propulsion, 500+ made and given away as of 2024
- Taperlock Bush - a locking system generally used in mechanical drives for placing pulleys, couplings and sprockets onto shafts.
Energy and power
- Electric thermal energy storage (ETES) A term that is used often in the context of the storage-problem of electrical energy. I'm sure there is a need for it to be listed in wikipedia. The definition of the term is probably something like "Concepts to store electrical energy in form of heat (thermal energy)" [16] [17]. The term could probably be integrated in the artical
- Hypervapotron Two types of hypervapotrons - a common version already in use at the Joint European Torus (JET) and a new attached-fin design.[18]
- Shuttleworth Herring equation
- Regenerative elevator drives Energy saving technology used on elevator motors. Discussed more broadly in [19] and [20]
- Virtual Flow Metering
- Global Energy Transmission
- Sergey Plekhanov
- Leonid Plekhanov
- Galen Winsor
- Old Harry Oil Reserve
- Energy survey Perhaps #REDIRECT Energy audit ?
- Maximum Hypothetical Accident Class 9 Accidents for Nuclear Power Plants -- Beyond Design Basis Accidents
- Mechanical Earth Modeling
- OCTG Oil Country Tubular Goods
- Trailer refrigeration unit
- Back Corona
- max tech
- Teos Powertrain EngineeringCraig Pollock motorsport project
- Goliat FPSO See Goliat field, the massive floating offshore unit constructed by Hyundai Heavy Industries. Could possibly redirect to Floating production_storage and offloading, as it is listed, but lacks detail.
- Fuel Energizers
- Oil Pipeline Pipeline that transports oil. There is an article on pipelines in general, but not specifically on this topic. The article exists in other languages.
- Natural Gas Pipeline Pipeline that transports natural gas. There is an article on pipelines in general, but not for this topic specifically. The article exists in other languages.
- HB11 Fusion Reactor New fusion reactor idea and startup[21][22][23]
- Enercon Engineering Enercon provides Tactical Electrical Power (TEP) and Mobile Power Generation (MPG) products, services, and support to the United States Armed Forces (USAF) and its Allies. Enercon also designed and manufactured the Prime Power Unit (PPU) for the THAAD missile system. They are also a trusted resource for the engineering and manufacturing of customized power solutions ranging from paralleling switchgear and controls to the integration of electric generation equipment to UL listed Industrial Control Panels. About Enercon Engineering Enercon Engineering and the THAAD Missile System Enercon Engineering Celebrates 45 years
- Afipsky Oil Refinery (Russia,
- Orbitron (Fusion Reactor) Small crossed-field IEC fusion reactor concept in development at Avalanche Energy [24][25]
- Pierce model of plain weave
- Prosthetic gills
Shuttleless loomCreated category: Category:Shuttleless looms
- Welding Symbols(Annotations given to manufacturing drawings, indicating exactly how to weld parts together)
- The Peacemaker Cannon (a giant cannon built by John Ericsson) (
- History matching
- Half wavefront error ; used to measure the performances of an optical system (References:,
- liquid lens - including at least these types: immiscible electrowetting (used in smartphones), three-chamber pressure-regulated (used in scientific instruments)
- osmotic sachet – used for water purification in humanitarian relief
- innovation consultant
- de:Hydraulische Weiche (probably hydraulic compensator, it:compensatore idraulico)
- Master of Industrial Practice - scheme funded by Gatsby Charitable Foundation, involving University of Greenwich, City and Guilds Institute, Institute of Electrical Engineers and the Institute of Incorporated Engineers
- Institute for the Advancement of Engineering
- Master of Sciences in Railway Engineering
- GT-Power (simulation software)
- Comparison of Agile automation & management software
- SOTIF (Safety of the Intented Functionality) Recently coined term for safety aspects of advanced driver assist systems (ADAS) and highly automated vehicles that are related to the fitness for purpose and the nominal performance limitations of sensors, perception algorithms, and control algorithms. The classical discipline of functional safety did only consider safety hazards caused by failures of electronic parts and algorithms, but nominal limitations are not failures. A new standard (ISO 21448) on SOTIF has just appeared. See German article:
- Vector Radioactive Waste Storage Facility - Storage facility for the Chernobyl New Safe Confinement for the storage (and maybe destroying- unsure) of all nuclear debris from the Chernobyl Incident
- Gerald Hatch - Canadian Science and Engineering Hall of Fame inductee
- Google Community Vehicle - a multi-purpose mode of transport. It can be used as a farm vehicle that attaches to farming equipment or as a means to transport the produce. This car was create by an Indian team for the 2016 Michelin Challenge Design, “Mobility for All International Design Competition” (
- Toyoki Kunitake - Kyoto Prize for Advanced technology winner
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb
- Certification Body or Authority An overview of the role and function of accredited organisations that provide services including certification, testing, inspection, calibration, validation and verification is needed. Examples are DNV, TUV, ABS, Lloyds Maritime, FAA. Some are governmental some are independent.
- Mitsuo Nagamachi - Father of kansei engineering. Mentioned in an article on Kansei engineering, but no article on his career and achievements has been written in English. There might be an article in Japanese that could be translated.
- ^ Krahe, C 1996, Airbus fly-by-wire aircraft at a glance, Fast: Airbus Technical Digest, December/no. 20, p. 7, downloaded pdf online 9 October 2015 from, <>
- ^ Frank A. Brownell - camerapedia
- ^ Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography
- ^ Interview with Leo Mehlig
- ^ Interview 2 with Leo Mehlig
- ^ German Interview with Leo Mehlig
- ^ Structured App Website
- ^ Structured on the Apple App Store
- ^ App of the Day
- ^ Apple Design Award Winners 2015
- ^ Apple Design Award 2023 Finalists
- ^ ADA Winners and Finalists 2022
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- ^[1]
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- ^ 1997, Critical Heat Flux Performance of Hypervapotrons Proposed for Use in the ITER Divertor Vertical Target, Dennis L. Y ouchison, Theron D. Marshall Jimmie M. McDonald, Thomas J. Lutz, Robert D. Watson
- ^ Variable-frequency drives
- ^ Regenerative brakes
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