Blue's Clues is an American children's television series that premiered on Nickelodeon in 1996. Hosted first by Steve Burns(pictured) and then by Donovan Patton, and produced by Angela Santomero, Todd Kessler and Traci Paige Johnson, the show follows an animated blue-spotted dog named Blue as she plays a game with the host and viewers, inviting their involvement. A product of extensive research in child development and early-childhood education, Blue's Clues was the first cutout animation series for preschoolers, and resembles a storybook in its use of primary colors and its simple construction paper shapes of familiar objects with varied colors and textures. It became the highest-rated show for preschoolers on American commercial television, and has been syndicated in 120 countries and translated into 15 languages. Regional versions of the show, featuring local hosts, have been produced in other countries. A live production of Blue's Clues toured the U.S. starting in 1999, and a spin-off called Blue's Room appeared on Nickelodeon in 2004. (Full article...)
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