How Brown Saw the Baseball Game is a 1907 American short comedy film distributed by Siegmund Lubin's Lubin Manufacturing Company. The film follows Mr. Brown, a baseball fan, who drinks several highballcocktails before arriving at the ballpark. He has become so intoxicated that the baseball game appears to him in reverse motion. During production, trick photography was used to achieve this effect. The film received positive reviews in a 1908 issue of The Moving Picture World, a film journal, that regarded it as successful and "truly funny". The identities of the film's cast and production crew are not known. Film historians have noted similarities between the plot of How Brown Saw the Baseball Game and the comedy film How the Office Boy Saw the Ball Game directed by Edwin S. Porter, released the previous year. (Full article...)
... that the Lutherkirche in Wiesbaden has two great organs, one behind the altar (pictured) built by Walcker in 1911, the other opposite built by Klais in the 1970s?
The face of the Prague astronomical clock in the Old Town Square of Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. The dial takes the form of a mechanical astrolabe, a device used in medieval astronomy, and represents the standing Earth and sky; surrounding it are four moving components: the zodiacal ring, an outer rotating ring, an icon representing the Sun, and an icon representing the Moon. The clock was installed in 1410 by clockmakers Mikuláš of Kadaň and Jan Šindel.