Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser/User talk templates
This page contains templates that AWB will automatically substitute on user talk pages as part of the AWB general fixes. Please make sure that general fixes are enabled, and this will be done when processing user talk pages. The MediaWiki API is used to automatically substitute and expand the template(s) on the user talk page.
- Template:~
- Template:3rr
- Template:3RR
- Template:3RR-n
- Template:3rr2
- Template:3RR2
- Template:3rr3
- Template:3RR3
- Template:3RR3-multi
- Template:3RR3-n
- Template:3rr4
- Template:3RR4
- Template:3rr5
- Template:Account
- Template:Adminublock
- Template:Admittedcopyvio
- Template:Adopt-a-User Welcome
- Template:Advert1
- Template:Advert2
- Template:Advert3
- Template:Advert4
- Template:Advert5
- Template:Adw
- Template:Afd-warn
- Template:Afdnote
- Template:AFDNote
- Template:Afdwarning
- Template:AFDWarning
- Template:Afdwarningnew
- Template:AFDWarningNew
- Template:Africa Welcome
- Template:Agf2
- Template:Agf3
- Template:Alabama Welcome
- Template:Alienwelcome
- Template:AllRightsReserved
- Template:Ambassador india welcome
- Template:Ambassador welcome
- Template:Ambassador welcome 2
- Template:Ambassador welcome/Canada
- Template:Anglicanism welcome
- Template:Ani
- Template:Ani-notice
- Template:ANI-notice
- Template:Aninotice
- Template:ANInotice
- Template:Anon
- Template:Anon-m
- Template:Anon-vf
- Template:Anon-welcome
- Template:Anon vandal
- Template:Anon welcome
- Template:Anonwelcome
- Template:Anonwelcomeg
- Template:Anonymous
- Template:Anonymous Welcome
- Template:AnonymousWelcome
- Template:Antivandal
- Template:AntiVandal
- Template:April
- Template:APRIL
- Template:Arbcom
- Template:Archwelcome
- Template:ARS Welcome
- Template:ARSW
- Template:Artd
- Template:Article Rescue Squadron Welcome
- Template:Article Rescue Squadron/Welcome
- Template:Articlediscussion
- Template:ArticleDiscussion
- Template:Articleresult
- Template:ArticleResult
- Template:Articlesig
- Template:Artr
- Template:Attack
- Template:Attack-n
- Template:Attack-summary
- Template:Attack-warn
- Template:AttackOrg
- Template:Attackpg-warn
- Template:Attackpg-warn-n
- Template:Attempt
- Template:August
- Template:AUGUST
- Template:Autobio-warn
- Template:AWB
- Template:B1
- Template:B2
- Template:B3
- Template:B4
- Template:Badcat
- Template:Badfairuse
- Template:Badkarma
- Template:Badnom
- Template:Badusername
- Template:Barnstar point
- Template:BBCmemberwelcome2
- Template:Bebold
- Template:Beer welcome
- Template:Beer Welcome
- Template:BeerWelcome
- Template:Behave
- Template:Behave-n
- Template:Bio-warn
- Template:Birthday Welcome
- Template:Bl1
- Template:Blank
- Template:Blank-n
- Template:Blank1
- Template:Blank1-n
- Template:Blank2
- Template:Blank2-n
- Template:Blank3
- Template:Blank3-n
- Template:Blank4
- Template:Blank4-n
- Template:Blank4alt
- Template:Blank4alt-n
- Template:Blank5
- Template:Blank5-n
- Template:Blanking
- Template:Blanking-n
- Template:Blanking1
- Template:Blanking1-n
- Template:Blanking2
- Template:Blanking2-n
- Template:Blanking3
- Template:Blanking3-n
- Template:Blanking4
- Template:Blanking4-n
- Template:Blatantspam
- Template:Blatantspam-n
- Template:Blatantvandal
- Template:Block
- Template:Block2
- Template:Block3
- Template:BlockBannedUser
- Template:Blocked
- Template:Blog
- Template:BLP removal
- Template:Blp0
- Template:Blp0-n
- Template:Blp1
- Template:Blp1-n
- Template:Blp2
- Template:Blp2-n
- Template:Blp3
- Template:Bot block message
- Template:Botublock
- Template:Botusername
- Template:BrandNewUser
- Template:Brightonmemberwelcome
- Template:BRW
- Template:Bs-n
- Template:Bsr-user
- Template:Bv
- Template:Bv-n
- Template:Bv2
- Template:C&pmove
- Template:Cal Greeting
- Template:Cal Invitation
- Template:Cal Welcome
- Template:CalWelcome-anon
- Template:CalWelcome-reg
- Template:Canvas
- Template:Canvass
- Template:Cardiologytaskforce/invitation
- Template:Cartoon Network-welcome
- Template:Catholic project welcome
- Template:Causeblock
- Template:CBBwelcome-project
- Template:CFBwelcome-project
- Template:Cfd-notify
- Template:CFDNote
- Template:Christian-music-welcome
- Template:Classical welcome
- Template:CN-welcome
- Template:Cold War history welcome
- Template:Comment0
- Template:Comment1
- Template:Comment2
- Template:Comment2-n
- Template:Comment3
- Template:Comment3-n
- Template:Comment4
- Template:Comment4-n
- Template:ConflictOfInterest
- Template:Copy-vio
- Template:Copyright
- Template:Copyrighted
- Template:Copyvio
- Template:Copyvio-warn
- Template:Copyviowarn
- Template:Create
- Template:Create an account
- Template:Createaccount
- Template:Crfinal
- Template:Crwarn
- Template:CSD R2-warn
- Template:Cv-n
- Template:Cv-r
- Template:Cv-warn
- Template:Cv3-n
- Template:Cv4
- Template:Cvg welcome
- Template:Cvio
- Template:CyclingGreeting-exp
- Template:CyclingGreeting-new
- Template:CyclingWelcome
- Template:CyclingWelcome-anon
- Template:Dates
- Template:Dates2
- Template:Dayandyear
- Template:Db-a1-notice
- Template:Db-A1-notice
- Template:Db-a10-notice
- Template:Db-a2-notice
- Template:Db-A2-notice
- Template:Db-a3-notice
- Template:Db-A3-notice
- Template:Db-a7-notice
- Template:Db-A7-notice
- Template:Db-A7.1-notice
- Template:Db-A7.2-notice
- Template:Db-A7.3-notice
- Template:Db-A7.4-notice
- Template:Db-A7.5-notice
- Template:Db-a9-notice
- Template:Db-A9-notice
- Template:Db-album-notice
- Template:Db-animal-notice
- Template:Db-attack-notice
- Template:Db-attackorg-notice
- Template:Db-badfairuse-notice
- Template:Db-band-notice
- Template:Db-bio-notice
- Template:Db-c1-notice
- Template:Db-C1-notice
- Template:Db-catempty-notice
- Template:Db-club-notice
- Template:Db-copypaste-notice
- Template:Db-copyright-notice
- Template:Db-copyvio-notice
- Template:Db-corp-notice
- Template:Db-disambig-notice
- Template:Db-empty-notice
- Template:Db-event-notice
- Template:Db-f1-notice
- Template:Db-f2-notice
- Template:Db-f3-notice
- Template:Db-f7-notice
- Template:Db-f9-notice
- Template:Db-filecopyvio-notice
- Template:Db-foreign-notice
- Template:Db-fpcfail-notice
- Template:Db-g1-notice
- Template:Db-G1-notice
- Template:Db-g10-notice
- Template:Db-G10-notice
- Template:Db-g11-notice
- Template:Db-G11-notice
- Template:Db-g12-notice
- Template:Db-G12-notice
- Template:Db-g2-notice
- Template:Db-G2-notice
- Template:Db-g3-notice
- Template:Db-G3-notice
- Template:Db-g4-notice
- Template:Db-G4-notice
- Template:Db-hoax-notice
- Template:Db-i1-notice
- Template:Db-I1-notice
- Template:Db-i2-notice
- Template:Db-I2-notice
- Template:Db-i3-notice
- Template:Db-I3-notice
- Template:Db-i7-notice
- Template:Db-I7-notice
- Template:Db-i9-notice
- Template:Db-I9-notice
- Template:Db-imgcopyvio-notice
- Template:Db-inc-notice
- Template:Db-negublp-notice
- Template:Db-nocontent-notice
- Template:Db-nocontext-notice
- Template:Db-noimage-notice
- Template:Db-noncom-notice
- Template:Db-nonsense-notice
- Template:Db-notability-notice
- Template:Db-person-notice
- Template:Db-r2-notice
- Template:Db-R2-notice
- Template:Db-r3-notice
- Template:Db-R3-notice
- Template:Db-redirtypo-notice
- Template:Db-rediruser-notice
- Template:Db-redundantimage-notice
- Template:Db-repost-notice
- Template:Db-song-notice
- Template:Db-spam-notice
- Template:Db-spamuser-notice
- Template:Db-test-notice
- Template:Db-vandalism-notice
- Template:Db-warn
- Template:Db-web-notice
- Template:DBwarn
- Template:December
- Template:DECEMBER
- Template:Defwarn
- Template:Deleted-spam
- Template:Derbyshire welcome
- Template:DJR
- Template:Dmpa
- Template:Don't vandalize
- Template:Double redirect
- Template:Double redirect-n
- Template:Doubleredirect
- Template:Doubleredirect-n
- Template:Drmafd
- Template:Drmafd-n
- Template:Drmafd1
- Template:Drmafd1-n
- Template:Drmafd2
- Template:Drmafd2-n
- Template:Drmafd3
- Template:Drmafd3-n
- Template:Drmafd4
- Template:Drmafd4-n
- Template:Drmmt
- Template:Drmvfd
- Template:Drmvfd2
- Template:Drmvfd3
- Template:Drmvfd4
- Template:Duplicatepage
- Template:Edit summary
- Template:Edit summary personal
- Template:Edit summary personal 3
- Template:Edit summary personal 4
- Template:Edit war
- Template:Editsummaries
- Template:Editsummary
- Template:Editsummarynew
- Template:Editsummarypersonal
- Template:Editwar
- Template:Emowelcome
- Template:Empty-notice
- Template:Empty-warn
- Template:Empty-warn-deleted
- Template:Empty-warn-deletion
- Template:Error:wrong namespace
- Template:Et-welcome
- Template:European Union project welcome
- Template:European Union project welcome inner
- Template:Expimgsrc
- Template:Fdw-commons
- Template:Fdw-iw
- Template:February
- Template:FEBRUARY
- Template:FGwelcome
- Template:Final warning
- Template:Final warning-n
- Template:First article
- Template:Firstarticle
- Template:Firstredirect
- Template:Fixit
- Template:Foreign-warn
- Template:Fuir
- Template:Fwelcome
- Template:General spam note
- Template:Germany project welcome
- Template:Gerwelcome
- Template:Gospel-music-welcome
- Template:Greater Manchester project welcome
- Template:Greet
- Template:Groupusername
- Template:Happy Christmas
- Template:Hawaii invite
- Template:Hawaii welcome
- Template:Hcp
- Template:Hello
- Template:Hey
- Template:Hi
- Template:Hiphop WN
- Template:Hiu
- Template:Hospitals Invite
- Template:HVNY welcome
- Template:IBU
- Template:Idw
- Template:Idw-commons
- Template:Idw-cp
- Template:Idw-multi
- Template:Idw-noncom
- Template:Idw-noncom2
- Template:Idw-uo
- Template:Idwc
- Template:Im-fuir-1
- Template:Im-fuir1
- Template:Im-fuir2
- Template:Im-fuir3
- Template:Im-fuir4
- Template:Im-fuir4im
- Template:Image copyright
- Template:Image copyright request
- Template:Image fairuse rationale
- Template:Image no source last warning
- Template:Image source
- Template:Image source copyright
- Template:Image1
- Template:Image2
- Template:Image3
- Template:Image4
- Template:Images on userboxes
- Template:Invalidaiv
- Template:InvalidAIV
- Template:InvalidUAA
- Template:IP welcome
- Template:IP Welcome
- Template:Ipwelcome
- Template:Is
- Template:Italicize
- Template:January
- Template:JANUARY
- Template:Joke
- Template:Joke-n
- Template:July
- Template:JULY
- Template:June
- Template:JUNE
- Template:Justdoit
- Template:Kawelcome
- Template:Kwelcome
- Template:Last-warning
- Template:Lastwarning
- Template:LDSWelcome
- Template:LDSWelcomeNPOV
- Template:Legalblock
- Template:Legalthreatblock
- Template:LGBT Welcome
- Template:Londontransportmemberwelcome
- Template:Lyrics
- Template:March
- Template:MARCH
- Template:MathInvitation
- Template:MathWelcome
- Template:MathWelcome-anon
- Template:MathWelcome-reg
- Template:May
- Template:MAY
- Template:MBTF Greet
- Template:MCBgreeting
- Template:MCBGreeting
- Template:MCBwelcome
- Template:MCBWelcome
- Template:Md1
- Template:MedGreeting
- Template:MedInvitation
- Template:MedWelcome
- Template:MedWelcome-anon
- Template:MedWelcome-reg
- Template:Mergenote
- Template:Mess2
- Template:Mess2-n
- Template:MfDNote
- Template:MfDNotice
- Template:MFDwarning
- Template:MFDWarning
- Template:Microsoftwel
- Template:Minor
- Template:Minor edits
- Template:Misleading edit summary
- Template:Missing rationale
- Template:Missing rationale short
- Template:Mosdab
- Template:Movepages
- Template:Moving pages
- Template:Movingpages
- Template:Mp0
- Template:Mp0-n
- Template:Mp1
- Template:MP1
- Template:Mp2
- Template:MP2
- Template:Mp2-n
- Template:Mp3
- Template:MP3
- Template:Mp3-n
- Template:Mp4
- Template:MP4
- Template:Mp4-n
- Template:MSW
- Template:MTWelcome
- Template:Multipleip
- Template:MultipleIP
- Template:MultipleIPs
- Template:Music theory welcome
- Template:Music Theory welcome
- Template:Name your images
- Template:NC0
- Template:Needsource
- Template:Needsource-n
- Template:Needsource2
- Template:Needsource2-n
- Template:NewUser
- Template:Nintendo welcome
- Template:Nn-notice
- Template:Nn-test
- Template:Nn-test-n
- Template:Nn-warn
- Template:Nn-warn-deleted
- Template:Nn-warn-deletion
- Template:Nn-welcome
- Template:Nnn
- Template:Nnwarn
- Template:No-more-links
- Template:No-nonfree
- Template:No article
- Template:No more links
- Template:No More Links
- Template:No nonsense
- Template:No personal attacks
- Template:No personal comments
- Template:No thanks
- Template:Nocontent-notice
- Template:Nocontent-warn
- Template:Nofairuse
- Template:NoIPbots
- Template:Nomorelinks
- Template:NoMoreLinks
- Template:Noncom-warn
- Template:Nononsense
- Template:Nonsense-warn
- Template:Nonsense-warn-deletion
- Template:Nonsensearticle
- Template:Nonsensepage
- Template:Nonsensepages
- Template:Nor2
- Template:North Carolina welcome
- Template:Norwaylcome
- Template:Notabilitywarning
- Template:Notable Welcome
- Template:Notasocialnetwork
- Template:Notavandal
- Template:Notenglish0
- Template:Nothanks
- Template:Nothanks-add
- Template:Nothanks-afc
- Template:Nothanks-drm
- Template:Nothanks-nn
- Template:Nothanks-warn-deletion
- Template:Nothanks-web
- Template:Nothelpful
- Template:November
- Template:NOVEMBER
- Template:Npa
- Template:NPA
- Template:Npa-1
- Template:Npa-2
- Template:Npa-3
- Template:Npa-4
- Template:Npa-n
- Template:NPA-n
- Template:Npa2
- Template:Npa2-n
- Template:Npa3
- Template:Npa3-n
- Template:Npa3im
- Template:Npa4
- Template:Npa4-n
- Template:Npa4im
- Template:NPOV-newuser
- Template:Npov user
- Template:NPOV user
- Template:NPOV0
- Template:NPOV0-n
- Template:NRHPwelcome
- Template:Nsvd
- Template:Nsvd-4
- Template:Nt-d
- Template:Numismatics project welcome
- Template:October
- Template:OCTOBER
- Template:Off-sandbox
- Template:Ohio Welcome
- Template:One edit
- Template:Oneedit
- Template:Only warning
- Template:Only Warning
- Template:Onlywarning
- Template:Opera welcome
- Template:OR-note
- Template:Orphaned
- Template:Orphaned fair use
- Template:ORW
- Template:Page blank
- Template:Pageblank
- Template:Pagecopy
- Template:Pagemove
- Template:Personal attack
- Template:Personal attack removed
- Template:Personal edit summary
- Template:Personalattack
- Template:Personaleditsummary
- Template:Philwelcome
- Template:PhInvitation
- Template:PhyInvitation
- Template:PhyWelcome
- Template:PhyWelcome-anon
- Template:PhyWelcome-reg
- Template:Pinfo
- Template:Pinfo4
- Template:Pinfo5
- Template:Plagarism
- Template:Plagiarism
- Template:Please cite
- Template:PleaseCite
- Template:Policyalteration
- Template:Polite-afd
- Template:PotentialCopyvio
- Template:Preview
- Template:Preview-n
- Template:Prodwarn
- Template:Prodwarning
- Template:PRODwarning
- Template:PRODWarning
- Template:Promosofter
- Template:Psychology welcome
- Template:PUB
- Template:Punkmusicwelcome
- Template:Queen WikiProject welcome
- Template:R&bandsoulmusic anon
- Template:R&bandsoulmusic WN
- Template:Rationale short
- Template:RD medremoval
- Template:RD removal
- Template:Recreate
- Template:Recreated
- Template:Redirtypo-warn
- Template:Rediruser-warn
- Template:Redlink
- Template:Redlink-n
- Template:Replaceable
- Template:Reportedtoaiv
- Template:Repost
- Template:Repost-warn
- Template:Request accepted
- Template:Request granted
- Template:Resume
- Template:Revert
- Template:Rfc-ard
- Template:Rfc-arr
- Template:Rfc-articlediscussion
- Template:Rfc-articleresult
- Template:Rfc-una
- Template:Rfc-unb
- Template:Rfc-unc
- Template:Rfc-und
- Template:Rfc-unn
- Template:Rfc-usernameallowed
- Template:Rfc-usernameblocked
- Template:Rfc-usernameconcern
- Template:Rfc-usernamediscussion
- Template:Rfc-usernamenotice
- Template:Rhodesia Welcome
- Template:RightWelcome
- Template:Rpa
- Template:RPA
- Template:RugbyWelcome
- Template:Ruswelcome
- Template:Sd-copypaste
- Template:Seelink
- Template:Selfrev
- Template:Selfrevert
- Template:Selftest
- Template:Selftest-n
- Template:September
- Template:SEPTEMBER
- Template:Seriously
- Template:SFBA Welcome
- Template:Sig
- Template:Sign
- Template:Sign request
- Template:Signyourposts
- Template:Silly
- Template:Single notice/testcases
- Template:Singlenotice/testcases
- Template:So
- Template:So-fix-it
- Template:So fix it
- Template:Soa
- Template:Soab
- Template:Soblank
- Template:Sock block
- Template:Sockblock
- Template:SockBlock
- Template:SockmasterProven
- Template:Sockunknownblocked
- Template:Sodoit
- Template:Sofixit
- Template:Softerblock
- Template:Softerblocked
- Template:SoilGreeting-exp
- Template:SoilGreeting-new
- Template:SoilWelcome
- Template:SoilWelcome-anon
- Template:Somakeit
- Template:Spam
- Template:Spam-agf
- Template:Spam-n
- Template:Spam-notice
- Template:Spam-warn
- Template:Spam-warn-deleted
- Template:Spam-warn-deletion
- Template:Spam-warn-userpage
- Template:Spam (good faith)
- Template:Spam note
- Template:Spam0
- Template:Spam0-n
- Template:Spam1
- Template:Spam1-n
- Template:Spam2
- Template:Spam2-n
- Template:Spam2a
- Template:Spam3
- Template:Spam3-n
- Template:Spam4
- Template:Spam4-n
- Template:Spam4im
- Template:Spam4im-n
- Template:Spam5
- Template:Spam5-n
- Template:Spam5i
- Template:Spam6
- Template:Spamblock
- Template:Spamblocked
- Template:SpamMessage
- Template:Spamonlyaccount
- Template:Spamublock
- Template:Spamusername
- Template:Spamusernameblock
- Template:Spamusernameblocked
- Template:SpecWarn
- Template:Sspblock
- Template:SSPblock
- Template:StarWarsWelc
- Template:Summaries
- Template:Summary
- Template:Summary2
- Template:Sunb
- Template:Switzerland Invitation
- Template:Switzerland Welcome
- Template:SwitzerlandWelcome-anon
- Template:SwitzerlandWelcome-reg
- Template:SWwelcome
- Template:T1a
- Template:T2a
- Template:T3a
- Template:T4a
- Template:Talk sign
- Template:Talkinarticle
- Template:Talksign
- Template:Test
- Template:Test-4im
- Template:Test-b
- Template:Test-n
- Template:Test-self
- Template:Test-self-n
- Template:Test-title
- Template:Test0
- Template:Test0-n
- Template:Test1
- Template:TEST1
- Template:Test1-n
- Template:Test1a
- Template:Test1article
- Template:Test1article-n
- Template:Test1b
- Template:Test2
- Template:Test2-n
- Template:Test2a
- Template:Test2a-n
- Template:Test2article
- Template:Test2Article
- Template:Test2article-n
- Template:Test2b
- Template:Test2del
- Template:Test2m
- Template:Test2v
- Template:Test3
- Template:Test3-n
- Template:Test3a
- Template:Test3a-n
- Template:Test3article
- Template:Test3article-n
- Template:Test3b
- Template:Test3b-n
- Template:Test3br
- Template:Test3ip
- Template:Test4
- Template:Test4-im
- Template:Test4-n
- Template:Test4/alternate
- Template:Test4/Alternate
- Template:Test4a
- Template:Test4a-n
- Template:Test4aalt
- Template:Test4aalt-n
- Template:Test4alt
- Template:Test4alt-n
- Template:Test4article
- Template:Test4article-n
- Template:Test4br
- Template:Test4im
- Template:Test4im-alt
- Template:Test4im-alt-n
- Template:Test4im-n
- Template:Test5
- Template:Test5i
- Template:Test6
- Template:Test7
- Template:Testarticle
- Template:Testarticle-n
- Template:Testb
- Template:TestOR
- Template:Tests
- Template:Testself
- Template:Thanks WPYorks
- Template:Threat
- Template:Threat2
- Template:Tilde
- Template:Tpv
- Template:Tpv0
- Template:Tpv0-n
- Template:Tpv1
- Template:Tpv2
- Template:Tpv2-n
- Template:Tpv3
- Template:Tpv3-n
- Template:Tpv4
- Template:Tpv4-n
- Template:Tpv5
- Template:Tpv5-n
- Template:Troll
- Template:Tset
- Template:Tvp4
- Template:TWwelcome
- Template:UB
- Template:Ublock
- Template:Ue
- Template:UE
- Template:Uhb
- Template:Uhblock
- Template:Ukrwelcome
- Template:Un
- Template:Una
- Template:Unb
- Template:Unb-c
- Template:Unbc
- Template:Unbe
- Template:Unbv
- Template:Uncon
- Template:Und
- Template:Undergroundmemberwelcome
- Template:Unhb
- Template:Unib
- Template:Unl
- Template:Unref-talk
- Template:Unverified user
- Template:Uploadfirst
- Template:Useenglish
- Template:User-OR
- Template:Userfied
- Template:Userfied-nn
- Template:Userfied a
- Template:Userfied2
- Template:Userfy
- Template:Userfy warning
- Template:Userfywarning
- Template:Userify
- Template:Usernamblock
- Template:Username
- Template:Username-ne
- Template:Username-Warn
- Template:Username block
- Template:Username blocked
- Template:Username concern
- Template:Username Concern
- Template:Usernameallowed
- Template:UsernameAllowed
- Template:Usernameblock
- Template:UsernameBlock
- Template:UserNameBlock
- Template:Usernameblocked
- Template:UsernameBlocked
- Template:UsernameBlocked-noedits
- Template:Usernameblocked-vandal
- Template:UsernameBlocked-vandal
- Template:Usernameblockedcompany
- Template:UsernameBlockedCompany
- Template:UsernameBlockedEmail
- Template:UsernameBlockedLong
- Template:Usernameconcern
- Template:UsernameConcern
- Template:Usernamediscussion
- Template:UsernameDiscussion
- Template:Usernamehardblock
- Template:UsernameHardBlock
- Template:Usernamehardblocked
- Template:UsernameHardBlocked
- Template:Usernamenotice
- Template:UsernameNotice
- Template:UsernameWarn
- Template:Userspace draft suggestion
- Template:UserWelcome
- Template:USPP welcome
- Template:Usrcvtext
- Template:Uw-2redirect
- Template:Uw-3block
- Template:Uw-3o
- Template:Uw-3r
- Template:Uw-3R
- Template:Uw-3rr
- Template:Uw-3RR
- Template:Uw-3rrblock
- Template:Uw-9/11
- Template:Uw-9/112
- Template:Uw-a1
- Template:Uw-ablock
- Template:Uw-ad1
- Template:Uw-ad2
- Template:Uw-ad3
- Template:Uw-ad4
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- Template:Wrong version
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- User:Zaui/Welcome
- Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser/Warnings/Insignificant edits
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