Wikipedia:WikiProject Anarchism/Vital articles
Vital articles GA or FA: 20.4% complete | ||
Level 3 vital articles
Total pages in content type is 2
Level 4 vital articles
Total pages in content type is 17
Level 5 vital articles
Anarchist communism
Alexander Berkman
Murray Bookchin
Gaetano Bresci
André Breton
Martin Buber
Chen Jiongming
Camilo Cienfuegos
Anacharsis Cloots
Confederación Nacional del Trabajo
Dorothy Day
Fabrizio De André
Joseph Déjacque
Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria
Direct action
Buenaventura Durruti
The Falling Soldier
Fernando Fernán Gómez
Francisco Ferrer
First Red Scare
Luigi Galleani
General strike
William Godwin
Paul Goodman
David Graeber
Jaroslav Hašek
Haymarket affair
History of anarchism
Homage to Catalonia
Individualist anarchism
Industrial Workers of the World
International Workingmen's Association
Itō Noe
Ted Kaczynski
Kronstadt rebellion
Nestor Makhno
Errico Malatesta
Subcomandante Marcos
May 68
Assassination of William McKinley
Thomas Merton
Louise Michel
Octave Mirbeau
Michael Moorcock
Alan Moore
Johann Most
Sergey Nechayev
New Left
Occupy Wall Street
Michel Onfray
Lucy Parsons
Punk subculture
Alfred Radcliffe-Brown
Sacco and Vanzetti
James C. Scott
Paul Signac
Bhagat Singh
Lysander Spooner
Stateless society
Max Stirner
V for Vendetta
Émile Verhaeren
Wage slavery
Simone Weil
Benjamin Zephaniah
Zhuang Zhou
Howard Zinn
Voltairine de Cleyre
Total pages in content type is 74