Langbahn Team – Weltmeisterschaft

User:What cat?/userlabeller.js

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// Enables user to set permanent labels and color backgrounds on accounts //
// Based on User:Cumbril's IP labeler
// This code is licensed under the CC BY-SA 3.0 License and the GFDL.

importStylesheet('User:What cat?/userlabeller.css');

// encapsulate
	// allow user to override colorCodes in common.js, make sure property '4' stays empty
	if (!window.colorCodes) {
		window.colorCodes = {
			'Red':"#FC8888",	// red
			'Yellow':"#ffe299",	// yellow
			'Green':"#99FF33",	// green
			'Blank':""			// white (must be empty)
	} else {
		window.colorCodes['Blank'] = "";

	var messages = {
		errNoStorage: 'No storage available. Seems that either:\n \
						a) your browser does not support local storage,\n \
						b) local storage is turned off, or\n \
						c) is full.',
		formAddLabel: 'add label',
		formChange  : 'change',
		formLabel   : 'Label',
		formColor   : 'Color',
		errNoName: 'Error: missing username!',
		lblDeleted  : 'Label removed!',
		lblMissing  : 'Missing label!',
		lblChanged  : 'Label changed!',
		lblAdded    : 'Label added!',
		errAction   : 'Error: unrecognized action!'			


	window.userlabel = {get:getData, set:setData, del:deleteData}

	// TODO: Make these obviously identifiable as callbacks (12/8/2016)
	window.userlabel.changecolor = function(e) {
	window.userlabel.changelabel = function(e) {
	window.userlabel.reload = function() { 
		if(typeof(Storage) === "undefined") {
			// if there is no local storage available, display message and do nothing
			throw new Error( messages.errNoStorage );
		} else {
			if (typeof(localStorage['lbls']) === "undefined") { localStorage['lbls'] = "{}"; }
			// define two custom methods for storing objects
			Storage.prototype.setObject = function(key, value) {
				this.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
			Storage.prototype.getObject = function(key) {
				var value = this.getItem(key);
				return value && JSON.parse(value);
			createLinks (false);
			createEvents ();

	$(document).mouseup(function (e) {
		var container = $("div.ul-popup");
		var link = $("");
		if (! // if the target of the click isn't the container...
			&& container.has( === 0) // ... nor a descendant of the container
			$(link).css({"font-weight": "normal"});
		var fbcontainer = $("div.ul-feedback");
		if (!
			&& fbcontainer.has( === 0)

	function createLinks( refresh ) {
		var spacer = " ";
		if (refresh) {
		$("").each(function() {
			// create link after every name; add the name into the link html code
			var username = $(this).text();
			var linkText = messages.formAddLabel;
			var dataResult = getData( username );
			var keyExists = dataResult.exists;
			var dataObj = dataResult.obj;
			if ( keyExists ) {
				if (dataObj.label) {
					linkText = dataObj.label;
				} else if (dataObj.color) {
					linkText = messages.formChange;
				if (dataObj.color) {
					$(this).css("background-color", dataObj.color);
			var link = $("<span class='ul-container'></div>").html("<a href='#' class='ul-link' data-name='" + username + "'>"+ linkText + "</a>");
			$(this).after(spacer, link);

	function createEvents () {
		$("a.ul-link").click(function(event) {
			// if the link was clicked ...
			var name = $(this).data("name");
			var data = getData( name );
			// legacy variables just in case I miss one
			var username = name; var dataResult = data; 
			var keyExists = dataResult.exists;
			var dataObj = dataResult.obj;
			// ... make the username bold ...
			var userlink = $(this).parent().prev();
			userlink.css({"font-weight": "bold"});
				dlabel = dataObj.label;
				dcolor = dataObj.color;
			} else {
				dcolor = "";
				dlabel = "";
			var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow( 600, 400 );
			Window.setScriptName("User label");
			Window.setTitle("Add/edit label for "+name);
			var form = new Morebits.quickForm( function(e){
				if( === "" && === "") {deleteData(name)}
			} );//window.userlabel.processForm 

			var nameexample = form.append({type: 'div', label: "If you're seeing this, something has gone wrong", id:'ul-example-container'}); // unless you're reading the source code, then it's fine

			var colorlist = form.append( { type:'field', label:'Colors' } );

			colorlist.append({type: 'radio', name:'color', list: colorsToList(window.colorCodes,dcolor),
					event: function( e ) {
						window.userlabel.changecolor( e );

			form.append({type: 'input', name:'label', label:'Label text: ', value: dlabel,
					event: function( e ) {
						window.userlabel.changelabel( e );
			form.append( { type:'submit', label:"Set label" } );
			var result = form.render();

			// this is pretty much the only real way to do this seamlessly before showing the form
			result.querySelector('#ul-example-container').innerHTML = $("<div id='ul-example-container'>"+
																			"<span id='ul-example'>"+name+"</span>"+
																			"<div class='ul-container'>"+
																				"<a href='#' id='ul-example-label' data-name='"+name+"'>"+ "Add label" + "</a>"+

			Window.setContent( result );

	function colorsToList(colors,select) {
		var list = [];
		// awful terrible hacky for-loop; k is key, v is value, i is iterator value
		for (var i=0;i<Object.keys(window.colorCodes).length;i++){var k=Object.keys(window.colorCodes)[i];var v=window.colorCodes[k];
			list.push({label:k,value:v,style:'background-color:'+v,checked:(v==select)}) // the fact that this actually works is great
		return list
	function getData ( key ) {
		var labelListObj = localStorage.getObject("lbls");
		var labelObj = labelListObj[key]
		var keyExists = ( (typeof labelObj === "undefined" || labelObj === null) ? false : true );

		var dataObj;
		if (keyExists) {
			if(typeof(labelObj.label)==='undefined') {
				var dataObj = {
			} else {
				var dataObj = {
		return {
				exists: keyExists,
				obj: dataObj

	function deleteData ( key ) {
		var labelObj = localStorage.getObject("lbls")
		delete labelObj[key];
		localStorage.setObject("lbls", labelObj);

	function setData( key, dataObj ) {
		var labelObj = localStorage.getObject("lbls")
		var p = { l: dataObj.label, c: dataObj.color }	// the p stands for parsed
		if((p.l === "" || typeof(p.l) !== "string") && (p.c === "" || typeof(p.c) !== "string")) {
		labelObj[key] = p;
		localStorage.setObject("lbls", labelObj);

	function isBlank (str) {
		return (!str || /^\s*$/.test(str));

	function isEmpty(str) {
		return (!str || 0 === str.length);

	function preload( arrayOfImages ) {
			$('<img/>')[0].src = this;
	function colorsToList(colors, color) {
		var list = [];
		// awful terrible hacky for-loop; k is key, v is value, i is iterator value
		for (var i=0;i<Object.keys(window.colorCodes).length;i++){var k=Object.keys(window.colorCodes)[i];var v=window.colorCodes[k];
			list.push({label:k,value:v,style:'background-color:'+v,checked:(v===color)}) // i'm surprised this works
		return list