Hello, dear friend. My name is Vachagan. You can meet me in both English, Dutch, and Armenian Wikipedias. Among my interests are culture and history of the Netherlands, Armenia and the region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

As the heavens are bright with stars and the earth with flowers, so are the works of the historian adorned by divers events. There are tales of the lands of the east which we have considered fitting to be incorporated in our composition which have found no place in the books of ancient historians.
— Movses Kałankatvaċi, History of Aghuank.
Some of my contributions: - Paul Scheffer - Artsakh - Karabagh - Sahl Smbatian - Mihranids - New articles: - Frank Westerman - Javanshir clan - Kingdom of Artsakh - Aghuank - Dizak - Esayi Abu-Muse - Yeghishe Ishkhanian - New Templates: Armenian Culture - New maps & images:
- Aghuank.jpg
- Arcax.jpg
- Lewonarch2.jpg
- Karabach-Kaart.jpg
- Amerigo Vespucci Amsterdam Sail 2010.jpg
- Amsterdam Sail 2010.jpg
- Armeense kerk Amsterdam.JPG
Did you know?
- ... that Brian Driscoll (pictured) became the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation by accident?
- ... that censorship in communist Poland delayed the publication of the novel Zaziemskie światy for nearly a decade due to its "inappropriate ideological basis" and positive portrayal of the United States?
- ... that the Russian government has been blamed for helping to escalate the Wars in the Caucasus by pursuing a policy of neocolonialism?
- ... that the concept of Weighing Souls with Sand reflects the guitarist's grief over the death of his first girlfriend?
- ... that Naenano was once known as "the face that Japanese girls most want to have right now"?
- ... that the Hennepin Avenue Steel Arch Bridge had to be put up for sale before it could be demolished?
- ... that Erin LeCount regularly rehearsed at a music venue owned by her primary school teacher?
- ... that Jacinda Ardern said that she was "sometimes a reluctant participant" of a documentary film about her?
- ... that an author referred to her book Accidental Gods as "dad non-fiction"?