User:Temari of Wind13
Straight to the point, i'm basically a Naruto fan and i plan on watching about 3-4 episodes every weekday and plan on posting the most amount of info i can, so far i have started from episode 110 because i didn't do anything for the other episodes because i was too lazy, sorry about the quick rush of signatures i put :( but I didn't know about the account. If i did something wrong or you like my info please inform me and i will fix the problem as soon as i can.
Things that i like
- Pranks
- Artistic things, drawings, comics etc...
- Heroes, the tv series
- Simpsons
- video games
- Air hockey, street hockey
- Basketball
- Lord of the rings
- weird things
Video Games
I own a Gameboy Color that is banged up and such, A high quality computer with a very good video and sound card, PS1, PS2(the small version) 1: Battle of Middle Earth (PC) 10/10: A perfect game in my opinion because of originality and exceptionally fun. 2: World of Warcraft 10/10: A good game as well but i don't like it so much because it reminds me of Runescape(PC) (can't decide
2: Jak 3 (PS2) 8.5/10: My second best PS2 game but it has a particular thing to it that makes me uncomfortable 3: Crash Bash (PS2)
7/10: Good but not that good. 4: Call of Duty: Finest Hour (PS2) 10/10: A fine game involving WW2 in which you play as a Russian, American, or British. It is unfortunately a bit racist because of the way when you play as a russian, your comrades call the Germans Nazi Devils and the beginning when a general is telling you not to count miles or days, only the number of germans you kill.
5: Jak 2 (PS2) 9/10: a Perfect story line, a bit better than the third game because it fits more into the storyline
6: Jak X (PS2 7/10: This is a particulary bad game because of twist of Krew reproducing and Daxter with his traditionly Hey! when Kiera and JAk are about to kiss.
7: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (PC) 8/10: A good game the first few times you play it but it gets more boring as you play it over and over.
8: Command and Conquer: Red Alert (PC) 9/10: A really good game when i was 10 years old but now it really stinks compared with what we have now.
9: The Simpsons: Road Rage: (PS2) 5/10: This is a fine racing game as you pick up passengers and such, the problem is that you should be able to throw things at people or cars to increase the fun.
Things I despise, detest, hate, and wish to kill
- Runescape or Maplestory(I just don't get it)
- Some types of music
- People that have a weird way of talking or typing and are extremly happy like jumping up and down, or are just simply annoying
- Social Studies
- Gameboys(all types), PSPS, Nitendo DS, basically anything that has a small screen
- Instant Noodles (yes funny)
I am currently taking a break from watching the Naruto episodes and fillers to do some other things such as catching up on missed Simpson Episodes and Heroes, i will most likely not return till mid march or so on, i am very sorry to have not put this on earlier. --Temari of Wind13 04:34, 25 January 2007 (UTC)
Contributions that i have made
- Jak 3 big contribution
- Naruto big contribution
- Heroes (TV series)