Taco325i loves Wikipedia. Here are some facts about Taco325i.
About Taco325i
- Taco325i writes in third person.
- Taco325i is a former LSAT instructor for The Princeton Review, a recent graduate of The George Washington University Law School, and is a member of the Maryland Bar.
- Taco325i absolutely loathes wikipedians who use articles to brag about the minor insignificant achievements of themselves, their schools, organizations, or localities; making him a stickler for NPOV.
- Taco325i believes that wikipedia should be a supportive community and not a forum for inimical debates; but Taco325i often catches himself being a wiki-asshole, like users WillC and howardjp. Taco325i is very sorry if he ever reverted an edit without explanation or purported to have any persuasive authority over an article. Let's be wiki-friends.
- Taco325i thinks America is the cradle of democracy, but also the cradle of ignorance. He is ashamed that shows like Arrested Development have a shelf-life of three seasons, but networks like Fox News enjoy continued boosts in ratings.
- Taco325i does not poofread. He often finds that have been left out, or that he he repeats words.
- Taco325i is a Christian. He urges fellow wikipedians not to judge Christianity based on the actions of evil-doers, lunatics, and retards like George W. Bush, Jerry Falwell and the guy on the street corner who wears a billboard warning of the impending apocalypse while his beard is thick with crusted saliva. Taco325i thinks Billy Graham and Jimmy Carter are model Christians.
- Taco325i believes homosexuality is a sin. Taco325i believes however, that homosexuality is no more a sin than is pride, jealousy, or lust. The book of Romans 3:23 says "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God", so Christians who attack homos should really shut the hell up, and focus on their own sins. It is a Christian tenet to hate the sin, love the sinner.
- Taco325i thinks Eric Clapton is a better blues performer than B.B. King, realizing that many would likely consider this statement to be blasphemy.
- Taco325i thinks black men are worse drivers than Asian women. Taco325i can get away with a statement like this because he is also an ethnic minority. Taco325i wishes for bad things to happen to people who do not use turn signals when merging into a lane.
- Taco325i thinks the cities of Washington, D.C. and New York suck a fat one. Taco325i adores the cities of Boston, Philadelphia and San Francisco and the U.K. city of Oxford. Taco325i hates the state of Virginia but admires the states of Maryland and New Jersey.
- Taco325i is sure that the Maryland flag is the coolest looking of all the state flags, and that the Maryland license plate is the best looking of all the state tags.
- Taco325i must believe that his opinions actually matter.
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