SETFORE, or S.E.T.F.O.R.E. is a swedish paramilitary youth organisation. S.E.T.F.O.R.E. stands for Special Emergency Team For Operations on Rare Enteties. Their HQ is located in Malmo, Sweden and operate in the county of Escania. Their present commander is Milton T. Abrahamsson.
SETFORE is organised into different departments. The main departments at this time is the Military Department, the Intelligence Department, the Logistic Department and the Medical Department.
The Military Department
The head and commander of the Military Department is M. Abrahamsson. As per SETFORES present regulations, he's also head of the entire organisation. As of the founding of the organisation the Military Department has been the largest of the four. The missions of the department is to act out operations, recruit and fullfil the needs of the organisation.
The Intelligence Department
The First Operator of the Intelligence Department is J. Hansson. Her, and her department's mission is to assist the organisation with intelligence and information during and before operation. They shall also seek out possible dangers to the organisation and the First Operator's duty is to act as the right hand of the Organisation Commander.
The Logistic Department
The Quartermaster is the supreme chief of SETFOREs Logistic Department. The Quartermaster of now is H. Nilsson. The Logistic Department's object is to supply the organisation with materials and transport of varoius means.
The Medical Department
SETFORE is part of a number of different operation at every time, the largest briefly described here.
The Spykonian Republic
SETFORE have a great precence at the creation of the Spykonian Republic, an independent students organisation located at Spykens upper-secondaty school in Lund. Diplomatic contact with E. Malmquist are deeply established since the begining of the founding.
Zombie Walk
One of setfores main activities is countering and suppresing the uprisal of a zombiehorde. Therefore setfore presence is almost garantied at any major zombiegathering. Any information regarding zombiegatherings is much appreciated and can be sent to the intelligence department.