Langbahn Team – Weltmeisterschaft


I am a student at the University of Chicago Law School and am currently taking a course on Feminist Economics and Public Policy. As part of my course, I will be updating Gender representation on corporate boards of directors.

Gender representation on corporate boards of directors

I will be rewriting and expanding Gender representation on corporate boards of directors and propose making the following revisions:

  • expanding the ‘Equality of Treatment’ section and inserting any required citations;
  • updating the citations in the ‘Current Landscape’ section. The current citations are mostly out of date and have been sourced from documents from the period 2011 – 2013;
  • extending the 'Current Landscape' section to include countries in Asia, North Africa and the Middle East to provide a worldwide view on the subject;
  • amending the heading 'Glass ceiling' to 'Challenges to achieving gender diversity on corporate boards;
  • expanding the ‘Regulatory Responses’ section by including data from more countries and outlining both sides of the debate on establishing quotas for women representation on boards. I will also rename this section 'Encouraging gender diversity on corporate boards', with the subheading of 'Regulatory responses' and '

In addition, I will be inserting the following new sections:

  • a short section on the history of women on boards;
  • 'Effects of gender diversity on corporate boards' which will consist of a discussion on the empirical studies that have been undertaken on this issue. I will include a discussion of studies that have found a positive correlation between gender diversity and firm value and findings that have not; and
  • the gender pay gap on corporate boards; and
  • gender representation of CEOs.


  • Post, Corinne; Byron, Kris (October 2015), “Women on Boards and Firm Financial Performance: A Meta-analysis”, Academy of Management Journal 58 (5): 1546-1547.
  • Sila, Vathunyoo; Gonzalaz, Angelica (February 2016), “Women on Board: Does boardroom gender diversity affect firm risk?” Journal of Corporate Finance 36: 26–53.
  • Isidro, Helena; Sobral, Marcia (November 2015), “The Effects of Women on Corporate Boards on Firm Value, Financial Performance, and Ethical and Social Compliance”, Journal of Business Ethics 132 (1): 1-19.
  • Kakabadse, Nada K.; et al (March 2015), “Gender Diversity and Board Performance: Women’s Experiences and Perspectives”, Human Resource Management 54 (2): 265-281.
  • Singh Kang, Lakhwinder; Payal (June 2012), “Women on Corporate Boards: A Literature Review”, Indian Journal of Corporate Governance 5 (1): 33-49.
  • Abdullah, Shamsul N.; Ismail, Ku Nor Izah Ku; Nachum, Lilac (March 2016), “Does Having Women on Boards Create Value? The Impact of Societal Perceptions and Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets”, Strategic Management Journal 37 (3): 466-476.
  • Elstad, Beate; Ladegard, Gro (November 2012), “Women on Corporate Boards: Key Influencers or Tokens?” Journal of Management and Governance 16 (4): 595-615.
  • Chen, Guoli; Crossland, Craig; Huang, Sterling (February 2016), “Female board representation and corporate acquisition intensity” Strategic Management Journal 37 (2): 303-131.
  • Martin-Ugedo, Juan Francisco; Minguez-Vera, Antonio (July 2014), “Firm Performance and Women on the Board: Evidence from Spanish Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises” Feminist Economics 20 (3): 136-162.
  • Pucheta-Martinez, Maria Consuelo; Bel-Oms, Immaculada (April 2015), “The Gender Gap in Pay in Company Boards” Industrial and Corporate Change 24 (2) 467-510.
  • The World Bank. 2012. “Gender Differences in Employment and Why They Matter,” in Gender Equality and Development: World Development Report 2012. Washington, D.C: The World Bank. Ch. 5 and notes, pp. 198–242.
  • Larcker, David; Tayan, Brian (September 2013), “Pioneering Women on Boards: Pathways of the First Female Directors”, Stanford Closer Look Series.
  • OECD (2012), “Women on company boards” Entrepreneurship at a Glance 2012” OECD Publishing:
  • Pande, Rohini; Ford, Deanna, “Gender Quotas and Female Leadership” Background paper for the World Development Report 2012:
  • Cook, Alison; Glass, Christy (February 2016), “Leading at the top: Understanding women’s challenges above the glass ceiling”, The Leadership Quarterly 27: 51-63.
  • Matsa, David; Miller, Amalia (May 2011), “Chipping away at the Glass Ceiling: Gender Spillovers in Corporate Leadership”, American Economic Review 101 (3): 635-639.
  • Dang, Rey; Nguyen, Duc Khuong; Vo, Linh-Chi (May-June 2014), “Does the Glass Ceiling exist? A Longitudinal Study of Women’s Progress on French Corporate Boards”, Journal of Applied Business Research 30 (3): 909-916.
  • De Jonge, Alice (November 2014), “The glass ceiling that refuses to break: Women directors on the boards of listed firms in China and India”, Women’s Studies International Forum 47 (B): 326-338.
  • Senden, Linda (December 2014), “The Multiplicity of Regulatory Responses to Remedy the Gender Imbalance on Company Boards”, Utrecht Law Review 10 (5): 51-66.
  • Masselot, Annick; Brand, Timothy (June 2015), “Diversity, Quotas and Compromise in the Boardroom: Tackling Gender Imbalance in Economic Decision Making”, New Zealand Universities Law Review 26 (3): 535-556.
  • Koch, Raphael (2015), “Board gender quotas in Germany and the EU: An appropriate way of equalizing the participation of women and men?”, Deakin Law Review 20 (1): 52-73.
  • Smith, Nina; Smith, Valdemar; Verner, Mette (April 2013), “Why are so few females promoted into CEO and presidential positions? Danish empirical evidence, 1997 – 2007”, Industrial & Labor Relations Review 66 (2): 380-408.
  • Cook, Alison; Glass, Christy (September 2015), “Diversity bigets diversity? The effects of board composition on the appointment and success of women CEOs”, Social Science Research 53: 137-147.
  • Rupali, Arora; et al. “Fortune’s Most Powerful Women International” Fortune. 172 (4): 145-147.
  • Oehmichen, Jana; Sarry, Maximilian; Wolff, Michael (October 2014), “Beyond human capital explanations for the gender pay gap among executives: investigating board embeddedness effects on discrimination” Business Research 7 (2): 351-380.
  • Geiler, Philipp; Renneboog, Luc (December 2015), “Are female top managers really paid less?”, Journal of Corporate Finance 35: 345-369.