Welcome on my page!
vec | Sto utente el parla vèneto come só łengoa mare. |
en-2 | This user can contribute with an intermediate level of English. |
de-1 | Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse. |
Born date: 1987
Origin: Menin of Cesiomaggiore (BL), Italy
Profession: Student at the university of Trento, civil engeneering
Degrees: Elementary school license; middle school license; diplom of engineering technician
- Agriculture (fruit's tree)
- Architecture
- Singing
- Electric implants
- Shaping wood
- Working in the forest
- Mechanic
- Numismatic
- Research about, history, tradition
- Playing belts at carillon
- History
- Tradition of my village
- Tractor
- Train
If someone can tell me something...
- I'me looking for information about the history of the "Maoret" surname