User:S142968 Wikipedia:Babelen-5This user can contribute with a professional level of English.he-1משתמש זה יכול לתרום ברמה בסיסית של עברית.Search user languages RandomThis user is an intermediate TI-BASIC programmer.This user likes Java. This user thinks there is nothing better than a puppy. This user's favorite color is green. This user is interested in computer engineering.This user thinks Apple Inc. products are cool.G1This user contributes using their HTC DreamThis userbox is flavoured like Green Apple! Mmmm...sweet, but also sour...Make up some cool new flavours of your own! Video GamesAYBThis user knows that "all your base are belong to us."This user is addicted to video games.This user is a modder.This user loves video game easter eggs, and is a master at finding them.Like this, for example!This user plays games on a graphing calculator.This user likes to play games on his or her Mac, but is getting awfully sick of Breakout.LIVEThis user plays on Xbox Live with the gamertag miniman1013.This user plays Dance Dance Revolution (or another dance game such as In The Groove or StepMania).This user kicks butt at Tetris. This user plays Guitar Hero on expert. This user's favorite character from the Mario series is Luigi, Mario's brother.BYHDThis user is going to BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN with lemons! This user wants their possessions identified.This user plays Minecraft. RPG'sThis user is a Dungeon Master. D&D This user plays Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 edition. CGThis user's alignment is Chaotic Good: the "Rebel." InterestsThis user is interested in architecture.This user enjoys cooking.This user believes in certain conspiracy theories. This user has one too many screws loose. We warned you. This user loves to go camping. This user is interested in drama and acting.This user enjoys singing.This user is interested in Greek mythology. This user is interested in recycling. This user settled Catan.This user is a pyromaniac. Mathematicsmath-4This user can contribute with near natural mathematical skills.This user thinks polar coordinates are pretty.This user understands capital sigma and pi notation, and you should too!This user likes to create and draw graphs of functions that barely make sense during their spare time.