* James Batterton and The Batterton House
- James Baxter (disambiguation)
- James Baxter House (Amberley Village, Ohio)
- James Bay
- James Bay (Greater Victoria)
- James Bay Cree hydroelectric conflict
- James Bay Project
- James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement
- James Bayard
- James Beard (architect)
- James Beard Foundation
- James Beaton II
- James Beattie
- James Beaty
- James Bedford
- James Belich
- James Bell
- James Belton Bonsall
- James Bennett
- James Benning
- James Benoit
- James Berges
- James Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley
- James Berry
- James Bertram
- James Bevan Edwards
- James Bieri
- James Biery
- James Billyeald
- James Birney
- James Bishop
- James Bismark Holden
- James Black (disambiguation)
- James Blair
- James Blake (disambiguation)
- James Blake Miller
- James Blundell
- James Blunt discography
- James Blyth
- James Blyth, 1st Baron Blyth
- James Boarman
- James Boggs
- James Bohary
- James Boiling
- James Bonamy
- James Bonaventure Hepburn
- James Bond Car Collection
- James Bonfield
- James Boswell (artist)
- James Bottomley
- James Bottomley (Usenet innovator)
- James Bradley (disambiguation)
- James Bradley (footballer)
- James Brady (disambiguation)
- James Brady (soldier)
- James Braid
- James Braid Taylor
- James Braidwood
- James Breathitt, Jr.
- James Brelsford
- James Brock
- James Brockett Tudhope
- James Brook
- James Brooks
- James Brown (author)
- James Brown (cricketer)
- James Brown (disambiguation)
- James Brown discography
- James Browning
- James Bruce (disambiguation)
- James Brusseau
- James Bryant
- James Bryce
- James Buchanan (disambiguation)
- James Buchanan (minister)
- James Buckham Kennedy
- James Buckley
- James Bunten
- James Burke
- James Burke (Irish politician)
- James Burke (racing driver)
- James Burkee
- James Butler
- James Butler (bible scholar)
- James Byrne
- James C. Anthony
- James C. C. Black
- James C. Calaway
- James C. Carpenter
- James C. Dozier
- James C. Floyd
- James C. Garland
- James C. Kenny
- James C. Morton
- James C. Scott
- James C. Wang
- James C. Welsh
- James C. Yarbrough
- James Cagney, Jr.
- James Cain
- James Cair Flood
- James Caird
- James Caldwell (Ohio)
- James Caldwell (politician)
- James Caldwell High School
- James Callahan
- James Calls In
- James Cameron (disambiguation)
- James Cameron Mackenzie
- James Cammish
- James Campbell (Falkirk)
- James Campbell (clarinetist)
- James Campbell (disambiguation)
- James Campbell McInnes
- James Cancer Hospital
- James Cannon
- James Carmichael (disambiguation)
- James Carr
- James Carr (Massachusetts politician)
- James Carreras
- James Carroll
- James Carse
- James Carson
- James Carson Gardner
- James Carter
- James Cartwright
- James Caskey
- James Cassels
- James Cayne
- James Cañón
- James Cecil
- James Chads
- James Chalmers (British army officer)
- James Chambers
- James Chapman
- James Chapman (author)
- James Chapman (explorer)
- James Charles Harris
- James Charles McDonald
- James Chichester, Earl of Belfast
- James Cho
- James Christie
- James City (Virginia Company)
- James Clancy
- James Clark
- James Clay
- James Cleland
- James Clements Municipal Airport
- James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
- James Clyde
- James Coblentz
- James Coburn filmography
- James Cole
- James Coleman
- James Colgate Cleveland
- James Coll
- James College
- James Collins
- James Colville, 1st Lord Colville of Culross
- James Colvin (pseudonym)
- James Conant
- James Cone
- James Connor
- James Constable
- James Conway (disambiguation)
- James Coody Johnson
- James Cook (disambiguation)
- James Cook High School
- James Cooper
- James Copeland
- James Corbett
- James Corker
- James Cornwall
- James Cornwallis, 4th Earl Cornwallis
- James Corocoran
- James Corry
- James Cotton (disambiguation)
- James County, Tennessee
- James Coutts
- James Covey
- James Cowan
- James Cowan (New Zealand writer)
- James Cox
- James Crabb
- James Craggs
- James Craig
- James Craig Watson Medal
- James Cravens
- James Crawford
- James Creek Marina
- James Creighton
- James Crosbie Smith
- James Crossan-Cobourg Car Works
- James Crosthwaite
- James Crowley
- James Crump
- James Cudjoe
- James Cullen
- James Culnan Catholic School
- James Cummings
- James Cunningham
- James Cunningham (British Columbia politician)
- James Curley
- James Curtin
- James Cutler Dunn Parker
- James Cycle Co
- James D. Forbes
- James D. Hardy, Jr.
- James D. Johnston
- James D. McCaffrey
- James D. Murray
- James D. Weddle
- James Dagwell
- James Dale Davidson
- James Dalrymple
- James Dalton
- James Dalton (disambiguation)
- James Daly
- James Dance
- James Daughton
- James Davenport
- James Davey
- James David
- James David Cain
- James David Marwick
- James David Santini
- James David Thomas
- James Davidson
- James Davis 'Duramboi'
- James Davis (mariner)
- James Davis (settler)
- James Dawson (activist)
- James Dayton
- James De la Vega
- James DeNoon Reymert
- James DeSimone (G.I. Joe)
- James Deakins
- James Delaney (disambiguation)
- James Delaney (music)
- James Delingpole
- James Denton
- James Despencer-Robertson
- James Dewar (disambiguation)
- James Dillon
- James Dillon (officer)
- James Dillon, 3rd Earl of Roscommon
- James Disney
- James Dobb
- James Dobbin
- James Domville
- James Donohue
- James Dooley
- James Doolittle
- James Doran
- James Douglas
- James Douglas (voice actor)
- James Douglas McComas
- James Douglas, Earl of Angus
- James Douglass
- James Downey
- James Downey (Internet performance artist)
- James Doyle
- James Dozier
- James Drummond
- James Duff
- James Duffy
- James Dun's House
- James Duncan (disambiguation)
- James Dunn
- James Durand (general)
- James Duthie (disambiguation)
- James Dwight (tennis)
- James E. Akins
- James E. Ferrell
- James E. FitzGerald
- James E. J. Bottomley
- James E. Kearney
- James E. Morin
- James E. Rogers College of Law
- James E. Rzepkowski
- James E. Sullivan Award
- James E. West
- James Earl (disambiguation)
- James Earl Baumgartner
- James Earl Carter, Sr.
- James Earle Fraser
- James Eastland (disambiguation)
- James Edward Harris, 2nd Earl of Malmesbury
- James Edward Kelly
- James Edwards
- James Edwin Campbell
- James Edwin Powell
- James Egan Moulton
- James Elliott
- James Ellis
- James Ellison
- James Ellison (polygamist)
- James Ellwood
- James Emerson Dugan
- James Endicott
- James English
- James English School
- James Ennes Jr.
- James Erough
- James Espir
- James Evans
- James Ewing (Pennsylvania statesman)
- James F. Gennaro
- James F. Sloan
- James Failla
- James Fargo
- James Farley (disambiguation)
- James Farrell
- James Faure Walker
- James Fenimore Cooper Prize for Best Historical Fiction
- James Ferguson
- James Fergusson
- James Ferrier
- James Files
- James Fillis
- James Findlay
- James Finley
- James Fisher (disambiguation)
- James Fisher (president)
- James Fisk
- James Fitzmaurice
- James Fitzpatrick
- James Flanagan
- James Flint
- James Flint (British Merchant)
- James Fontaine
- James Forbes
- James Ford
- James Ford (cricketer)
- James Forder
- James Forrester
- James Foster
- James Francis (disambiguation)
- James Franklin (disambiguation)
- James Fraser
- James Freedman
- James Freeman
- James Freeman (clergyman)
- James French
- James Fullarton
- James Fuller
- James Furman
- James G. Boswell Foundation
- James G. Carr
- James G. Ellis
- James G. Evans
- James G. Lakely
- James G. Oldroyd
- James G. Randall
- James G. Rowe, Jr.
- James Galanes
- James Gallagher
- James Gang
- James Gang (disambiguation)
- James Gardiner
- James Gardner
- James Garley
- James Garner (disambiguation)
- James Gascoyne-Cecil
- James Gattuso
- James Gavin
- James Gavin (Unification Church)
- James Gay Sawkins
- James Gaylyn
- James Geary
- James Genenz
- James Gerard Kennedy
- James Gibson
- James Gicho
- James Gildea
- James Gill (cricketer)
- James Gillan
- James Gillespie (footballer)
- James Gillespie's High School
- James Gimzewski
- James Glasgow
- James Glayat
- James Gleick
- James Glendinning
- James Glenny Wilson
- James Golden
- James Golding
- James Goldrick
- James Goodman
- James Gordon
- James Gordon Bennett
- James Gordon Lindsay
- James Gordon, Baron Gordon of Strathblane
- James Gorman
- James Gorman (shooter)
- James Gossland
- James Gourlay
- James Goyen
- James Graaskamp
- James Graham
- James Graham (cricketer)
- James Grant
- James Grant (author)
- James Graves
- James Gray
- James Green
- James Gregory
- James Griffin (disambiguation)
- James Griffin Stadium
- James Grosjean
- James Guarrera
- James Gunn
- James Guthrie
- James H Morris
- James H Symington
- James H. Ammons
- James H. Boyd Intermediate School
- James H. Carson
- James H. Clark Center
- James H. Coffman, Jr.
- James H. Dolan
- James H. Doolittle Award
- James H. Flatley
- James H. Floyd State Park
- James H. Fowler
- James H. Lane
- James H. Morrison
- James H. Simpson
- James H. Wear
- James Hacker
- James Hagedorn
- James Haire
- James Hall
- James Hall III
- James Halliday (disambiguation)
- James Hamilton
- James Hamilton (bishop)
- James Hamilton Doggart
- James Hamilton of Cadzow
- James Hammerstein
- James Hampton
- James Hampton Kirkland
- James Hanson
- James Harcourt
- James Harden
- James Hargest College
- James Harington (disambiguation)
- James Harlan
- James Harper
- James Harris
- James Harris (cricketer)
- James Harrison
- James Harry Lacey
- James Hart
- James Hart (Ontario politician)
- James Hart (police commissioner)
- James Harvey
- James Harvey (artist)
- James Harvey Tomb
- James Haskell Hope
- James Haskins
- James Hatfield (disambiguation)
- James Hayes Sadler
- James Hayter
- James Heath
- James Heath (engraver)
- James Heffernan
- James Heffernan (Labour)
- James Heller
- James Henderson
- James Hendry
- James Henry
- James Henry Ashdown
- James Henry Metcalfe
- James Henry Whalen
- James Hepburn
- James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell
- James Heywood
- James Hickey
- James Higgins
- James Hill
- James Hill (football player)
- James Hill Elementary School
- James Hill Hunter
- James Hillier (actor)
- James Hinchcliffe
- James Hinton (disambiguation)
- James Hiscott
- James Hodges (disambiguation)
- James Hogan
- James Hoggan & Associates
- James Holden
- James Holden (actor)
- James Holmes
- James Hood (disambiguation)
- James Hood (football player)
- James Hook
- James Hope (disambiguation)
- James Horan
- James Horton
- James Horwill
- James Horwitz
- James Hough
- James Hough (physicist)
- James Howard
- James Howard Holmes
- James Hubbell
- James Hubert Blake High School
- James Hudson
- James Humphreys
- James Hunt (disambiguation)
- James Hunter (disambiguation)
- James Hurdis
- James Hussey
- James Hutchinson
- James I
- James I of England and religious issues
- James I of England and the English Parliament
- James I. Robertson, Jr.
- James II
- James III
- James Iles
- James Irvin (fighter)
- James Irvine
- James Island
- James Island (Chile)
- James Island (South Carolina)
- James Island, South Carolina
- James Ivory
- James J. Crist
- James J. Hill Sapphire
- James J. Hines
- James J. Kay
- James J. Manderino
- James J. Montague
- James J. O'Donnell
- James J. Quinn
- James J. Roberts
- James J. White
- James Jackson
- James Jackson, Jr.
- James Jamieson
- James Jarvis
- James Jarvis (illustrator)
- James Jenkins (disambiguation)
- James Jensen
- James Johnston
- James Jones
- James Jones (basketball)
- James Jordan
- James Jordan (conductor)
- James Jordan (dancer)
- James Joseph Kingstone
- James Joyce Centre
- James Joyce Tower and Museum
- James Jupp
- James Jurries
- James Kahn
- James Kakande
- James Karabec
- James Kasting
- James Kearney
- James Keddy
- James Keith
- James Kelly
- James Kelly (Scottish politician)
- James Kemp
- James Kempster
- James Kennedy (disambiguation)
- James Kennedy (social psychologist)
- James Kennedy Elementary School
- James Kerr
- James Kielsmeier
- James King
- James King (Quebec politician)
- James Kirk
- James Kirk diploma mills
- James Kirksey Plantation
- James Kirkwood
- James Knox (disambiguation)
- James Koehnline
- James Kring
- James Kugel
- James L Webster Elementary School
- James L. Barker
- James L. Farmer
- James L. Guetti
- James L. Knight Center
- James L. McCormick
- James L. Miller, Sr.
- James L. Mohler
- James L. Smith III
- James L. Vincent
- James L. Walker
- James LaBelle
- James Laidler
- James Laird
- James Landale
- James Landrum White
- James Lang
- James Langridge
- James Larkin Pearson
- James Laughlin Award
- James Laurence Carew
- James Law
- James Lawton Collins
- James Leach
- James Lee
- James Lee (cricketer)
- James Lee (cricketer, born 1838)
- James Lee (cricketer, born 1988)
- James Lee (footballer)
- James Lee Barrett
- James Lenox-Conyngham Chichester-Clark
- James Leonard Plimpton
- James Leonard T. Gordon
- James Leslie (disambiguation)
- James Lesslie
- James Lesslie (musician)
- James Levert Davis
- James Lewis Perry
- James Likoudis
- James Lillywhite's Cricketers' Annual
- James Lindley
- James Lindsay
- James Lisney
- James Litton
- James Livingston
- James Livingston (American Revolution)
- James Lloyd
- James Logan
- James Logan (footballer)
- James Long
- James Longenbach
- James Longley
- James Lorne Gray
- James Louis O'Donel
- James Lovell
- James Lowther
- James Lumbers
- James Lyman
- James Lynch
- James Lynch (trumpeter)
- James Lyons
- James Lyons (film)
- James Lyons Biggar
- James M Hill Memorial High School
- James M. Baker
- James M. Bennett High School
- James M. Birney
- James M. Bower
- James M. Edmunds
- James M. Kelly (politician)
- James M. Lindsay
- James M. McCanney
- James M. McHugh
- James M. Moran
- James M. Nack
- James M. Robb - Colorado River State Park
- James M. Shuart
- James M. Shuart Stadium
- James M. Sprayberry
- James MacDonald
- James MacGillivray
- James Mackay
- James Mackay, 1st Earl of Inchcape
- James Mackenzie (disambiguation)
- James Mackie
- James Maclay, 1st Baron Maclay
- James Macpherson (disambiguation)
- James Macpherson, freebooter
- James Madhavan
- James Madison Carpenter
- James Madison Dukes
- James Madison Freedom of Information Award
- James Madison Middle School
- James Madison Preparatory School
- James Madison Square
- James Mallory
- James Malone
- James Manly
- James Mann
- James Mannon
- James Manos, Jr.
- James Marcinkowski
- James Mark
- James Marsh
- James Marsh (artist)
- James Marshall
- James Marten
- James Martin
- James Martin (Australian soldier)
- James Martin (Jesuit writer)
- James Martin (footballer)
- James Marvel
- James Mason (disambiguation)
- James Maxwell
- James Maxwell, 2nd Earl of Farnham
- James May's Top Toys
- James Mays Motormania Car Quiz
- James McBratney
- James McBride
- James McBrine
- James McCann
- James McCarthy
- James McClelland (disambiguation)
- James McCloud
- James McClure
- James McConvill
- James McDermott
- James McDonald
- James McDougall
- James McEachin
- James McFadden (American Tap dancer)
- James McGarrell
- James McGaugh
- James McGovern
- James McGuire
- James McIntyre (theatrical actor)
- James McLean
- James McLevy
- James McMahon
- James McMichael
- James McMillan
- James McMillan (cricket player)
- James McNaughton
- James McPherson
- James McSherry
- James McSherry (Maryland judge)
- James Mckenzie
- James Meadows Rendel
- James Megellas
- James Melville
- James Mercer
- James Merlino
- James Merrell
- James Merriman
- James Merritt
- James Meston, 1st Baron Meston
- James Michael Callahan
- James Millar (Australian actor)
- James Millar (disambiguation)
- James Miller
- James Miller (De La Salle Christian Brother)
- James Miller (VC)
- James Milton Black
- James Mitchell
- James Moffat Douglas
- James Moir
- James Monroe (disambiguation)
- James Monroe High School
- James Monroe High School (New York)
- James Monroe High School (Virginia)
- James Montgomery (disambiguation)
- James Moody
- James Moody (composer)
- James Moore
- James Moran
- James Morehead
- James Morgan
- James Moriarty (Roman Catholic Bishop)
- James Morone
- James Morris
- James Morrison
- James Moyes
- James Moyle
- James Mudie
- James Munro
- James Munro Bertram
- James Murdoch
- James Murphy
- James Murphy (soccer)
- James Murray
- James Murray (general)
- James Murray (lexicographer)
- James Murray Wells
- James Murray Yale
- James Myer
- James Myers
- James N. Hill
- James N. Mathias, Jr
- James N. Parker
- James Nares
- James Nathaniel Halbert
- James Nathanson
- James Nayler Foundation
- James Neil Hollingworth
- James Nelson (disambiguation)
- James Newbury FitzGerald
- James Newman
- James Nichols
- James Nichols (murder suspect)
- James Nicolson
- James Niehues
- James Nix
- James Nobel Landis
- James Noble (football)
- James Norris
- James Nufer
- James O'Brien
- James O'Brien (Canadian politician)
- James O'Brien (LBC)
- James O'Connor
- James O'Connor (academic)
- James O'Donnell
- James O'Donnell (organist)
- James O'Donnell (politician)
- James O'Grady
- James O'Hara
- James O'Keeffe
- James O'Neil Mayne
- James O'Neill
- James O. Goldsborough
- James O. Hall
- James Oldshue
- James Olive
- James Oliver
- James Olsen
- James Olson
- James Orr
- James Osborne (sculptor)
- James Oswald Dykes
- James Outram
- James Outram (mountaineer)
- James Owen
- James P. Cooney, III
- James P. Delgado
- James P. Heath
- James P. Hogan
- James P. Kelley
- James P. McCaffrey Trophy
- James P. Snider Cup
- James P. Sullivan
- James P. Timilty Middle School
- James P.S. Devereux
- James Pace High School
- James Packman
- James Page (boxer)
- James Paget Hospital
- James Palmer
- James Pamment
- James Paris Lee
- James Park Sloan
- James Parke
- James Parker
- James Parker (cement maker)
- James Parker (football player)
- James Parsons Burkitt
- James Paterson
- James Patrick Johnston
- James Patterson (disambiguation)
- James Paynter (Jacobite)
- James Peak Wilderness
- James Pearson
- James Peck
- James Peebles
- James Pendergast
- James Peregrine Lester
- James Perse
- James Peter Davis
- James Phelan
- James Phelan, Sr.
- James Phillip Connor
- James Phinney Baxter
- James Phinney Munroe
- James Pickford
- James Pierpont
- James Pilkington
- James Pissot
- James Playfair 1860-1937
- James Polkinghorne
- James Pollard
- James Porteous
- James Porter
- James Possible
- James Powell and Sons
- James Presley Ball
- James Price (disambiguation)
- James Pryde
- James Pugh
- James Purdey and Sons
- James Quesada
- James Quinn
- James R Newby
- James R Scales Fine Arts Center
- James R. Ballantyne
- James R. Barr
- James R. Bath
- James R. Dow
- James R. Dunlap
- James R. Evans
- James R. Hedges IV
- James R. Hurley
- James R. Jones (football player)
- James R. Jordan
- James R. Kirk
- James R. Newman
- James R. Smith
- James R. Thompson, Jr.
- James Ramchandar Rao
- James Ramsay
- James Ramsay (bishop)
- James Ramsden
- James Ramster
- James Randolph
- James Rankin
- James Rankin (lighthouse keeper)
- James Raphael
- James Ravilious
- James Ray
- James Ray (rock musician)
- James Raymond
- James Ready
- James Reams & The Barnstormers (band)
- James Reasoner Civil War Series
- James Rector
- James Red Herring
- James Redfoord Bulwer
- James Redhouse
- James Redmond (disambiguation)
- James Reed (disambiguation)
- James Reeves
- James Reid
- James Reid (Ontario MPP)
- James Reilly
- James Reilly (politician)
- James Reist Stoner, Jr.
- James Remnant, 1st Baron Remnant
- James Remsen
- James Renner
- James Renwick
- James Renwick Brevoort
- James Rest
- James Reston
- James Reynolds
- James Rhody
- James Ricalton
- James Richard Beaumont
- James Richard Waddill
- James Richards
- James Richardson
- James Richardson & Sons, Limited
- James Richardson Corporation
- James Richburg
- James Ridgeway
- James Riely Gordon
- James Riker
- James Riley
- James Riley (gunman)
- James Riskinner
- James River
- James River Correctional Center
- James River Elementary School (Williamsburg, Virginia)
- James River High School
- James River High School (Chesterfield County, Virginia)
- James River and Kanawha Canal
- James River plantations
- James Robb
- James Robert Ford
- James Robert Gowan
- James Robert Mann
- James Robert Stratton
- James Roberts (slave narrative)
- James Robertson
- James Robertson (psychoanalyst)
- James Robinson
- James Robson
- James Roche Verling
- James Rochfort Maguire
- James Rodley
- James Roe
- James Rogers (disambiguation)
- James Roosevelt, Sr.
- James Rorimer
- James Rosati
- James Roscoe Day
- James Rosenbaum
- James Ross
- James Ross Strait
- James Rousseau
- James Rowland
- James Rumbaugh
- James Rumsey Technical Institute
- James Ruse Drive
- James Russell (disambiguation)
- James Russell (judge)
- James Rutherford
- James Ruthven, 2nd Earl of Gowrie
- James Ryan (disambiguation)
- James S. Ackerman
- James S. Bell Junior Middle School
- James S. Brady Press Briefing Room
- James S. Bubar
- James S. Carson
- James S. Dixon Trophy
- James S. Gorman
- James S. Levine
- James S. Parker
- James S. Rickards High School
- James S. Tan
- James S. Thomson
- James Sadler
- James Saito
- James Salisbury
- James Sallis
- James Sample
- James Samuel
- James Sandilands, 1st Lord Torphichen
- James Santos
- James Saunders (disambiguation)
- James Saunderson, 1st Earl Castleton
- James Schroder
- James Schwab
- James Scott
- James Scott (Character)
- James Scott (musician)
- James Scott Sledge
- James Scurlock
- James Seymour (cricketer)
- James Shanahan
- James Shapiro (disambiguation)
- James Sharman
- James Sharp (disambiguation)
- James Sharpe
- James Sharpe (Canadian politician)
- James Shaw (cricketer)
- James Shaw (disambiguation)
- James Shaw Grant
- James Shea (literary character)
- James Shears and Sons
- James Sherman
- James Shudi Broadwood
- James Simpson
- James Simpson (footballer)
- James Simpson-Daniel
- James Sims
- James Simson
- James Sinclair
- James Sinclair (martial artist)
- James Singleton
- James Skinner (disambiguation)
- James Sleator
- James Slee
- James Sloan (Orangeman)
- James Small
- James Smith
- James Smith (journalist)
- James Smith (musician)
- James Smurthwaite
- James Solomon
- James Somerville
- James Sorel-Cameron
- James Spence
- James Spencer
- James Spithill
- James Spradley
- James Sprunt Community College
- James Sreenan
- James St Clair-Erskine, 5th Earl of Rosslyn
- James Stanley
- James Stanley (writer)
- James Stanley Freeman
- James Stannage
- James Stansfield
- James Steerforth
- James Stenson
- James Stephens
- James Stephens (author)
- James Stephenson
- James Stern
- James Stevens
- James Stevenson
- James Stewart (Glasgow MP)
- James Stewart (MP)
- James Stewart (basketball)
- James Stewart (disambiguation)
- James Stewart (divorce lawyer)
- James Stewart Carrick
- James Stewart filmography
- James Stillman
- James Stirling
- James Stopford, 1st Earl of Courtown
- James Stopford, 2nd Earl of Courtown
- James Stopford, 3rd Earl of Courtown
- James Stopford, 4th Earl of Courtown
- James Stott
- James Stout
- James Strath Public School
- James Street (Hamilton, Ontario)
- James Strong
- James Stronge
- James Stuart
- James Stuart-Wortley
- James Sturm
- James Sullivan (disambiguation)
- James Sun
- James Sutherland
- James Sutherland Brown
- James Sutton
- James Sutton (photographer)
- James Sykes
- James Sykes (football player)
- James Symington
- James T. "Joker" Davis
- James T. Draper, Jr.
- James T. Licavoli
- James T. McIntyre
- James T. Monroe
- James T. O'Donohoe
- James Tait Black Memorial Prize
- James Talley
- James Tate
- James Tate (Emmerdale)
- James Taylor (Ceylon)
- James Taylor (disambiguation)
- James Taylor Middleton
- James Terry Gardiner
- James Terry Roach
- James Testro
- James Thin
- James Thom
- James Thomas
- James Thomas Donovan
- James Thomas Elliott
- James Thompson
- James Thompson Bain
- James Thomson
- James Thomson (Architect)
- James Thomson (Charterhouse)
- James Thomson (executive)
- James Thomson (footballer)
- James Thornton
- James Thornton (health economist)
- James Thornton (songwriter, vaudeville performer)
- James Thues
- James Tiedje
- James Tim Brymn
- James Todd
- James Towers CM
- James Township, Michigan
- James Treybig
- James Trimble
- James Truitt
- James Tuchet
- James Tuck (archaeologist)
- James Tucker
- James Tucker (Canadian politician)
- James Tunney
- James Tunnicliffe
- James Turk
- James Turner (Maryland)
- James Turner (disambiguation)
- James Turner (illustrator)
- James Turner Morehead
- James Turner, 1st Baron Netherthorpe
- James Tuthill
- James Tyler (professor of music)
- James Tyrrell (writer)
- James Underwood Crockett
- James V Wigley
- James V. Herring
- James Vacca
- James Valcq
- James Valentine
- James Valentine (photographer)
- James Van de Velde
- James Vaughan (disambiguation)
- James Veneris
- James Vernor
- James Vincent Cleary
- James Vincenzo Capone
- James Vowles
- James W. "Catfish" Cole
- James W. Gibson
- James W. Hubbard
- James W. Johnson Homes
- James W. LaBelle
- James W. Nichol
- James W. Ross
- James W. Smith
- James W. Tuttleton
- James W. Wadsworth
- James Wadsworth (disambiguation)
- James Wales
- James Walker
- James Wallace
- James Wallace Black
- James Walsh
- James Walsh (British politician)
- James Walsh (musician)
- James Walter Miller
- James Wannerton
- James Ward
- James Ward (psychologist)
- James Ware
- James Warren
- James Warren (engineer)
- James Warring
- James Warwick (B&B)
- James Watney, Jr.
- James Watson
- James Watson (actor)
- James Watson (trumpeter)
- James Watt (disambiguation)
- James Watt College
- James Watt International Medal
- James Watts
- James Wayne
- James Webb
- James Webb (historian)
- James Webster (musicologist)
- James Webster (senator)
- James Weirick
- James Welch (disambiguation)
- James Wellington McLaughlin
- James Welsh
- James Welsh (Paisley MP)
- James Wemyss, Lord Burntisland
- James Wentworth Day
- James West
- James Westcott, Jr.
- James Westerfield
- James Westfall
- James Whale Fund for Kidney Cancer
- James Whitbread Lee Glaisher
- James Whitcomb Riley
- James Whitcomb Riley High School
- James Whitcomb Riley Hospital for Children
- James White
- James White (rapper)
- James Whitfield
- James Whitney (disambiguation)
- James Whitney Bettes
- James Whyte
- James Wilkes
- James Wilkinson (disambiguation)
- James William Holmes
- James William McGhee
- James William Williams
- James Williams
- James Williamson (disambiguation)
- James Williamson (film pioneer)
- James Williamson (historian)
- James Willis Sayre
- James Wilson (House)
- James Wilson (UK Labour politician)
- James Wilson (architect)
- James Wilson (disambiguation)
- James Wilson (footballer)
- James Wimshurst
- James Winterwood
- James Wong
- James Wood (disambiguation)
- James Wood High School
- James Wormley Jones
- James Worsdale
- James Wright
- James Wright (poet)
- James Wright (speedway rider)
- James Wright Poetry Festival
- James Wycliffe Headlam
- James Yancey Discography
- James Yannatos
- James Yeo (politician)
- James Young (disambiguation)
- James and Browne
- James and Tom Martin
- James badro
- James bradfield moody
- James of Aragon
- James of Brescia
- James pittillo
- James the Cat
- James v. United States
- James's Fort
- James's Gerbil
- James-Lange theory
- Jamesburg Public Schools
- Jamesburg, New Jersey
- Jameson
- Jameson (name)
- Jameson Dublin International Film Festival
- Jameson High School
- Jameson Irish Whiskey
- Jameson Raid
- Jameson's Firefinch
- Jameson's Red Rock Hare
- Jamesonite
- Jamesport
- Jamesport, New York
- Jamestown
- Jamestown Bridge
- Jamestown Business College
- Jamestown Charter Township, Michigan
- Jamestown Community College
- Jamestown Discovery Trail
- Jamestown Festival Park
- Jamestown High School
- Jamestown High School (New York)
- Jamestown West, New York
- Jamestown, County Leitrim
- Jamestown, Ghana
- Jamestown, Ohio
- Jamestown, Rhode Island
- Jamestown, Saint Helena
- Jamestown, South Carolina
- Jamestown, West Dunbartonshire
- Jamestown, West Virginia
- Jamestown-Verrazano Bridge
- Jamesville
- Jamesville-Dewitt High School
- Jamesy Kelleher
- Jamey Farrell
- Jamgon Kongtrul
- Jamhaur
- Jamhuri
- Jamhuri Day
- Jamhuri Stadium
- Jamhuri Stadium (Dodoma)
- Jamhuri Stadium (Morogoro)
- Jamhuri wear
- Jami Masjid
- Jami, Vizianagaram
- Jamia
- Jamia Al-Karam
- Jamia Mosque
- Jamia Nazmia
- Jamia Talimul Quraan Mamukanjan
- Jamia Tibbiya Deoband
- Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind
- Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam
- Jamiat ul-Ulama
- Jamiatibbiyadeoband
- Jamiatul Ulama Transvaal
- Jamicon
- Jamie
- Jamie Allen
- Jamie Allen (baseball player)
- Jamie Anderson
- Jamie Andrew
- Jamie Armstrong
- Jamie Brooks
- Jamie Brown
- Jamie Brown (football player)
- Jamie Cade
- Jamie Campbell
- Jamie Churchill
- Jamie Clarke
- Jamie Corsi
- Jamie Cox
- Jamie Crysdale
- Jamie Davyous Owens
- Jamie Day
- Jamie Delargy
- Jamie Denbo
- Jamie Drummond
- Jamie Fox (New Jersey)
- Jamie Glover
- Jamie Gray
- Jamie Green (footballer)
- Jamie Hamilton
- Jamie Hamilton (publisher)
- Jamie Harvey
- Jamie Hepburn
- Jamie Hornsmith
- Jamie Hunter Cartwright
- Jamie Jackson
- Jamie Kennedy (chef)
- Jamie Laird
- Jamie Little
- Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton
- Jamie Lynn
- Jamie MacDonald
- Jamie Maguire
- Jamie Martin
- Jamie Mayo
- Jamie McCrimmon
- Jamie McGinn
- Jamie Moore
- Jamie Morrison
- Jamie Mulgrew
- Jamie Murphy (footballer born 1989)
- Jamie Ness
- Jamie Pastor Bolnick
- Jamie Peacock
- Jamie Petrowski
- Jamie Pollock
- Jamie Rickers
- Jamie Ringer
- Jamie Ross
- Jamie Rzucek
- Jamie Sean
- Jamie Smith (English footballer)
- Jamie Smith (disambiguation)
- Jamie Sommers
- Jamie Tandy
- Jamie Watson
- Jamie Waugh
- Jamie Wilkerson
- Jamie and the Magic Torch
- Jamie barton
- Jamie's Kitchen
- Jamie, Frosty and Frank Show
- Jamieson
- Jamieson Stadium
- Jamieson v HMA
- Jamiga
- Jamil Canal
- Jamil Moledina
- Jamila
- Jamila Blake
- Jamila Wideman
- Jamile Ghaddar
- Jamindan, Capiz
- Jaminid
- Jamiri
- Jamiroquai discography
- Jamison
- Jamison (surname)
- Jamison A. Oughton
- Jamison City, Pennsylvania
- Jamison Valley
- Jamison's Hog
- JamisonParker
- Jamiul Alam
- Jamkaran
- Jamkaran Mosque
- Jamkhed
- Jammalamadugu
- Jammalmadugu
- Jammed finger
- Jammer
- Jammie Dodgers
- Jammikunta
- Jammin'
- Jamming
- Jamming (dance)
- Jamming (fanzine)
- Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (Yasin Malik)
- Jammu and Kashmir national football team
- Jammyland
- Jammys
- Jamnia
- Jamné nad Orlicí
- Jamník
- Jamník, Liptovský Mikuláš District
- Jamník, Spišská Nová Ves District
- Jamod
- Jamonera
- Jamot, Ontario
- Jamoytius kerwoodi
- Jampa Tsering
- Jampui Hills
- Jampur
- Jamrud Fort
- Jams
- Jamshed
- Jamshed Bhabha Theater (NCPA)
- Jamshed Town
- Jamshid Behnam
- Jamshid Momtaz
- Jamshidieh Park
- Jamsil Arena
- Jamsil Station
- Jamsil Students' Gymnasium
- Jamstix
- Jamtli
- Jamu Mare
- Jamul (disambiguation)
- Jamuna
- Jamuraa
- Jamwal
- Jamyang Norbu
- Jamzvillage
- Jamésie Territory, Quebec
- Jamón (game)
- Jan
- Jan Adele
- Jan Andal
- Jan Annino Godown
- Jan Antonín Baťa
- Jan Appel
- Jan Arnoldus Schouten
- Jan B. Wade
- Jan Baptist Zangrius
- Jan Baz
- Jan Beneš
- Jan Bervida
- Jan Birkelund
- Jan Brewer
- Jan Breydel Stadium
- Jan Breytenbach
- Jan Broberg Felt
- Jan Brueghel
- Jan Bryant Bartell
- Jan Burton
- Jan Byk
- Jan Cellucci
- Jan Chodkiewicz
- Jan Chozen Bays
- Jan Clayton
- Jan Cockx
- Jan Coucke and Pieter Goethals
- Jan Cox
- Jan Cox (painter)
- Jan Czarnowski
- Jan Daszewski
- Jan Dembowski
- Jan Deutsch
- Jan Dobraczyński
- Jan Ericson
- Jan Eskymo Welzl
- Jan Fabel
- Jan Fila
- Jan Flinik
- Jan Frans Vonck
- Jan Fries
- Jan Fugelset
- Jan Gangelhoff
- Jan Gawiński
- Jan Gerritsz van Bronkhorst
- Jan Glover
- Jan Graczyk
- Jan Hajek
- Jan Hasištejnský z Lobkovic
- Jan Heem
- Jan Hellriegel
- Jan Hendrik Hofmeyr
- Jan Hoag
- Jan Hofmeyr
- Jan Horvath
- Jan Hájek (tennis)
- Jan Håkan Åberg
- Jan III Sobieski High School in Kraków
- Jan Inge Reilstad
- Jan Ingman
- Jan Janssen
- Jan Jeffcoat
- Jan Jones (politician)
- Jan Kazimierz Sapieha
- Jan Keizer (singer)
- Jan Kempdorp
- Jan Kesner Gallery
- Jan Kip and Leonard Knyff
- Jan Kjær Jensen
- Jan Klimek
- Jan Knappert
- Jan Kneschke
- Jan Koch
- Jan Kostka
- Jan Kronberg MLC
- Jan Kubis
- Jan Kwapiński
- Jan Křtitel Kuchař
- Jan L. A. van de Snepscheut
- Jan Lam
- Jan Larsen
- Jan Leth
- Jan Levinson
- Jan Leśniak
- Jan Lidén
- Jan Lindvall
- Jan Linton
- Jan Louwers Stadion
- Jan Luggenhölscher
- Jan Luyken
- Jan Machajski
- Jan Magnus Fladmark
- Jan Maklakiewicz
- Jan Marmenout
- Jan Matejko's Gallery
- Jan Matsys
- Jan Mazurkiewicz
- Jan Małkowiak
- Jan Mertens the Younger
- Jan Mikulicz-Radecki
- Jan Mikusinski
- Jan Mohammed
- Jan Mohammed (disambiguation)
- Jan Mydlář (executioner)
- Jan Mårtenson
- Jan Naliwajko
- Jan Nepomuk Kubíček
- Jan Nico Scholten
- Jan Nieuwenhuys
- Jan Nowak
- Jan Op de beek
- Jan Opaliński
- Jan Oskar Hansen
- Jan Otto
- Jan Palouš
- Jan Paul Huissoon
- Jan Peacock
- Jan Peeters
- Jan Peka
- Jan Phyl Village, Florida
- Jan Pieńkowski
- Jan Piskáček
- Jan Provoost
- Jan Pňovský ze Sovince
- Jan R. Andersson
- Jan Rijp
- Jan Rys-Rozsévač
- Jan Sapieha
- Jan Savitt
- Jan Scherman
- Jan Schur
- Jan Shinebourne
- Jan Shipps
- Jan Smit
- Jan Smuts and a British Transvaal
- Jan Smuts and the Old Boers
- Jan Smuts in the Boer War
- Jan Sobczyński
- Jan Soens
- Jan Southgate
- Jan Stanisław Olbrycht
- Jan Stanisławski
- Jan Swafford
- Jan Tana Classic
- Jan Terri
- Jan Thore Grefstad
- Jan Thoresen
- Jan Tęczyński
- Jan Utenhove
- Jan Velterop
- Jan Victors
- Jan Visman
- Jan Weiss
- Jan Welch
- Jan Werner
- Jan Williamson
- Jan Wong controversy
- Jan Wuytens
- Jan and Dean
- Jan dau Melhau
- Jan de Looper
- Jan van Aersdone and Willem Case
- Jan van Dornicke
- Jan van Gilse
- Jan van Rijckenborgh
- Jan van Ruysbroek
- Jan van Wintelroy
- Jan van den Hoecke
- Jan van der Hoeve
- Jan Østervold
- Jan Čarek
- Jan Čep
- Jan Černý-Nigranus
- Jan Čulík
- Jan Łaski (disambiguation)
- Jan Šebek
- Jan Šimák
- Jan Škorka
- Jan Šverma
- Jan Żabiński
- Jan Žemlík
- Jan-Baptist Verlooy
- Jan-Christian Hansche
- Jan-Michael Williams
- Jan-Olof Ekholm
- Jana
- Jana Aandolan
- Jana Bode
- Jana Gana Mana Video
- Jana Kandarr
- Jana Kramer
- Jana McCall
- Jana Saldová
- Janab
- Janae Hoyland
- Janak Place
- Janak Raj Giri
- Janakantha
- Janakavaram Panguluru
- Janaki Davar
- Janaki Devi Bajaj Institute of Management Studies
- Janakiya Samskarika Vedi
- Janakkala
- Janakpur Road
- Janamorcha Nepal
- Janamsakhis
- Janapada Loka
- Janar
- Janardana
- Janardhan Poojari
- Janata
- Janata Dal (Samajbadi Prajatantrik)
- Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha
- Jancko Douwama
- Jand Najjar
- Jandaia
- Jandals Away
- Jandar (Heroscape)
- Jandira
- Jandrain-Jandrenouille
- Jandía
- Jane
- Jane (Ender's Game)
- Jane (Panda Bear band)
- Jane (TTC)
- Jane (magazine)
- Jane Abraham
- Jane Adams
- Jane Adams (writer)
- Jane Addams Children's Book Awards
- Jane Addams School for Democracy
- Jane Anger
- Jane Arden
- Jane Austen Centre
- Jane Batty
- Jane Bee
- Jane Bird
- Jane Blonde-Sensational Spylet
- Jane Cain
- Jane Campbell
- Jane Clayson Johnson
- Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research
- Jane Dormer
- Jane Douglas
- Jane Duran
- Jane Dutton
- Jane Emelin
- Jane Emmet de Glehn
- Jane Eyre (character)
- Jane Eyre (disambiguation)
- Jane Flanders
- Jane Forbes
- Jane Frank (disambiguation)
- Jane Gazzo's Dream Ticket
- Jane Gilbert
- Jane Goodall Center for Excellence in Environmental Studies
- Jane Goodall Institute
- Jane Goodall Institute (Hong Kong)
- Jane Green
- Jane Griffin
- Jane Griffiths
- Jane Hall
- Jane Hall (TV series)
- Jane Harris
- Jane Hathaway
- Jane Holzer
- Jane Johnson
- Jane Kendall
- Jane Kennedy
- Jane LRT (TTC)
- Jane Lane
- Jane Lane (Daria)
- Jane Langton
- Jane LeCompte
- Jane Lew, West Virginia
- Jane Liddiard
- Jane Loughrey
- Jane Lush
- Jane Marcus
- Jane Mecom
- Jane Merrow
- Jane Mitakides
- Jane Norman
- Jane Pickens Langley
- Jane Rebecca Yorke
- Jane Robelot
- Jane S. Richardson
- Jane Simpson
- Jane Skiles O'Dea
- Jane Street Theater
- Jane Tewson
- Jane Tucker
- Jane Turpin
- Jane Vasco
- Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum
- Jane Wiechel
- Jane Willet (fictional character)
- Jane Williams
- Jane Winkelman
- Jane Wrightson
- Jane and Finch
- Jane and Michael Stern
- Jane and The Dragon (TV series)
- Jane of the Waking Universe
- Jane's Defence Weekly
- Jane's F/A-18
- Jane's Fighting Ships
- Jane's IAF: Israeli Air Force
- Jane's Intelligence Review
- Jane's International Defence Review
- Janeece Bryant
- Janehu
- Janela
- Janela, Cape Verde
- Janelle Jamer
- Janene Higgins
- Janenschia
- Janes
- Janes Island Light
- Janesville
- Janesville, Minnesota
- Janet
- Janet (airline)
- Janet Abu Lughod
- Janet Adamson
- Janet Barch
- Janet Barlow
- Janet Bergman Collins
- Janet Bieber
- Janet Bieber & Joyce Thies
- Janet Campbell Hale
- Janet Cardiff
- Janet Clarke Hall (University of Melbourne)
- Janet Conners
- Janet Dalton
- Janet Davies (Welsh politician)
- Janet Echelman
- Janet Eissenstat
- Janet Elliott Wulsin
- Janet Gardner
- Janet Gavin
- Janet Goliger
- Janet Greenip
- Janet Harvey
- Janet Heidinger Kafka Prize
- Janet Jackson (disambiguation)
- Janet Jackson discography
- Janet Karvonen
- Janet L. Robinson
- Janet Little
- Janet Lucroy
- Janet M. Stenftenagel
- Janet McDonald
- Janet Montgomerie, Countess of Eglinton
- Janet Museveni
- Janet Newberry
- Janet Nichols Lynch
- Janet Nutter
- Janet Paschal
- Janet Pierrehumbert
- Janet Quin-Harkin
- Janet Reno High School
- Janet Robin
- Janet Ryder
- Janet Thornton
- Janet Weiss (Rocky Horror)
- Janet Wood
- Janet Yellen
- Janet and Allan Ahlberg
- Janet and Anne Grahame Johnstone
- Janet and John
- Janet's Foss
- Janet. Tour
- Janetaescincus
- Janetstown
- Janetta Walters
- Janette Lake, Minnesota
- Janette du Charme (Forever Knight)
- Janeway (disambiguation)
- Janeway lesion
- Janey Harper
- Janez
- Janez (given name)
- Janez Jalen
- Jang
- Jang Jin
- Jang Yong
- Jang Yong-Ho
- Jangada
- Jangam
- Jangan Ketawa
- Jangaon
- Jangareddygudem
- Jangchung Arena
- Jangili
- Jangipur, Ghazipur
- Jangjeon-dong
- Jangladesh
- Jangle pop
- JangleBox
- Jango's Dance Carnival
- Jangpur
- Jangseung
- Jangseungbaegi Station
- Jangyu
- Janhavi Acharekar
- Jani Lauzon
- Jani Lehtonen
- Jani Virtanen (ice hockey player)
- Janica
- Janice
- Janice Brown (Kalamazoo)
- Janice Burgess
- Janice Churchill Elementary School
- Janice Cole
- Janice Ferri Esser
- Janice Gregory
- Janice Harsanyi
- Janice Josephs
- Janice Kapp Perry
- Janice Litman Goralnik
- Janice M. Holder
- Janice Raymond (disambiguation)
- Janice Rebibo
- Janice Robinson
- Janice Soprano
- Janice Sosebee
- Janice, Rimavská Sobota District
- Janiculum
- Janie
- Janie Porche
- Janie, Don't Take Your Love To Town
- Janin
- Janina Irizarry
- Janina Susczewska
- Janine
- Janine Burke
- Janine Jackson
- Janine Jennky
- Janine Stifler
- Janine Theriault
- Janis
- Janis Martin
- Janis Tilbergs
- Janissaries IV: Mamelukes
- Janissaries series
- Janisse Ray
- Janiszew
- Janisław I
- Janisławiec (PKP station)
- Janitor
- Janitor (Scrubs)
- Janitor (disambiguation)
- Janitor Joe (band)
- Janitor Man
- Janitzio
- Janiuay, Iloilo
- Janja
- Janja Gora
- Janjanbureh
- Janjanbureh (Gambian subdivision)
- Janjevci
- Janjina
- Janjira Janchome
- Jank 1000
- Janka Wood Hardness Rating
- Jankampet
- Jankiel Wiernik
- Janko
- Janko Jesenský
- Janko group
- Janko keyboard
- Jankov Most
- Jankovce
- Jankovcova
- Jankovice
- Jankovice (Pardubice District)
- Janković
- Jankowski
- Janmejay
- Jann Halexander
- Janna Holmstedt
- Jannaram
- Jannareddy
- Jannat Abad
- Jannatul Baqee
- Janne
- Janne "Burton" Puurtinen
- Janne Da Arc (band)
- Jannell Cannon
- Jannelle So
- Janney
- Janney (automobile)
- Janni Howker
- Jannick Top
- Janny Wurts
- Janohah
- Janoir
- Janolus
- Janos Galicz
- Janosik
- Janosik (TV series)
- Janov
- Janov Pelorat
- Janova Lehota
- Janovce
- Janovce, Bardejov District
- Janovice
- Janovík
- Janowa Dolina
- Janowitz
- Janowska
- Janpahad
- Jansen
- Jansen (crater)
- Jansen (surname)
- Jansen's metaphyseal chondroplasia
- Jansen, Colorado
- Jansha (crater)
- Jansky (crater)
- Jansky (disambiguation)
- Janson
- Janson (disambiguation)
- Jansons school of business
- Janssen
- Janssen (crater)
- Janssen (lunar crater)
- Janssen (surname)
- Janssen Pharmaceutica
- Janssen-Fritsen
- Janssens
- Janssons frestelse
- Jantetelco
- Jantzen
- Janu
- Januaria (disambiguation)
- Januario Galut
- Januario Lourenco
- January
- January (Elton John song)
- January (disambiguation)
- January (surname)
- January 0
- January 1
- January 1, 2003
- January 1, 2004
- January 1, 2005
- January 10
- January 10, 2003
- January 10, 2004
- January 10, 2005
- January 11
- January 11, 2003
- January 11, 2004
- January 11, 2005
- January 12
- January 12, 2003
- January 12, 2004
- January 12, 2005
- January 13
- January 13, 2003
- January 13, 2004
- January 13, 2005
- January 14
- January 14, 2003
- January 14, 2004
- January 14, 2005
- January 15
- January 15 2005 sieges in Dagestan
- January 15, 2003
- January 15, 2004
- January 15, 2005
- January 16
- January 16, 2003
- January 16, 2004
- January 16, 2005
- January 17
- January 17, 2003
- January 17, 2004
- January 17, 2005
- January 18
- January 18, 2003
- January 18, 2004
- January 18, 2005
- January 19
- January 19, 2003
- January 19, 2004
- January 19, 2005
- January 1922 in the United Kingdom
- January 1999
- January 2
- January 2, 2003
- January 2, 2004
- January 2, 2005
- January 20
- January 20, 2003
- January 20, 2004
- January 20, 2005
- January 2000
- January 2001
- January 2002
- January 2003
- January 2004
- January 2005
- January 2005 in Britain and Ireland
- January 2005 in Canada
- January 2005 in India
- January 2005 in science
- January 2005 in sports
- January 2005 in the United States
- January 2006
- January 2006 Southern Greece earthquake
- January 2006 in Australia and New Zealand
- January 2006 in Britain and Ireland
- January 2006 in India
- January 2006 in Thailand
- January 2006 in science
- January 2006 in sports
- January 2006 in video gaming
- January 2007
- January 2007 in Britain and Ireland
- January 2007 in Canada
- January 2007 in science
- January 2007 in sports
- January 2007 in the United Kingdom
- January 2008
- January 21
- January 21 Patriotic Society Party
- January 21, 2003
- January 21, 2004
- January 21, 2005
- January 22
- January 22, 2003
- January 22, 2004
- January 22, 2005
- January 23
- January 23, 2003
- January 23, 2004
- January 23, 2005
- January 24
- January 24, 2003
- January 24, 2004
- January 24, 2005
- January 25
- January 25, 2003
- January 25, 2004
- January 25, 2005
- January 26
- January 26, 2003
- January 26, 2004
- January 26, 2005
- January 27
- January 27, 2003
- January 27, 2004
- January 27, 2005
- January 28
- January 28, 2003
- January 28, 2004
- January 28, 2005
- January 29
- January 29, 2003
- January 29, 2004
- January 29, 2005
- January 3
- January 3, 2003
- January 3, 2004
- January 3, 2005
- January 30
- January 30, 2003
- January 30, 2004
- January 30, 2005
- January 31
- January 31, 2003
- January 31, 2004
- January 31, 2005
- January 4
- January 4, 2003
- January 4, 2004
- January 4, 2005
- January 5
- January 5, 2003
- January 5, 2004
- January 5, 2005
- January 6
- January 6, 2003
- January 6, 2004
- January 6, 2005
- January 7
- January 7, 2003
- January 7, 2004
- January 7, 2005
- January 8
- January 8, 2003
- January 8, 2004
- January 8, 2005
- January 9
- January 9, 2003
- January 9, 2004
- January 9, 2005
- January Club
- January Q. Irontail
- January Uprising (disambiguation)
- January effect
- Janumys
- Janus
- Janus (DRM)
- Janus (band)
- Janus (magazine)
- Janus (programming language)
- Janus Effect
- Janus Films
- Janus Island
- Janus Pannonius
- Janus-Merritt Strategies
- Janusz
- Janusz A. Zajdel Award
- Janusz Domaniewski
- Janusz Kaczmarek
- Janusz Kołodziej
- Janusz Kurtyka
- Janusz Patrzykont
- Janusz Radziwiłł
- Janusz Tomaszewski
- Janusz Tyszkiewicz
- Janusz Waluś
- Janusz Wojnarowicz
- Januária
- Janville
- Janwar Aur Insaan
- Janzak
- Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts
- Janémian
- Janík
- Janíky
- Janów
- Janów - Nikiszowiec
- Jaoji Hwanung of Baedal
- Jaos
- Jap hunts
- Japalura
- Japalura andersoniana
- Japalura kumaonensis
- Japalura major
- Japalura planidorsata
- Japalura splendida
- Japalura tricarinata
- Japalura variegata
- Japan (disambiguation)
- Japan Academy Prize for Outstanding Foreign Language Film
- Japan Air Lines Flight 404
- Japan Airlines Flight 350
- Japan Airlines Flight 351
- Japan Arms Collection
- Japan Article Number
- Japan Atomic Power Company
- Japan Aviation High School
- Japan Baptist Association
- Japan Baptist Convention
- Japan Basketball Association
- Japan Black
- Japan Business Federation
- Japan Center for Michigan Universities
- Japan Challenge Tour
- Japan Civil Liberties Union
- Japan Coast Guard Academy
- Japan Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)
- Japan Composer's Association
- Japan Computer Access Network (JCA-NET)
- Japan Corporate News Network
- Japan Credit Bureau
- Japan Cup
- Japan Cup Dirt
- Japan Davis Cup team
- Japan Day in Düsseldorf
- Japan Defense Ship
- Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association
- Japan Entertainment Television
- Japan External Trade Organization
- Japan Fed Cup team
- Japan Gold Disc Award
- Japan Handball League
- Japan Institute of Labour
- Japan Le Mans Challenge
- Japan MIDI Standards Committee
- Japan Media Review
- Japan Mennonite Brethren Conference
- Japan Meteorological Agency seismic intensity scale
- Japan Nailist Association
- Japan National Trust
- Japan Network Access Point
- Japan Network Information Center
- Japan Open
- Japan Open (badminton)
- Japan Open Championship
- Japan Open Golf Championship
- Japan Open Tennis Championships
- Japan Patent Office
- Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association
- Japan Policy Research Institute
- Japan Post
- Japan Prize
- Japan Radio Company
- Japan Railfan Magazine
- Japan Record Award
- Japan Registry Service
- Japan Renewal Party
- Japan Shotokan Karate Association (Great Britain)
- Japan Shotokan Karate Association-Great Britain
- Japan Sinks (1973)
- Japan Sinks (disambiguation)
- Japan Sinks (novel)
- Japan Society North West
- Japan Society of Applied Physics
- Japan Society of London
- Japan Spaceguard Association
- Japan Standard Time
- Japan Trench
- Japan Trustee Services Bank
- Japan Unbound: A Volatile Nation's Quest for Pride and Purpose
- Japan and East Asia Studies Program
- Japan and the United Nations
- Japan and weapons of mass destruction
- Japan at the 1951 Asian Games
- Japan at the 1954 Asian Games
- Japan at the 1958 Asian Games
- Japan at the 1962 Asian Games
- Japan at the 1966 Asian Games
- Japan at the 1970 Asian Games
- Japan at the 1974 Asian Games
- Japan at the 1978 Asian Games
- Japan at the 1982 Asian Games
- Japan at the 1986 Asian Games
- Japan at the 1986 Asian Winter Games
- Japan at the 1990 Asian Games
- Japan at the 1994 Asian Games
- Japan at the 1998 Asian Games
- Japan at the 2002 Asian Games
- Japan at the 2006 Asian Games
- Japan at the 2006 Winter Paralympics
- Japan at the 2007 Asian Winter Games
- Japan bashing
- Japan national basketball team
- Japan national field hockey team
- Japan national football team in 2007
- Japan national futsal team
- Japan national handball team
- Japan national rugby union team (sevens)
- Japan on Foot
- Japan wax
- Japan women's national softball team
- Japan women's national volleyball team
- Japan's Official Development Assistance Program
- Japan's Threepenny Opera
- Japan's opium policy in Korea
- Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement
- Japan-US (cable system)
- Japanese 1st Division
- Japanese Aero Engines Corporation
- Japanese Agricultural Standards
- Japanese Ambassador Doll
- Japanese American Citizens League
- Japanese American Life Post-World War II
- Japanese American Life Pre-World War II
- Japanese American National Library
- Japanese American Redress & Court Cases
- Japanese Anarchist Federation
- Japanese Army
- Japanese Association of Independent Television Stations
- Japanese Australian
- Japanese Automotive Standards Organization
- Japanese Bantams
- Japanese Beech
- Japanese Bobtail
- Japanese Buddhist temples
- Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre
- Japanese Canadians
- Japanese Central China Area Army
- Japanese China Garrison Army
- Japanese Cultural Festival
- Japanese Economic Association
- Japanese Eighth Area Army
- Japanese Embassy to the United States (1860)
- Japanese Era of Palau
- Japanese First Army
- Japanese Friendship Dolls
- Japanese Friendship Garden
- Japanese Grass Vole
- Japanese Grosbeak
- Japanese Hare
- Japanese Heavyweight Championship
- Japanese Historical Maps (website)
- Japanese House Bat
- Japanese House of Councillors election, 1956
- Japanese House of Councillors election, 1962
- Japanese House of Councillors election, 1980
- Japanese House of Councillors election, 1983
- Japanese House of Councillors election, 1989
- Japanese House of Councillors election, 2001
- Japanese House of Councillors election, 2004
- Japanese House of Councillors election, 2007
- Japanese Industrial Standards
- Japanese Instrument of Surrender
- Japanese International Parental Abductions
- Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
- Japanese Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
- Japanese Korean
- Japanese Language and Literature
- Japanese Left Army
- Japanese Macaque
- Japanese Military Propaganda (WWII)
- Japanese Ministers, Envoys and Ambassadors to Germany
- Japanese Mole
- Japanese Murrelet
- Japanese Navy
- Japanese Northern China Area Army
- Japanese Nursing Association
- Japanese Occupation
- Japanese Pidgin English (disambiguation)
- Japanese Red-Backed Vole
- Japanese Right Army
- Japanese Russian
- Japanese Serow
- Japanese Society (1970 book)
- Japanese Special Attack Units
- Japanese Super Cup
- Japanese TD
- Japanese Thirteenth Army
- Japanese Tit
- Japanese Torture Comedy Hour
- Japanese Tree Frog
- Japanese Trench
- Japanese White-eye
- Japanese Wolf
- Japanese Woodpecker
- Japanese adjectives
- Japanese administration in the South Pacific Mandate
- Japanese agriculture before WWII
- Japanese amberjack
- Japanese ambient punk
- Japanese angel shark
- Japanese angelfish
- Japanese armorhead
- Japanese asset price bubble
- Japanese battleship Heien
- Japanese battleship Katori
- Japanese battleship Tosa
- Japanese black porgy
- Japanese books
- Japanese bullhead shark
- Japanese calligraphy
- Japanese campaigns of the Second Sino-Japanese War
- Japanese castes under the ritsuryō
- Japanese catshark
- Japanese character
- Japanese godan and ichidan verbs
- Japanese consumer electronics industry
- Japanese copyright law
- Japanese corvette Hiei (1877)
- Japanese counter word
- Japanese cruiser Jintsu
- Japanese cruiser Mogami
- Japanese cruiser Naka
- Japanese cultural artifacts controversy
- Japanese destroyer Amagiri
- Japanese destroyer Asagiri
- Japanese destroyer Asagumo
- Japanese destroyer Ayanami
- Japanese destroyer Ikazuchi
- Japanese destroyer Makigumo
- Japanese destroyer Makinami
- Japanese destroyer Minegumo
- Japanese destroyer Momi
- Japanese destroyer Murasame
- Japanese destroyer Mutsuki
- Japanese destroyer Sagiri
- Japanese dictionary
- Japanese dolls
- Japanese drama
- Japanese dwarf flying squirrel
- Japanese eel
- Japanese employment law
- Japanese encyclopedias
- Japanese era name
- Japanese expansionism
- Japanese family
- Japanese family structure
- Japanese finances before and during WWII
- Japanese financial sector
- Japanese football
- Japanese football champions
- Japanese football league system
- Japanese foreign policy on Southeast Asia
- Japanese general election, 1890
- Japanese general election, 1892
- Japanese general election, 1924
- Japanese general election, 1928
- Japanese general election, 1930
- Japanese general election, 1932
- Japanese general election, 1942
- Japanese general election, 1976
- Japanese general election, 1979
- Japanese general election, 1980
- Japanese general election, 1993
- Japanese general election, 1996
- Japanese general election, 2000
- Japanese general election, 2005
- Japanese general election, March 1898
- Japanese giant flying squirrel
- Japanese gissu
- Japanese gunboat Akagi
- Japanese gunboat Chiyodagata
- Japanese gunboat Unyo
- Japanese hair straightening
- Japanese incense
- Japanese internment
- Japanese internment camps
- Japanese jazz
- Japanese lily
- Japanese management culture
- Japanese marine paratroopers of World War II
- Japanese military aircraft designation systems
- Japanese military strategies in 1942
- Japanese mobile phone culture
- Japanese mode
- Japanese motorcycle Grand Prix
- Japanese museums
- Japanese nationalism: ideological development from the 1920s to 1945
- Japanese neighborhood
- Japanese newspapers
- Japanese newspapers: historical sources
- Japanese numerals
- Japanese occupation government
- Japanese occupation of Malaya, North Borneo and Sarawak
- Japanese orphans in China
- Japanese particles
- Japanese patent law
- Japanese plum
- Japanese political values
- Japanese post-war economic miracle
- Japanese privet
- Japanese proverbs
- Japanese pugnose grenadier
- Japanese puzzle
- Japanese quality
- Japanese ranks and insignia during World War II
- Japanese reggae
- Japanese rock garden
- Japanese role-playing games
- Japanese sawshark
- Japanese school
- Japanese science fiction television
- Japanese sea star
- Japanese slipper
- Japanese spurdog
- Japanese stereotypes
- Japanese studies outside the United States
- Japanese submarine I-30
- Japanese submarine Oyashio (SS-511)
- Japanese superstitions
- Japanese swords
- Japanese telephone numbering plan
- Japanese television programs
- Japanese theorem
- Japanese tissue
- Japanese topeshark
- Japanese torpedo boat Kotaka
- Japanese trade secrets
- Japanese trademark law
- Japanese values
- Japanese velvet dogfish
- Japanese verb conjugations
- Japanese warship Asahi Maru
- Japanese warship Chogei
- Japanese warship Choyo
- Japanese warship Fujisan
- Japanese warship Hōshō
- Japanese warship Hōō Maru
- Japanese warship Kaiten
- Japanese warship Mikaho
- Japanese warship Moshun
- Japanese warship Shinsoku
- Japanese wobbegong
- Japanese work environment
- Japanese-German pre-WWII industrial co-operation
- Japanese: The Spoken Language
- Japanification
- Japanning
- Japanorama
- Japantown/Ayer (VTA)
- Japanzine magazine
- Japaratinga
- Japaratuba
- Jape
- Jape (disambiguation)
- Japen Rat
- Japeri
- Japeth
- Japhet Kosgei
- Japhet Uutoni
- Japheth
- Japhetic
- Japhetic languages
- Japhetic theory (linguistics)
- Japi
- Japji Sahib
- Japoatã
- Japonica
- Japonica Polonica Fantastica
- Japons
- Japorã
- Japp-Klingemann reaction
- Japrocksampler
- Japunga
- Japurá
- Jaq Draco
- Jaqee
- Jaquay Walls
- Jaqueline
- Jaques
- Jaques Wagner
- Jaquet-Droz automata
- Jar
- Jar (station)
- Jar of Fools
- Jar'Edo Wens
- Jarabacoa Cocktail
- Jarabe
- Jarabe tapatío
- Jarabina
- Jarabá
- Jarafuel
- Jaragua National Park
- Jaragua Sphaero
- Jaraguari
- Jaraguá
- Jaraguá do Sul
- Jarai language
- Jaral del Progreso
- Jaramarana
- Jaramataia
- Jaranwala
- Jarash
- Jarawa
- Jarawa (Berber)
- Jarbidge
- Jarbidge Mountains
- Jarcha
- Jarcrew
- Jarden
- Jardim
- Jardim Botânico
- Jardim Botânico (Cape Verde)
- Jardim Botânico, Rio de Janeiro
- Jardim Paulistano (Campina Grande)
- Jardim da Serra
- Jardim do Mar
- Jardim, Mato Grosso do Sul
- Jardin Botanique Cantonal Lausanne
- Jardin Exotique de Monaco
- Jardin botanique de Montréal
- Jardin du Luxembourg
- Jardine
- Jardine Fleming
- Jardines
- Jardines (football)
- Jardines del Pedregal
- Jardinópolis
- Jared
- Jared (ancestor of Noah)
- Jared Carpenter
- Jared Cassel
- Jared Colinger
- Jared Costa
- Jared Delgin
- Jared Demeter
- Jared Geller
- Jared Grace
- Jared Irwin (disambiguation)
- Jared Kuemper
- Jared Lee
- Jared Maurice Arter
- Jared Palomar
- Jared Waerea-Hargreaves
- Jared Y. Sanders, Sr.
- Jaren
- Jareth
- Jarett Dillard
- Jargal
- Jargalan, Govi-Altai
- Jargalant, Arkhangai
- Jargalant, Bayankhongor
- Jargalant, Khövsgöl
- Jargalant, Orkhon
- Jargalant, Töv
- Jargaltkhaan, Khentii
- Jargon Software
- Jargon aphasia
- Jargon of The Rush Limbaugh Show
- Jarhead
- Jari
- Jari Laukkanen
- Jari Viuhkola
- Jari project
- Jari, Rio Grande do Sul
- Jariban
- Jaridians
- Jaridih Bazar
- Jarinu
- Jarir
- Jariyan al Batnah
- Jarjapupeta
- Jarkko Oikarinen
- Jarl
- Jarl Hemmer
- Jarl Hjalmarson Foundation
- Jarl Hulldén
- Jarl Öhman
- Jarlaxle
- Jarlshof
- Jarman
- Jarmila Kukalova-Peck
- Jarmina
- Jarmo
- Jarmut
- Jarnal
- Jarndyce and Jarndyce
- Jarnik
- Jarno Sarkula
- Jaro
- Jaro International
- Jaro Medien
- Jaro, Iloilo City
- Jaro, Leyte
- Jaro-Winkler distance
- Jarocho
- Jarocin
- Jarocin Festival
- Jarod Stevenson
- Jarok
- Jarom
- Jarosewichite
- Jarosite
- Jaroslav
- Jaroslav (Pardubice District)
- Jaroslav Borzita Graf Von Martinicz
- Jaroslav Folda
- Jaroslav Havlíček
- Jaroslav Hules
- Jaroslav Joseph Polivka
- Jaroslav Kysela
- Jaroslav Romanchuk
- Jaroslav Slavik
- Jaroslav Volak
- Jaroslava Bukajová
- Jaroso, Colorado
- Jaroszówka
- Jarosław Bako
- Jarosław Kukulski
- Jarovce
- Jarovnice
- Jarowskij
- Jarra Central
- Jarra East
- Jarra West
- Jarrah (disambiguation)
- Jarral NWFP
- Jarratt, Virginia
- Jarre
- Jarreau, Louisiana
- Jarrett
- Jarrett (surname)
- Jarrett Hicks
- Jarrettsville, Maryland
- Jarri
- Jarring Mission
- Jarrod Bunch
- Jarrod Emick
- Jarrod Parker
- Jarrow (UK Parliament constituency)