User:Pizzaboy pi My userboxesIt is approximately 11:31 PM where this user lives.This user proudly lives in Cary.This user is of Danish ancestry.The favorite number of this user is PiThis user has been discriminated against because he was homeschooledThis user supports homeschooling and is against any bans on it.This user does Parkour!UICThis user attends or attended the University of Illinois at Chicago.This user is a software engineer.math-5This user can contribute with proficient mathematical skills.a²+b²=c²This user is a mathematics tutor.This user drinks Mountain Dew.This user watches NetflixComing Soon!This user can't wait for the movie The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug.NDThis user ispretty good with a bo staff.This user knows that when that perfect hand comes along, you bet and you bet big, then you take the house.VThis user should not be afraid of the government, the government should be afraid of this user. Mis This user can hear the people sing. This user claims no Denominational affiliation. This user is a Christian.This user believes that salvation is by grace alone through faith in Christ alone.This user believes that the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament and the Greek text of the New Testament are the inspired Word of GOD.This user came to wikipedia with a pair of sea turtles strapped to his feet.This user's sister was bitten by a moose! This user likes the BBC. This user farts in your general direction.RCPHans Zimmer and his coworkers are this user's favorite music artists.When it comes to music, this user only really likes film scores.This user enjoys music by Frédéric user can tolerate the song "Friday" by Rebecca Black.This user enjoysIndian classical music.This user likes alternative rock. This user enjoys music that melts your face. This user fancies Celtic music.This user enjoys reggae.This user enjoys ska.This user enjoys hip hop music.This user enjoys jazz music.This user enjoys Gospel Music.User:Toa Nidhiki05/Userboxes/Christian Rock This user enjoys electronic music. This user loves DUBSTEP. This user is a Skrillex user thinks MUTEMATH is the best artist ever! MUSE This user is a fan of Muse. Skillet This user is Rebirthing now. TFKThis user throws up his Rawkfist.AILDThis user is a fan of As I Lay Dying.SFThis user is meant to live for so much more.STYXThis user will be rocking in paradise tonight.KThis user is dust in the wind.This user plays the bongos. This user believes Bagpipes are underused and underappreciated. This user plays the 5-string banjo.This user is a drummer.This user is a percussionist.This user is a guitarist.This user plays the electronic organ.This user plays the piano.This user plays the recorder.This user plays the tin whistle.This user plays the ukulele. This user plays the Mandolin. This user plays the djembe.KAZOOThis user plays the Kazoo.This user supports the Avengers.This user knows Wolverine is the best there is.This user is a fan of the Batman. Narnia This user loves The Chronicles of Narnia. ALThis user speaks the Ancient Language fluently. The Silmarillion This user not only likes The Lord of the Rings, but The Silmarillion as well. Redwall This user is a fan of the Redwall Series. This user enjoys the works of J. R. R. Tolkien.CSLThis user enjoys the works of C.S. Lewis.This user uses Windows XP Pro.This user contributes using Windows 7 x64.This Windows user has experienced one or more Blue Screens of Death.This user thinks different.This user supports free software.This user contributes using Ubuntu.This user has a dual boot configuration.This user networks Linux PCs with OpenSSH and SSHFS.This user prefers Mozilla Firefox.This user has uninstalled Internet Explorer.This user contributes using Safari on an iPhone.g-3This Wikipedian is a skilled GIMP user. (we need you!)ps-3This user is really good at Adobe Photoshop.PsThis user uses Photoshop CS3.This user uses Pidgin to chat on multiple instant messaging networks.This user contributes while using iTunes.This user owns an iPod Touch.This user contributes while using Spotify.This user is against DRM.This user records with Audacity.This user contributes using Notepad++.This user is using Microsoft Office .This user's primary email client is Mozilla Thunderbird.This user prefers to play games on a PC.This user enjoys photography.This user is interested in drama and acting.This user enjoys ballroom dancing.CardsThis user enjoys playing Uno. This user is a carnivore. This user likes Pi(e).sarThis user is obviously not sarcastic.User:Lawyer2b/CCW This user believes that life begins at conception / fertilization. This user believes that the universe began with a big bang when God said, Let there be light.This user believes pornography imperils society and is too easily accessible over the Internet.This user is rated 'PG-13' by the Motion Picture Association.