User:Mr.Lovecraft Mr.Lovecraft Userboxesen-GB-3This user has an advanced understanding of British English.deDieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.This user is an Anglophile.This user is proud to be acitizen of the EU !This user is interested in Japan. This user is a Zen Buddhist. This user is interested in the British Empire. This user is not gay, but supports gay people. This user is interested inthe Roman EmpireThis user is interested in military history.This user ardently supportsLiberal Democracythroughout the world. Royal Navy This user is interested inScience.This user is interested in humanism.This user is interested in theMiddle AgesThis user is interested in the Napoleonic Wars.This user is interested in theAmerican Civil War.This user is interested in naval history.This user is interested in the Age of Sail.This user is interested in the history of the Holy Roman Empire.This user is interested in the history of the German Empire (1871–1918).This user reads the works of H. P. Lovecraft.This user supports a free, independent, undivided,and fully restored Ukraine.This user believes thatIsrael & Palestinemust coexist in peace. This user supports the existence of the State of Israel within secure and recognized borders. This user is a social democrat. User:Mr.Lovecraft /Workbench User:Mr.Lovecraft/reference list You are welcome to use this listMy worksUnited States Army during Vietnam War United States Army during World War II Royal Navy during the Second World War Royal Navy during the First World War Battle of Lissa (1866) The Shadow Out of Time