A zh-wiki editor.
Hi I'm Mike, I'm from PRC and I currently live in Boston,MA. I'm interested in Football and aviation, My goal on Wikipedia is to write a GA article on zh-wiki.
I'm currently working on translating/expanding zh-wp aviation pages to en-wp that either is too short or not created.
Joke of the day
One day a B52 bomber was on a routine flight training, escorted by an F16. The long flight was boring, so the F16 pilot did a few maneuvers to defy the B52 pilot, saying, "I can do everything you can do, but you can't do what I can do."
The B52 pilot said, "You may not be able to do that."
The F16 pilot said disdainfully, "Then you do a thing that I can not do ."
15 minutes passed, there is no movement at all, the F16 pilot was impatient: "Have you done anything yet?"
"I've already done it."
"What did you do?"
The B52 pilot talks back in an incomparably superior phrase: "I shut down an engine."