Matatigre is a Spanish word that means "tiger killer" when translated literally. However, the term is used - in Venezuela, at least - to refer to a man who takes on a variety of odd jobs in order to make a living; that is to say, that this man would even kill tigers if he had to in exchange for a little something to live off of. At least that is my understanding of what this word means (you Venezuelans may feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken).
Anyway, I took a liking to the term several years ago and have used it ever since as a username for various programs; 36, for reasons that I can't explain, is my favorite number. Hence my username is Matatigre36.
(Me he preguntado por qué se dice "matatigre" y no se dice "matador de tigres," pero así sea. Al mismo tiempo también reconozco que no estoy MUY avanzado en el español. Me falta aprender mucho aún.)
My hobbies and interests include reading, football, and learning foreign languages, hence the language boxes over yonder. Having served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to Venezuela, I communicate in Spanish fairly well. Also, I studied Mandarin Chinese at the university for three semesters, though it has been a while so it's rather rusty. Finally, although I only know a few phrases of spoken Thai, I hope to take up a serious study of that language sometime soon (watch my Babel box).
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