Previously on The Lesser of Two Evils ... . In tonights episode, Buck and Joe meet Old Ideas and Old Culture and form a band.
Here's a tune to get u goin and the main plank of ur 202n* platform:
§ 1
The executive power shall be vested directly in the People of the United States of America, so long as their ratification of this amended constitution is in force, as follows:
Each state, territory and district, shall administer, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, the use of an electronic mechanism by which the yeah or nay vote of each citizen entitled to vote may be ascertained.
No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Amendment, shall be eligible to use the mechanism but every citizen authorized to vote in the congressional elections shall be.
The prior Amendments XII, XX, XXII, XXIII, XXV, and XXVII are repealed upon ratification and this Amendment shall have the style of the former Article II. The prior amendments I and III - X not repealed shall be designated Articles in this reformed constitution and those amendments of XI through XXVI of the old not repealed renumbered accordingly.
§ 2
Every power formerly vested in the President of the United States as stated in this Constitution prior to this Amendment, shall revert to the People of the United States as directly represented in § 1, except that during the first two congressional terms from the adoption of this Amendment during the first of which the federal government will construct and make operational the electronic mechanism for administration by the states, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate will exercise the offices of President and Vice President as defined prior to this amendment, alternating these offices in each of the first two years, and during the transitional term as members of the standing comittee/cabinet.
§ 3
The Congress shall prepare itemized omnibus bills of legislation at timely intervals to be presented to the People to inform their decisions and may make laws as necessary to implement the intent of this article. The Congress shall prepare and submit a budget of the United States within 90 days of the start of each congressional term which must be approved by the People and which will have a term coordinate with the congressional term plus 90 days.
A budget which incurs a debt must be ratified by a seventy-five percent majority of both the Congress and the reformed Executive as defined by this amendment.
§ 4
Quorum and veto, 200 words or less.
§ 5
No single individual may have the authority and command prerogatives of the former President of the United States, but the People restored to sovereignty will exercise them in a central committee of the appointed Directors of the cabinet level executive departments.
The prerogatives formerly exercised by the Commander in Chief in the prior Article will devolve to this committee in camera.
The function of head of state will be exercised by a former chief officer of a body of Congress as ratified by a two-thirds majority of each.
§ 6
The people so united may, at their discretion, appoint without term limit a Vice Chancellor of the United States to guide reform. This office will be to the Direct Presidency as the former Vice President was to the Personal Presidency.
*First suggested in 2016 with the Sanders/Trump alternation. 2020 or whenever the fuck ur ready, if ever.
continued (for 1500 years) ...