Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
// <nowiki>
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
if ((mw.config.get('wgPageName').indexOf('talk:') < 0) && (mw.config.get('wgPageName').indexOf('Talk:') < 0) && (mw.config.get('wgPageName').indexOf('Special:') < 0) && (mw.config.get('wgPageName').indexOf('Wikipedia:') < 0)) {
// spantitles gives direct access to span.title,
// which is used extensively
var spantitles = document.getElementsByClassName("Z3988");
var myTOC = document.getElementsByClassName("toctext");
// var myHeadings = $("h2, h3, h4");
myTOCarray = [];
for (var z = 0; z < myTOC.length; z++) {
myTOCtxt = myTOC[z].innerText;
myTOCtxt = myTOCtxt.replace(" ", "_");
myTOCtxt = "#" + myTOCtxt;
///the TOC is used to get a list of section headers used on page
// these are reversed and checked from bottom-to-top while sorting
/// so that if an article has stacked headings, for
/// example Primary and Secondary references listed under Works cited,
// the script won't try to insert Secondary (i.e., lower on the page)
///into the sorted list of Primary ones (higher on page) causing
// numerous confusing false positives in the sorting process
//var citejournals = document.getElementsByClassName("citation journal");
// var reftext = document.getElementsByClassName("reference-text"); // all sfns
// var bookspan = document.querySelectorAll("citation book.span title");
//var webspan = document.querySelectorAll("citation web.span title");
// spantitle[13].title
// first check:
// Hyphen in pg. range;
// P/PP error?
var links = document.links;
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
var href = links[i].getAttribute('href');
var srctxt = links[i].parentNode.textContent;
try {
var id = links[i].getAttribute('id');
} catch (err) {
var parent = links[i].parentNode;
// var index is used below to address the case of sfnm,
// whose output (i. e., links[i].parentNode.innerHTML) includes different links as siblings,
// so the output would be recursively expanded/duplicated
// within the loop unless you prevent that
var index =, links[i - 1]);
var spline = srctxt.split(";");
for (var k = 0; k < spline.length; k++) {
var commacount = (spline[k].match(/,/g) || []).length;
//var hrefcount = (links[i].parentNode.innerHTML.match(spline[k], 'g') || []).length;
if (index < 0) {
if (spline[k].indexOf('pp.') > 0) {
// so output from Ucucha's script won't be grabbed and
// added to this output
spline[k] = spline[k].replace("Harv error: link to", " ");
/* temptxt and commacount2 are used to avoid false positives
like " Brennan, Heathcote & Lucas 1984, p. 9" (commas and
ampersand before p. 9)
and "Jones 1942, p. 10, note 3" (commas irrelevant to pagination) */
var myPos = spline[k].indexOf('pp.');
var temptxt = spline[k].substring(myPos, myPos + 12);
var commacount2 = (temptxt.match(/,/g) || []).length;
if ((temptxt.indexOf('-') > 0) && (links[i].parentNode.innerHTML.indexOf('Hyphen') < 0))
links[i].parentNode.innerHTML +=
" <strong class=refckErr> Hyphen in pg. range; </strong>";
if ((href.indexOf('#CITEREF') === 0) && (spline[k].indexOf('–') < 0) && (spline[k].indexOf('&') < 0) && (commacount < 2) && (spline[k].indexOf('-') < 0) && (spline[k].indexOf(' and ') < 0) && (spline[k].indexOf('–') < 0)) {
links[i].parentNode.innerHTML +=
" <strong class=refckErr> P/PP error? " +
temptxt + "; </strong>";
} else if ((href.indexOf('#CITEREF') === 0) && (spline[k].indexOf(' p.')) > 0) {
spline[k] = spline[k].replace("Harv error: link to", " ");
var myPos = spline[k].indexOf(' p.');
var temptxt = spline[k].substring(myPos, myPos + 12);
var commacount2 = (temptxt.match(/,/g) || []).length;
if ((temptxt.indexOf('–') > 0) || (commacount2 > 0) || (temptxt.indexOf('-') > 0) || (temptxt.indexOf('–') > 0)) {
//p. 23, note 7; p. 23, n. 7; p.23, citing Smith 1989
if ((temptxt.indexOf(', not') < 0) && (temptxt.indexOf(', n.') < 0) && (temptxt.indexOf(', cit')) < 0) {
links[i].parentNode.innerHTML +=
" <strong class=refckErr> P/PP error? " +
temptxt + "; </strong>";
if (temptxt.indexOf('-') > 0) {
links[i].parentNode.innerHTML +=
" <strong class=refckErr> Hyphen in pg. range; </strong>";
// second check:
// Warning: Unexpected result – extra formatting in template?
// Caution: Missing pagenums for book chapter?
// Missing first name for:
// Inconsistent use of Publisher Location
// Missing Publisher
// Missing ISBN
// Pub. too early for ISBN, perhaps needs {{orig-year}};
// Missing Identifier/control number, e.g. OCLC;
// Missing Year/Date;
// Missing access date;
// Missing archive link;
///withLocs etc. used for "Inconsistent use of Publisher Location"
var withLocs = false;
var withoutLocs = false;
var contraryLocs = false;
var withLocsCnt = 0;
var withoutLocsCnt = 0;
idArray = ["arXiv", "ASIN", "Bibcode", "doi:", "ISBN", "ISSN", "JFM", "JSTOR", "LCCN", " MR ", "OCLC", " OL ", "OSTI", "PMC", "PMID", "RFC", "SSRN", "Zbl"];
for (i = 0; i < spantitles.length; i++) {
// there is nothing in spantitles[i].title
// which indicates that a link has been archived, so
// srctext is used to catch from textContent
srctxt = spantitles[i].parentNode.textContent;
spline = spantitles[i].title.split("");
typoCk = spantitles[i].parentNode.nodeName;
if ((typoCk === "I") || (typoCk === "B")) {
spantitles[i].parentNode.innerHTML +=
" <strong class=refckErr> Warning: Unexpected result – extra formatting in template? </strong>";
if ((spantitles[i].title.indexOf("rft.atitle=") > 0) && (spantitles[i].title.indexOf("rft.btitle=") > 0)) {
if ((srctxt.indexOf(" pp.") < 0) && (srctxt.indexOf(" p.") < 0)) {
spantitles[i].parentNode.innerHTML +=
" <strong class=refckErr> Caution: Missing pagenums for book chapter? </strong>";
for (k = 1; k < spline.length; k++) {
if ((spantitles[i].title.indexOf("") > 0) && (srctxt.indexOf("et al.") < 0)) {
if ((spline[k].indexOf("+") < 0)) {
var spline2 = spline[k].split("&");
spantitles[i].parentNode.innerHTML +=
" <strong class=refckErr> Missing first name for: <u>" + spline2[0] +
"</u>; </strong>";
var hasID = false;
for (qq = 0; qq < idArray.length; qq += 1) {
if (srctxt.indexOf(idArray[qq]) > 0) {
hasID = true;
if (spantitles[i].title.indexOf("rft.genre=article") > 0) {
if (hasID === false) {
spantitles[i].parentNode.innerHTML +=
" <strong class=refckErr> Missing identifier (ISSN, JSTOR, etc.); </strong>";
if (spantitles[i].title.indexOf("rft.genre=book") > 0) {
if ((srctxt.indexOf("Oxford University Press") < 0) && (srctxt.indexOf("University of Calcutta") < 0) && (srctxt.indexOf("Princeton University Press") < 0) && (srctxt.indexOf("Cambridge University Press") < 0)) {
if ((spantitles[i].title.indexOf("") < 0)) {
withoutLocs = true;
withoutLocsCnt += 1;
if ((withLocs === true) && (withoutLocs === true)) {
contraryLocs = true;
if (contraryLocs === true) {
spantitles[i].parentNode.innerHTML +=
"<strong class=refckErr> Inconsistent use of Publisher Location (" +
withLocsCnt + " with; " + withoutLocsCnt + " <u>without</u>); </strong>";
} else {
withLocs = true;
withLocsCnt += 1;
if ((withLocs === true) && (withoutLocs === true)) {
contraryLocs = true;
spantitles[i].parentNode.innerHTML +=
"<strong class=refckErr> Inconsistent use of Publisher Location (" +
withLocsCnt + " <u>with;</u> " + withoutLocsCnt + " without); </strong>";
if (spantitles[i].title.indexOf("") < 0) {
spantitles[i].parentNode.innerHTML +=
" <strong class=refckErr> Missing Publisher; </strong>";
// if (spantitles[i].parentNode.innerHTML.indexOf("open access publication – free to read") > 0) {
// hasID = true;
// }
if ((spantitles[i].title.indexOf("") > 0)) {
var myDate = spantitles[i].title.slice(spantitles[i].title.indexOf("") + 9, spantitles[i].title.indexOf("") + 13);
if (myDate >= 1970) {
if (hasID === false) {
spantitles[i].parentNode.innerHTML +=
" <strong class=refckErr> Missing ISBN; </strong>";
} else {
if ((spantitles[i].title.indexOf("rft.isbn") > 0) && (srctxt.indexOf(") [") < 0)) {
// OK this (") [") is a huge kluge but there's
// nothing to indicate whether origyear is
// populated except by the srctext
// having (pubdate) [origdate] & there's
// little restriction on the format of the two dates
spantitles[i].parentNode.innerHTML +=
" <strong class=refckErr> Pub. too early for ISBN, perhaps needs {{para|orig-year}}; </strong>";
if (hasID === false) {
spantitles[i].parentNode.innerHTML +=
" <strong class=refckErr> Missing Identifier/control number, e.g. OCLC; </strong>";
} else {
spantitles[i].parentNode.innerHTML +=
" <strong class=refckErr> Missing Year/Date; </strong>";
if ((spantitles[i].title.indexOf("http") > 0) && (spantitles[i].title.indexOf("rft.genre=book") < 0)) {
if (srctxt.indexOf("rchived") < 0) {
spantitles[i].parentNode.innerHTML +=
" <strong class=refckErr> Missing archive link; </strong>";
if ((srctxt.indexOf("Retrieved") < 0) && (spantitles[i].title.indexOf("") < 0)) {
spantitles[i].parentNode.innerHTML +=
" <strong class=refckErr> Missing access date; </strong>";
// third check:
// sorting
// finding duplicate author/title,
// removing meaningless initial words,
// handling odd date formats "(April 2007)" etc.,
// sorting stacked reference sections
///reverse TOC order and skipping if alreadySorted
var refheaders = [];
var allRefheaders = ["#Books", "#Journals", "#Articles", "#Biographies", "#Bibliography", "#References", "#Citations_and_notes", "#Literature_cited", "#Works_cited", "#Book_sources", "#Primary_sources", "#Secondary_sources", "#Sources", "#Specialized_studies"];
/// refheaders lets us sort in reverse TOC order
for (var d = 0; d < myTOCarray.length; d++) {
if (allRefheaders.indexOf(myTOCarray[d]) > -1) {
var alreadySorted = [];
for (var r = 0; r < refheaders.length; r++) {
var refsection = jQuery(refheaders[r]).parent().next();
var newcites = refsection.find('.citation');
sortedCites = [];
unsortedCites = [];
sortIndices = [];
var id3 = '';
var oldAuth = '';
var mySortTxt2 = '';
for (var h = 0; h < newcites.length; h++) {
if (alreadySorted.indexOf(newcites[h]) > -1) {
try {
id3 = newcites[h].getAttribute('id');
} catch (err) {
if (!id3 || id3.indexOf('CITEREF') === 0) {
var parentid =
if (parentid && parentid.indexOf('cite_note') > -1) {
if (!id3 || id3.indexOf('CITEREF') < 0) {
newcites[h].innerHTML +=
" <strong class=refckWarn> Caution: Missing <i>ref=<i/> anchor?; </strong>";
if (id3 == null) {
mySortTxt2 = newcites[h].innerText;
mySortTxt2 = mySortTxt2.replace('"', '');
// check for empty string
if (mySortTxt2 === '') {
mySortTxt2 = mySortTxt2.trim();
// A, An, The..
if (mySortTxt2.slice(0, 2) === "A ") {
mySortTxt2 = mySortTxt2.slice(2);
mySortTxt2 = mySortTxt2.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mySortTxt2.slice(1);
if (mySortTxt2.slice(0, 3) === "An ") {
mySortTxt2 = mySortTxt2.slice(3);
mySortTxt2 = mySortTxt2.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mySortTxt2.slice(1);
if (mySortTxt2.slice(0, 4) === "The ") {
mySortTxt2 = mySortTxt2.slice(4);
mySortTxt2 = mySortTxt2.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mySortTxt2.slice(1);
// for example, in |author-mask={{long dash}}
if (mySortTxt2[0] == "—") {
mySortTxt2 = oldAuth + mySortTxt2;
mySortTxt2 = mySortTxt2.replace('"', '');
if (mySortTxt2.indexOf(")") > 0) {
mySortTxt2 = mySortTxt2.substring(0, mySortTxt2.indexOf(")")) + ")";
// handle (April 2006) or (04-11-2006) or anything not (YYYY)
mySortTxt3 = /\d{4}/.exec(mySortTxt2);
mySortTxt2 = mySortTxt2.replace(mySortTxt3, "");
if (mySortTxt3 != null) {
mySortTxt2 = mySortTxt2.replace("(", "(" + mySortTxt3 + "-");
mySortTxt2 = mySortTxt2.replace(" )", ")")
if ((mySortTxt2.match(/\s/g) || []).length > 5) {
mySortPos2 = mySortTxt2.split(" ", 5).join(" ").length;
mySortTxt2 = mySortTxt2.substring(0, mySortPos2);
} else {
mySortTxt2 = id3;
mySortTxt2 = mySortTxt2.replace("CITEREF", "");
firstAuthLname = '';
firstAuthLname = newcites[h].innerText;
fspline = firstAuthLname.split(",");
firstAuthLname = fspline[0].replace('"', '');
if (mySortTxt2.indexOf(firstAuthLname) > 0) {
//for example, A._Sanjoy2011 --> Sanjoy_A.2011
mySortTxt2 = firstAuthLname + "_" + mySortTxt2.replace(firstAuthLname, "");
//remove html '' mySortTxt2=mySortTxt2.replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, '');
// oldauth is for |author-mask={{long dash}}
// below, rmv all digits, parens, curly braces, endashes
// oldAuth = mySortTxt2.replace(/\d+/g, '');
oldAuth = mySortTxt2.replace(/[{()}]/g, '');
oldAuth = oldAuth.replace(/—/g, "");
oldAuth = oldAuth.replace(/\)/g, '');
oldAuth = oldAuth.trim();
mySortTxt2 = mySortTxt2.toLowerCase();
mySortTxt2 = mySortTxt2.replace("'", "");
if (unsortedCites.indexOf(mySortTxt2) > -1) {
newcites[h].innerHTML +=
" <strong class=refckWarn> Warning: duplicate author/date: " + mySortTxt2 + "; </strong>";
var myPos2 = 0;
var txtOut = '';
for (var p = 0; p < unsortedCites.length; p++) {
if (unsortedCites[p] != sortedCites[p]) {
myPos2 = sortIndices[p];
txtOut = sortedCites[p];
// txtOut = sortedCites[p].replace(/\+/g, " ");
// txtOut = txtOut.replace(/\&/g, " ");
//txtOut = txtOut.replace(/\%3A/g, ":");
// txtOut = txtOut.replace(/\%2C/g, ",");
newcites[myPos2].innerHTML +=
" <strong class=refckWarn> Sort error, expected: <u>" + txtOut + "</u>; </strong>";
// First wait for mediawiki.util to load, and the page to be ready.
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// Default state
var isHidden = false;
// Determine previous state from localStorage, if available
try {
if (localStorage.getItem('reviewsourcecheck-state') === 'hidden') {
isHidden = true;
} catch (e) {}
// General usage:
mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', '#', 'Hide ref check', 'ca-hideCk', "Hide ref check");
mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', '#', 'Show ref check', 'ca-showCk', "Show ref check");
$('#ca-hideCk').on('click', function() {
try {
localStorage.setItem('reviewsourcecheck-state', 'hidden');
} catch (e) {}
return false;
$('#ca-showCk').on('click', function() {
try {
localStorage.setItem('reviewsourcecheck-state', 'shown');
} catch (e) {}
return false;
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