I'm just another fat guy, editing an encyclopedia-esque website. I am a libertarian , a homosexual , and an atheist . I don't believe in gun control , I am pro-choice in nearly all circumstances, I favor the legalization of almost all (if not all) victimless crimes , and I am passionate about politics , particularly those dealing with civil liberties and other social issues . I am not a member of the Libertarian Party because of their attitudes toward corporate personhood .
In the past, I was a conservative Lutheran , but have since changed my views radically. I prefer a measured government , not only for business, for but citizens. I am not a believer in Ayn Rand 's Objectivism , and I believe that a social safety net is vital for the security of our nation - including a single payer health care system.
The Fat Guy's Boxes
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C++ This user can program in C++ .
they he or she This user considers the singular they to be substandard English usage.
…in. Ending a sentence with a preposition is something that this user is okay with.
to too two This user thinks that too many people have no idea how to use words that they should have learned in grade two .
your you're This user thinks that if your grammar is incorrect, then you're in need of help.
its it's It's really not that hard to use each word in its proper manner.
’s Thi's user know's that not every word that end's with s need's an apostrophe and will remove misused apostrophe's from Wikipedia with extreme prejudice.
AIM -AbleThis user understands AIM talk perfectly well, but does not seriously use it. Ever.
* This user can be found on most, if not all, IM networks!
This user has a profile on MySpace .
This user uses Wikipedia as a primary point of reference.
This user contributes using Ubuntu .
BB This user contributes using a broadband connection.
This user believes that caffeine is necessary in large doses daily.
This user passed
GO !
(…so where is my $200?)
This user prefers to play games on a PC .
This user still enjoys their Sega Dreamcast , and thinks it's underrated!
MMO RPG This user believes MMORPGs are a waste of time and/or money.
This user is interested in history .
This user accepts evolution as a biological fact.
This user prefers warm weather .
This user is really fascinated by the weather .
This user is addicted to travel .
M This user is a member of Mensa .
This user is a member of the LGBTQ community.
5 (USA, Canada, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands) This user has visited 5 (USA, Canada, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands) of the 205 countries in the world .