Information  | This user has been on Wikipedia for 19 years, 7 months and 23 days. |
 | This editor has been thanked by these Wikipedians. |
My name is Jonathan Bowen and I have become increasingly enthusiastic about the Wikipedia project — well done to Jimmy Wales who started it! See the history of Wikipedia as a starting point for further information.
I am particularly keen on documenting museums on Wikipedia. See the paper Museums and Wikipedia at the 2006 Museums and the Web conference.
A one-page article on wikis in general and Wikipedia in particular appeared in the Times Higher Education Supplement on 21 July 2006.
Overall, I believe in using common sense and I am not a lover of Vogons.
— Jonathan Bowen
See also
- Categories: art, arts, children, computer science, computing, culture, electronic engineering, formal methods, galleries, heritage, history of computing, IT, museology, museums, people, software engineering, systems
- Places: Henley, London, Oxford, Reading, Sonning, Thames
- Personal: Old Dragons, Old Bryanstonians, Univ. alumni, The Dragon, Bryanston, Univ., Oxford University, LSBU, BCU
- Bowens: Edmund Bowen, Humphry Bowen, Jonathan Bowen
- New Wikipedia pages
- Projects: History of science, Oxford, Systems
- Missing articles
- Editing statistics
External links
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Academics | |
People | |
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