User:Guto2003 User information - Guto2003This user is ofUkrainian ancestry.This user opposes all forms of white nationalism.This user is a Communist.This user is aMarxist-Leninist. This user identifies as a Maoist. This user believes if voting changed anything, it would be made illegal. This user identifies as a Communist. 這用戶支持和平的中國統一。 这用户支持和平的中国统一。 This user supports the peaceful reunification of China.This user believes in the peaceful reunification of North and South Korea under one government.This user is a vietcong. This user opposes all forms ofOLIGARCHY. This user is againstmonarchism and nobility titles when they were abolished, because they are not democratic and give no respect to the freedom of the peoples. This user is anti-fascist who is against racist ideology of the Third Reich, Fascist Italy, NDH and Nedić's Serbia. This user is highly against nazism.This user knows Black Lives Matter.This user recognizes the Palestinian right of return.‡ This user recognizes the right of Iraqis to resist occupation.This user supports the right of all people to resist occupation, colonialism and imperialism by any means necessary.