Vital Stats
Just one of the mutlitude of people trying to make this place a better resource.
Less is more people! Keep articles on topic!
If you have 18 subsections... it should be a new topic(unless its the rules on bridge :D)!
Fair and balanced... means you look for the truth... not what is politically correct in your mind.
Guess what... look for things from another country...don't just post 8 pages on USA reference on german chocolate, the holocaust, or VW (sorry got on a German kick there... love the beer!)
Be bold, and back up your notes in the discussion!
Articles I've worked on
Supremacy (board game)
Apartheid around the world
Alleged Mukaradeeb War Crime
Articles I've worked on that were valid and have been removed because of the politics of the site
Capital Punishment in Iran
Death in Iraq under Saddam Hussein
Countries Lived
United States
Areas of interest
Canadian History
Military History
Current Political Philosophy
Canoeing, Kayaking
Capital Punishment