User:Facugaich Wikipedia:BabelesEste usuario tiene el español como lengua materna.en-3This user can contribute with an advanced level of English.Search user languages WebW3CThis user believes in compliance with W3C standards.HTML-2This user is an intermediate HTML user.This user can write Cascading Style Sheets.{{t|2}}This user understands what templates do, and how to write them. ProgrammingprogLike one third of Wikipedians, this user is a programmer.C-3This user is an advanced C programmer.C++-3This user is an advanced C++ user is an intermediate Python programmer.hs-2This user is an intermediate Haskell programmer.bash-1This user is a beginner Bash programmer.asmThis user can program in assembly language.reThis user writes regular expressions.This user can program in JavaScript.pasThis user can program in Pascal. CountryThis user lives in Argentina.