User:Dwindrim~enwiki/images Image Gallery Vegreville's pysanka Cumulus humilis marestail mackerel sky sailor's delight developing cumulus castellanus north wind and whitecaps -35°C orographic lifting blue rose File:WestEdmontonMall.jpgWEM from the air active cumulus castellanus snowsnake Alberta wild rose Alfalfa Arnica Bird vetch Brome Buttercup Buttercup Canadian goldenrod Cinqfoil Elephant head Elephant head (close) Fairy bell Fireweed blossoms Fireweeed - late-season colors Showy fleabane Gaillardia (blanketflower) Grass-pf-Parnassus and buttercup comparison A late-summer grouping - paintbrush, aster, and goldenrod Harebell Narrow-leaved hawkweed Northern bedstraw Northern Grass-of-Parnassus Ox-eye (English) daisy Paintbrush can be found in a wide range of colors from white through crimson Red paintbrush White paintbrush White paintbrush framed by Bird vetch Yellow paintbrush Pink wintergreen Rough fescue (grass) Showy wood aster Five different species Tower larkspur / Tall delphinium Western wood lily Western wood lily (above) Western (white) yarrow White camus ...patience... ...patience... ...patience... ...patience... ...patience... ...patience... ...patience...