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Editors etc. from Allibone
- List extracted from Samuel Austin Allibone, A critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors, living and deceased, from the earliest accounts to the latter half of the nineteenth century. Containing over forty-six thousand articles (authors), with forty indexes of subjects, Volume 1: A-L, 1908
- Arthur Aikin - Annals of Philosophy, The Annual Review
- John Aikin - Monthly Magazine, Athenaeum,
- Joseph Alden - New York Observer
- Paul Allen - Federal Republican, Journal of the Times, Morning Chronicle
- Loring Andrews - The Herald of Freedom, The Western Star, ??
- Henry Atkinson -
- William Aytoun - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine
- Leonard Bacon - The Independent
- Peter Bailey - The Museum
- Thomas Baines - The Liverpool Times
- Maturin Ballou - Ballou's Pictorial, ??
- Nathan Bangs - Christian Advocate and Journal, ??
- Frederick Bayley - Illustrated London News
- Henry Glasford Bell - Edinburgh Literary Journal
- William Beloe - British Critic
- John Bigelow - New York Evening Post
- Robert Montgomery Bird - ??
- Sir John Birkenhead - Mercurius Aulicus
- Joseph Blunt - American Annual Register
- John Bonner - Harper's Weekly, Daily Herald
- Francis Bowen - North American Review
- John Bowring - Westminster Review
- William B. Bradbury - New York Musical Review
- John G. C. Brainard - Connecticut Mirror
- Edward William Brayley - Annals of Philosophy, Zoological Journal, Philosophical Magazine
- Charles F. Briggs - Putnam's Monthly Magazine
- Nathan Covington Brooks - American Museum
- Samuel R. Brown - The Patriot
- Daniel Jay Browne - The Naturalist
- Archibald Bruce - The Journal of American Mineralology
- William Cullen Bryant - New York Evening Post
- Joseph Buckingham - The Polyanthus, The Ordeal, etc.
- Gilbert T. Burnett - London Medical and Surgical Journal
- Charles Burney - the London Magazne
- Elihu Burritt - The Christian Citizen
- George Busk - Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science
- Charles Caldwell - Port Folio
- Rev. John Campbell - The Youth's Magazine, Teacher's Offering
- Nahum Capen - Annals of Phrenology
- Matthew Carey - Pennsylvania Herald, American Museum
- Stephen Cullen Carpenter - U. S. Magazine
- Joseph R. Chandler - United States Gazette
- John Chapman - Westminster Review
- Lydia Maria Child - Anti-Slavery Standard
- Lewis Gaylord Clark - New York Knickerbocker Magazine
- Willis Gaylord Clark - Philadelphia Gazette
- James Freeman Clarke - The Western Messenger
- Cassius M. Clay - The True American Newspaper
- Sylvanus Cobb, Jr. - ??, New England Washingtonian
- Rev. Sylvanus Cobb - Christian Freeman
- Henry Cole - Journal of Design
- John Coleman - Banner of the Cross
- Josiah Conder - Eclectic Review
- William Crafts - The Charleston Courier
- John Wilson Croker
- Edwin Croswell - Albany Argus
- Peter Hoffman Cruse - Baltimore American
- Alva Curtis - Physio-Medical Recorder
- Luther Stearns Cushing - Jurist and Law Magazine
- Alexander James Dallas - The Columbian Magazine
- Charles Anderson Dana - The Harbinger, Boston Chronotype, New York Tribune
- James Dwight Dana - The American Journal of Science
- Richard Henry Dana - North American Review
- John T. Delane - The Times
- Charles Wentworth Dilke - Athenaeum
- Andrew Jackson Downing - The Horticulturalist
- Samuel Drew - The Imperial Magazine
- J. P. Durbin - Christian Advocate and Journal
- Evert A. Duyckinck - The Literary World, Arcturus
- Charles Este - The World
- Jeremiah Evarts - The Panoplist
- Alexander Hill Everett - North American Review
- David Everett - Boston Patriot, Pilot
- Edward Everett - North American Review
- Tolbert Fanning - Agriculturist
- Harriet Farley - The Lowell Offering
- William Farr - London Medical Annual
- Theodore Fay - The New York Mirror
- Robert Fellowes - London Critical Review
- Thomas Green Fessenden - New England Farmer, The Horticultural Register, The Silk Manual, The Reporter, The Intelligencer, The Monitor
- Henry Fielding - The Champion
- Edmund Flagg - Louisville Literary News-Letter, St Louis Evening Gazette
- Timothy Flint - Knickerbocker Magazine, The Western Monthly Magazine
- Albany Fonblanque - The Examiner
- John Forbes (physician) - British and Foreign Medical Review
- John Forster - The Examiner, Foreign Quarterly Review
- Peter Freneau - Charleston City Gazette
- Philip Freneau - National Gazette
- Hiram Fuller - New York Mirror
- William Gallagher - The Cincinnati Mirror, Western Literary Journal and Monthly Review, Western Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal, Daily Courier
- William Gammell - Christian Review, Boston
- Samuel Jackson Gardner - Newark Daily Advertiser
- Stanley Lees Giffard - St James's Chronicle, London Standard
- William Gifford - Anti-Jacobin, Quarterly Review
- George Gilfillan: T. Aird - Dumfries Herald
- Robert Pierce Gillies - Foreign Quarterly Review
- Giles Goddard - The Rhode Island American
- Oliver Goldsmith - The Lady's Magazine
- John Mason Good - Analytical and Critical Review
- Chauncey Goodrich - Quarterly Christian Spectator, Parley's Magazine, ??
- Benjamin Apthorp Gould - Astronomical Journal
- James Grant - London Morning Advertiser
- Francis William Pitt Greenwood - The Unitarian Miscellany, The Christian Miscellany
- George Gregory - New Annual Register
- Jeremiah Gridley - The Weekly Rehearsal
- John Willis Griffiths - Nautical Magazine
- Ralph Griffiths - Monthly Review
- Samuel Powel Griffiths - (Medical) Eclectic Repository
- Rufus Wilmot Griswold - The New Yorker, The Brother Jonathan, New World, Graham's Magazine, The International Magazine
- Charles Hale - To-Day, Boston Daily Advertiser
- David Hale - New York Journal of Commerce
- Nathan Hale - Boston Weekly Messenger, Boston Daily Advertiser, Monthly Chronicle
- Nathan Hale, Jr. - Boston Miscellany of Literature, Boston Daily Advertiser
- Sarah Josepha Hale - The Ladies' Magazine, Lady's Book of Philadelphia
- James Hall - The Illinois Gazette, The Illinois Intelligencer
- John E. Hall - The Port-Folio
- Samuel Carter Hall - Art Journal, The Amulet, The New Monthly Magazine, The British Magazine
- William W. Hall - Hall's Journal of Health
- John S. Hart - Pennsylvania Common School Journal, Sartam's Magazine
- Nathan Appleton Haven - Portsmouth Journal
- John Hawkesworth - The Adventurer
- Paul Hamilton Hayne - Charleston Literary Gazette, Charleston Evening News
- Samuel Hazard - The Liberal
- Frederick Henry Hedge - Christian Examiner
- Arthur Henfrey - Botanical Magazine
- Caleb Sprague Henry - The New York Review
- John Herapath - Railway Magazine
- Henry William Herbert - American Monthly Magazine
- Constantine Hering - Medical Correspondent, North American Homoeopathic Quarterly, Homoeopathic News
- Robert Heron - ??
- Thomas Kibble Hervey - Athenaeum
- Richard Hildreth - Boston Atlas
- Henry Hill - British Magazine
- George Stillman Hillard - American Jurist
- Charles Hodge - Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review
- Charles Fenno Hoffman - American Monthly Magazine, New York Mirror, New York Literary World
- Robert Hogg - Cottage Gardener
- Benjamin Holditch - Farmer's Journal
- Francis Ludlow Holt - Bell's Weekly Messenger
- Benjamin Homans - Military and Naval Magazine
- Thomas Hood - London Magazine, New Monthly Magazine, ??
- William Jackson Hooker - Curtis's Botanical Magazine
- Richard Henry Horne - Monthly Repository
- Rushmore G. Horton - New York Day-Book
- Mary Howitt - The Drawing-Room Scrap-Book
- Frederick Knight Hunt - London Daily News, Illustrated London News, The Pictorial Times, The Medical Times
- Freeman Hunt - The Merchants' Magazine
- Leigh Hunt - The Examiner
- Thornton Hunt - The Constitutional, The North, Cheshire Reformer, The Glasgow Argus
- Frederic Huntingdon - The Monthly Religious Magazine and Independent Journal
- Jedediah Vincent Huntington - The Leader, The Metropolitan
- W. Hutter - Lutheran Home Journal
- Leon Hyneman - Masonic Mirror
- Henry R. Jackson - Savannah Georgian
- Robert Jameson - Edinburgh Philosophical Journal
- Francis Jeffrey - Edinburgh Review
- William Jerdan - London Literary Gazette
- Douglas Jerrold - The Heads of the People, Illuminated Magazine, Shilling Magazine, Lloyd's Weekly
- Stephen Jones - Biographica Dramatica
- Emily Judson: N. P. Willis - New York Weekly Mirror
- John Mitchell Kemble - British and Foreign Quarterly Review
- George Wilkins Kendall - The Picayune
- Samuel Kettell - Boston Courier
- Richard Kimball (with others) - The Knickerbocker Gallery
- William B. Kinney - Newark Daily Advertiser
- Andrew Kippis - The Library
- Caroline M. Kirkland - Union Magazine, Sartain's Magazine
- Samuel Lorenzo Knapp - Boston Gazette, National Republican, Boston Monthly Magazine
- Charles Philip Krauth - Lutheran Intelligencer, Evangelical Review
- Benjamin Kurtz - Lutheran Observer
- William Ladd - The Harbinger of Peace
- Letitia Elizabeth Landon - London Literary Gazette
- Charles Lanman - Monroe Gazette, Cincinnati Chronicle, New York Express, National Intelligencer
- Amelia W. Lawrence - The Drawing Room Scrap-Book
- William John Lawson - Merchant's Magazine
- William Henry Leeds - Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal
- William Leggett (with William C. Bryant) - New York Evening Post, The Plain Dealer,
- Charles G. Leland - Philadephia Evening Bulletin, Graham's Illustrated Magazine
- Mark Lemon - Punch, Illustrated London News
- Ashton Lever - Dublin University Magazine
- G. H. Lewes - The Leader
- George Cornewall Lewis - Edinburgh Review
- Tayler Lewis - Harper's New Monthly Magazine
- John Leyden - Scots Magazine
- George Ames Lintner - The Lutheran Magazine
- Eliakim Littell - The National Recorder, The Saturday Magazine, The Museum of Foreign Literature & Science, The Eclectic Museum, Littell's Living Age, The Panorama of Life and Literature, The Religious Magazine and Spirit of the Foreign Theological Journals, The Journal of Foreign Medical Sciences
- Squier Littell - Journal of Foreign Medical Science, Museum of Foreign Literature and Science, Philadelphia Banner of the Cross
- Richard Adams Locke - The New York Sun, The New Era,
- John Gibson Lockhart - Quarterly Review
- Benson J. Lossing - Poughkeepsie Telegraph, Poughkeepsie Casket
- John Lowell - Law Reporter
- George Luxford - The Phytologist, Westminster Review, The Globe
- Edward George Lytton Bulwer Lytton - New Monthly Magazine
- Aberdeen Journal - Baner Cymru - Belfast News-Letter - Birmingham Daily Post - Brighton Patriot - Bristol Mercury (newspaper) - Caledonian Mercury - Champion (newspaper) - Charter (newspaper) - Chartist (newspaper) - Chartist Circular - Cobbett's Weekly Political Register - Daily News (London) - Derby Mercury - Era (newspaper) - Examiner - Freeman's Journal - Genedl - Glasgow Herald - Goleuad - The Graphic - Hampshire Telegraph / Portsmouth Telegraph - Hull Packet - Illustrated Police News - Ipswich Journal - Jackson's Oxford Journal - Leeds Mercury - Liverpool Mercury - Lloyd's Illustrated Newspaper - London Dispatch - Manchester Times - Morning Chronicle - Newcastle Courant - North Wales Chronicle - Northern Echo - Northern Liberator - Northern Star (chartist newspaper) - Odd Fellow (newspaper) - Operative (newspaper) - Pall Mall Gazette - Poor Man's Guardian - Preston Chronicle - Reynolds's Newspaper - Southern Star (newspaper) - Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Western Mail (Wales)
- Black and White: A Weekly Illustrated Record and Review – Black & White Budget – The Cigarette: The Saturday Popular Pictorial Journal – The Days' Doings: An Illustrated and Amusing Record of Passing Events – Forget-Me-Not: A Pictorial Journal for Ladies – The Gentlewoman:An Illustrated Weekly Journal for Gentlewomen – The Graphic: An Illustrated Weekly Magazine – Home Sweet Home: A Journal of Stories & Pictures for Everybody – The Illustrated Edinburgh News – The Illustrated London Clipper – The Illustrated London Life – The Illustrated London News – Illustrated Mail – Illustrated Midland News – The Illustrated News of the World – The Illustrated Police Budget – The Illustrated Police News – Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News – Illustrated Sporting News / Illustrated Sporting and Theatrical News – Illustrated Times – Pearson's Illustrated War News – The Illustrated Weekly News / Penny Illustrated Weekly News – The King: A Pictorial Record of World News – The Lady's Newspaper and Pictorial Times – Lady's Pictorial – The Mirror of Life – The Pall Mall Budget – Pears' Annual – Pears' Pictorial: An Illustrated Weekly – Penny Illustrated Paper – The Penny Pictorial News and Family Story Paper – Pictorial Life – Pictorial Times: A Weekly Journal of News, Literature, Fine Arts, and the Drama – The Pictorial World – The Pictoric – The Queen: An Illustrated Journal and Review – The Scots Pictorial – Shurey's Illustrated – The Sketch – The Sphere – The World's Penny
Editors of Lippincott's Magazine
- John Foster Kirk (editor from 1885 or 1886?)
- William Shepard Walsh (1854-1919) (editor from 1886?)
- Frederick Mayer Bird (1838-1903) (editor 1893-1898)
- Harrison Smith Morris (1856-1948) (editor 1899-1905)
- Joseph Berg Esenwein (editor 1905-1914)
- Joseph M. Stoddart (1845-1921)
- Henry Collins Walsh (1863-1927) Literary editor of Lippincott's Mag for 3 years
Religious magazines
- British Critic (high church)
- Dublin Review (Roman Catholic)
- Home and Foreign (Liberal Catholic)
- British Quarterly (Congregational)
- Church of England Quarterly
- Christian Remembrancer
- Prospective (Unitarian)
- North British Review (Free Church of Scotland)
- Methodist Magazine
- Evangelical Magazine
- Eclectic Review (dissenting, mainly Congregational)
- Monthly Repository (Unitarian; becomes general liberal reform journal under William Johnson Fox's editorship 1827-36)
- The Record (low church)[disambiguation needed]
- The Tablet (Roman Catholic)
- The Guardian (high church)
- The Rambler (Liberal Catholic)
Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century Journalism
- Aberdeen Journal - Academy - Accountant - Actors by Daylight - Adult - Age - Agnostic Annual - Ainsworth's Magazine - Alexandra Magazine - All the Year Round - Ally Sloper's Half-Holiday - Alpine Journal - Analytical Review - Anglo-Saxon Review - Annals and Magazine of Natural History - Annals of Electricity, Magnetism and Chemistry - Annals of Sporting and Fancy Gazette - Annual Monitor - Answers to Correspondents - Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine - Archaeological Journal - Argosy - The Art Journal - Artist and Journal of Home Culture - Atalanta - Athenaeum - Athletic News and Cyclists' Journal - Atlantis - Atlas - Auction Register and Law Chronicle - Author's Circular
Modernist magazines
From the Modernist Magazines Project
- Acorn
- Adelphi
- Arson
- Art and Letters
- Bell
- Beltaine
- Bermondsey Book
- Blast
- Blue Review
- Calendar of Modern Letters
- Chameleon
- Chapbook
- Close Up
- Contemporary Poetry and Prose
- Coterie
- Criterion
- Dana
- Daylight
- Dial
- Dome
- Egoist
- Enemy
- English Review
- Epilogue
- European Quarterly
- Evergreen
- Experiment
- Germ
- Green Sheaf
- Indian Writing
- Kingdom Come
- Klaxon
- Left Review
- Life and Letters
- London Mercury
- London Mercury and Bookman
- Million New Left Writing
- Modern Scot
- New Age
- New Cow
- New English Weekly
- New Numbers
- New Verse
- New Writing
- Northern Review
- Open Window
- Others
- Owl
- Oxford and Cambridge Magazine
- Pageant
- Poetry
- Poetry and Drama
- Poetry Review
- Poetry Scotland
- Samhain
- Savoy
- Scottish Chapbook
- Scrutiny
- Seed
- Signature
- Studio
- Twentieth Century Verse
- Tyro
- Village Magazine
- Voices
- Wales
- Welsh Review
- Wheels - 1920
- The Yellow Book
British Newspaper Archive
- Aldershot Military Gazette. 1,002 issues of the Aldershot Military Gazette are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[1]
- Ayr Advertiser, or, West Country Journal / Ayr Advertiser. An issue of the Ayr Advertiser, or, West Country Journal is available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[2]
- Baner ac Amserau Cymru. 3,808 issues of the Baner ac Amserau Cymru are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[3]
- Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette / Bath Chronicle. 7,960 issues of the Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[4]
- Belfast Morning News. 627 issues of the Belfast Morning News are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[5]
- Belfast News-Letter. 16,657 issues of the Belfast News-Letter are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[6]
- Berkshire Chronicle. 1,080 issues of the Berkshire Chronicle are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[7]
- Berwickshire News and General Advertiser / Berwickshire News. 575 issues of the Berwickshire News and General Advertiser are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[8]
- Birmingham Daily Post. 11,520 issues of the Birmingham Daily Post are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[9]
- Birmingham Gazette. 2,289 issues of the Birmingham Gazette are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[10]
- Birmingham Journal. 529 issues of the Birmingham Journal are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[11]
- Blackburn Standard. 2,758 issues of the Blackburn Standard are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[12]
- Bradford Observer. 3,213 issues of the Bradford Observer are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[13]
- Brighton Patriot. 232 issues of the Brighton Patriot are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[14]
- Bristol Mercury. 9,086 issues of the Bristol Mercury are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[15]
- Bucks Herald. 3,912 issues of the Bucks Herald are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[16]
- Burnley Advertiser. 1,314 issues of the Burnley Advertiser are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[17]
- Burnley Gazette. 625 issues of the Burnley Gazette are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[18]
- Bury and Norwich Post. 4,810 issues of the Bury and Norwich Post are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[19]
- Bury Times. 473 issues of the Bury Times are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[20]
- Caledonian Mercury. 22,939 issues of the Caledonian Mercury are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[21]
- Cambridge Chronicle and Journal / Cambridge Chronicle. 1,204 issues of the Cambridge Chronicle and Journal are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[22]
- Cambridge Independent Press. 309 issues of the Cambridge Independent Press are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[23]
- Carlisle Journal. 2,148 issues of the Carlisle Journal are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[24]
- Carlisle Patriot. 637 issues of the Carlisle Patriot are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[25]
- The Champion / Champion / The Champion (newspaper) / Champion (newspaper). 163 issues of The Champion are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[26]
- The Charter / The Charter (newspaper). 60 issues of The Charter are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[27]
- Chartist Circular. 102 issues of the Chartist Circular are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[28]
- The Chartist / Chartist / Chartist (newspaper). 23 issues of The Chartist are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[29]
- Chelmsford Chronicle. 5,764 issues of the Chelmsford Chronicle are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[30]
- Cheltenham Chronicle. 2,696 issues of the Cheltenham Chronicle are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[31]
- Cheltenham Looker-On / Cheltenham Looker On. 3,760 issues of the Cheltenham Looker-On are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[32]
- Cheshire Observer. 2,325 issues of the Cheshire Observer are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[33]
- Chester Chronicle. 3,248 issues of the Chester Chronicle are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[34]
- Chester Courant. 52 issues of the Chester Courant are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[35]
- Cobbett's Weekly Political Register. 1,587 issues of the Cobbett's Weekly Political Register are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[36]
- Cork Examiner. 1,175 issues of the Cork Examiner are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[37]
- Cornishman / Cornishman (newspaper). 3,723 issues of the Cornishman are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[38]
- Coventry Evening Telegraph. 5,255 issues of the Coventry Evening Telegraph are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[39]
- Coventry Herald. 1,537 issues of the Coventry Herald are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[40]
- Coventry Times. 234 issues of the Coventry Times are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[41]
- Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough / Daily Gazette (Middlesbrough). 8,489 issues of the Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[42]
- Derby Daily Telegraph. 20,147 issues of the Derby Daily Telegraph are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[43]
- Derby Mercury. 8,877 issues of the Derby Mercury are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[44]
- Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Herald / Derbyshire Times / Chesterfield Herald. 4,002 issues of the Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Herald are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[45]
- Devizes and Wiltshire Gazette. 2,817 issues of the Devizes and Wiltshire Gazette are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[46]
- Dorset County Chronicle. 262 issues of the Dorset County Chronicle are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[47]
- Dover Express. 3,510 issues of the Dover Express are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[48]
- Dumfries and Galloway Standard. 732 issues of the Dumfries and Galloway Standard are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[49]
- Dundee Advertiser. 2,166 issues of the Dundee Advertiser are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[50]
- Dundee Courier. 36,900 issues of the Dundee Courier are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[51]
- The Dundee Year Book / Dundee Year Book. An issue of The Dundee Year Book is available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[52]
- Dundee, Perth, and Cupar Advertiser. 1,918 issues of the Dundee, Perth, and Cupar Advertiser are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[53]
- Dunfermline Press. 310 issues of the Dunfermline Press are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[54]
- Dunfermline Saturday Press. 454 issues of the Dunfermline Saturday Press are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[55]
- Edinburgh Evening News. 3,132 issues of the Edinburgh Evening News are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[56]
- Elgin Courant, and Morayshire Advertiser. 105 issues of the Elgin Courant, and Morayshire Advertiser are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[57]
- Elgin Courier. 1,082 issues of the Elgin Courier are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[58]
- The Era / The Era (newspaper) / Era (newspaper). 3,246 issues of The Era are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[59]
- Essex Newsman. 4,500 issues of the Essex Newsman are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[60]
- Essex Standard. 4,168 issues of the Essex Standard are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[61]
- Evening Telegraph. 13,434 issues of the Evening Telegraph are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[62]
- The Examiner / The Examiner (newspaper) / Examiner (newspaper). 3,846 issues of The Examiner are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[63]
- Exeter and Plymouth Gazette. 14,217 issues of the Exeter and Plymouth Gazette are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[64]
- Exeter and Plymouth Gazette Daily Telegrams. 2,577 issues of the Exeter and Plymouth Gazette Daily Telegrams are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[65]
- Exeter Flying Post. 5,399 issues of the Exeter Flying Post are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[66]
- Falkirk Herald. 2,434 issues of the Falkirk Herald are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[67]
- Fife Herald. 1,673 issues of the Fife Herald are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[68]
- Freeman's Journal. 21,234 issues of the Freeman's Journal are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[69]
- Glasgow Herald. 15,136 issues of the Glasgow Herald are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[70]
- Gloucester Citizen. 9,735 issues of the Gloucester Citizen are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[71]
- Gloucester Journal. 574 issues of the Gloucester Journal are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[72]
- Gloucestershire Echo. 5,898 issues of the Gloucestershire Echo are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[73]
- Grantham Journal. 1,815 issues of the Grantham Journal are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[74]
- The Graphic / The Graphic (newspaper) / Graphic (newspaper). 1,575 issues of The Graphic are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[75]
- Hampshire Advertiser. 4,769 issues of the Hampshire Advertiser are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[76]
- Hampshire Chronicle. 2,676 issues of the Hampshire Chronicle are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[77]
- Hampshire Telegraph. 6,081 issues of the Hampshire Telegraph are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[78]
- Hartlepool Mail. 356 issues of the Hartlepool Mail are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[79]
- Hastings and St Leonards Observer. 1,950 issues of the Hastings and St Leonards Observer are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[80]
- Hereford Journal. 4,253 issues of the Hereford Journal are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[81]
- Hereford Times. 1,790 issues of the Hereford Times are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[82]
- Hertford Mercury and Reformer / Hertford Mercury. 1,684 issues of the Hertford Mercury and Reformer are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[83]
- Herts Advertiser. 52 issues of the Herts Advertiser are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[84]
- Herts Guardian, Agricultural Journal, and General Advertiser / Herts Guardian. 1,156 issues of the Herts Guardian, Agricultural Journal, and General Advertiser are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[85]
- Huddersfield Chronicle. 8,261 issues of the Huddersfield Chronicle are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[86]
- Hull Daily Mail. 14,030 issues of the Hull Daily Mail are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[87]
- Hull Packet. 4,023 issues of the Hull Packet are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[88]
- Huntingdon, Bedford & Peterborough Gazette. 677 issues of the Huntingdon, Bedford & Peterborough Gazette are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[89]
- Illustrated Police News. 1,660 issues of the Illustrated Police News are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[90]
- Ipswich Journal. 2,174 issues of the Ipswich Journal are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[91]
- The Ipswich Journal. 7,638 issues of The Ipswich Journal are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[92]
- Isle of Man Times. 1,727 issues of the Isle of Man Times are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[93]
- Isle of Wight Observer. 2,041 issues of the Isle of Wight Observer are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[94]
- Kendal Mercury. 1,863 issues of the Kendal Mercury are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[95]
- Kentish Chronicle. 443 issues of the Kentish Chronicle are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[96]
- Kentish Gazette. 2,847 issues of the Kentish Gazette are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[97]
- Lancaster Gazette. 5,308 issues of the Lancaster Gazette are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[98]
- Leamington Spa Courier. 3,568 issues of the Leamington Spa Courier are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[99]
- Leeds Intelligencer. 5,873 issues of the Leeds Intelligencer are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[100]
- Leeds Mercury. 14,055 issues of the Leeds Mercury are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[101]
- Leeds Patriot and Yorkshire Advertiser. 8 issues of the Leeds Patriot and Yorkshire Advertiser are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[102]
- Leeds Times. 3,301 issues of the Leeds Times are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[103]
- Leicester Chronicle. 3,723 issues of the Leicester Chronicle are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[104]
- Leicester Journal. 2,848 issues of the Leicester Journal are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[105]
- Leicestershire Mercury. 1,449 issues of the Leicestershire Mercury are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[106]
- Lichfield Mercury. 1,016 issues of the Lichfield Mercury are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[107]
- Lincolnshire Chronicle. 3,961 issues of the Lincolnshire Chronicle are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[108]
- Lincolnshire Echo. 2,238 issues of the Lincolnshire Echo are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[109]
- Liverpool Daily Post. 3,671 issues of the Liverpool Daily Post are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[110]
- Liverpool Echo. 3,188 issues of the Liverpool Echo are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[111]
- Liverpool Mercury. 15,172 issues of the Liverpool Mercury are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[112]
- Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper. 2,944 issues of the Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[113]
- London Daily News. 17,053 issues of the London Daily News are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[114]
- London Dispatch. 160 issues of the London Dispatch are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[115]
- London Standard. 21,897 issues of the London Standard are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[116]
- Louth and North Lincolnshire Advertiser. 508 issues of the Louth and North Lincolnshire Advertiser are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[117]
- Luton Times and Advertiser. 578 issues of the Luton Times and Advertiser are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[118]
- Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser / Manchester Courier. 13,645 issues of the Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[119]
- Manchester Evening News. 9,874 issues of the Manchester Evening News are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[120]
- Manchester Mercury. 644 issues of the Manchester Mercury are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[121]
- Middlesex Chronicle. 41 issues of the Middlesex Chronicle are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[122]
- Morning Chronicle. 18,432 issues of the Morning Chronicle are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[123]
- Morning Post. 30,643 issues of the Morning Post are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[124]
- Morpeth Herald. 2,920 issues of the Morpeth Herald are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[125]
- Motherwell Times. 839 issues of the Motherwell Times are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[126]
- Newcastle Courant. 8,624 issues of the Newcastle Courant are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[127]
- Newcastle Guardian and Tyne Mercury / Newcastle Guardian. 1,283 issues of the Newcastle Guardian and Tyne Mercury are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[128]
- Newcastle Journal. 4,753 issues of the Newcastle Journal are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[129]
- Norfolk Chronicle. 4,580 issues of the Norfolk Chronicle are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[130]
- Norfolk News. 1,308 issues of the Norfolk News are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[131]
- North & South Shields Gazette and Northumberland and Durham Advertiser . 52 issues of the North & South Shields Gazette and Northumberland and Durham Advertiser are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[132]
- North Wales Chronicle. 3,589 issues of the North Wales Chronicle are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[133]
- Northampton Mercury. 6,811 issues of the Northampton Mercury are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[134]
- Northants Evening Telegraph. 549 issues of the Northants Evening Telegraph are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[135]
- Northern Echo. 8,554 issues of the Northern Echo are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[136]
- Northern Liberator. 165 issues of the Northern Liberator are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[137]
- Northern Star. 755 issues of the Northern Star are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[138]
- Nottingham Evening Post. 12,840 issues of the Nottingham Evening Post are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[139]
- Nottinghamshire Guardian. 2,481 issues of the Nottinghamshire Guardian are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[140]
- The Odd Fellow / Odd Fellow / Odd Fellow (newspaper). 204 issues of The Odd Fellow are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[141]
- The Operative / Operative / Operative (newspaper). 35 issues of The Operative are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[142]
- Oxford Journal. 7,504 issues of the Oxford Journal are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[143]
- Pall Mall Gazette. 11,149 issues of the Pall Mall Gazette are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[144]
- Perry’s Bankrupt Gazette. 2,073 issues of the Perry’s Bankrupt Gazette are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[145]
- Police Gazette. 67 issues of the Police Gazette are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[146]
- Poor Law Unions’ Gazette. 457 issues of the Poor Law Unions’ Gazette are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[147]
- Poor Man's Guardian. 229 issues of the Poor Man's Guardian are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[148]
- Portsmouth Evening News. 6,250 issues of the Portsmouth Evening News are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[149]
- The Post. / The Post (newspaper) / Post (newspaper). 467 issues of The Post. are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[150]
- Preston Chronicle. 3,225 issues of the Preston Chronicle are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[151]
- Reading Mercury. 4,761 issues of the Reading Mercury are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[152]
- Reynolds's Newspaper. 2,634 issues of the Reynolds's Newspaper are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[153]
- Rochdale Observer. 257 issues of the Rochdale Observer are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[154]
- Royal Cornwall Gazette. 4,325 issues of the Royal Cornwall Gazette are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[155]
- Salisbury and Winchester Journal. 3,594 issues of the Salisbury and Winchester Journal are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[156]
- Salopian Journal. 63 issues of the Salopian Journal are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[157]
- The Scots Magazine / Scots Magazine. 3,706 issues of The Scots Magazine are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[158]
- Sheffield Daily Telegraph. 8,054 issues of the Sheffield Daily Telegraph are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[159]
- Sheffield Evening Telegraph. 4,498 issues of the Sheffield Evening Telegraph are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[160]
- Sheffield Independent. 12,229 issues of the Sheffield Independent are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[161]
- Sherborne Mercury. 2,270 issues of the Sherborne Mercury are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[162]
- Shields Daily Gazette. 10,064 issues of the Shields Daily Gazette are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[163]
- Shoreditch Observer. 522 issues of the Shoreditch Observer are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[164]
- Shrewsbury Chronicle. 321 issues of the Shrewsbury Chronicle are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[165]
- Sligo Champion. 38 issues of the Sligo Champion are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[166]
- Somerset County Gazette. 156 issues of the Somerset County Gazette are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[167]
- South London Press. 53 issues of the South London Press are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[168]
- Southern Star. 26 issues of the Southern Star are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[169]
- Staffordshire Advertiser. 986 issues of the Staffordshire Advertiser are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[170]
- Staffordshire Gazette and County Standard / Staffordshire Gazette. 166 issues of the Staffordshire Gazette and County Standard are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[171]
- Staffordshire Sentinel. 2,403 issues of the Staffordshire Sentinel are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[172]
- Staffordshire Sentinel and Commercial & General Advertiser / Staffordshire Sentinel. 576 issues of the Staffordshire Sentinel and Commercial & General Advertiser are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[173]
- Stamford Mercury. 5,270 issues of the Stamford Mercury are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[174]
- Stirling Observer. 1,152 issues of the Stirling Observer are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[175]
- Sunderland Daily Echo and Shipping Gazette / Sunderland Daily Echo. 8,131 issues of the Sunderland Daily Echo and Shipping Gazette are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[176]
- Surrey Advertiser. 244 issues of the Surrey Advertiser are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[177]
- Surrey Mirror. 1,616 issues of the Surrey Mirror are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[178]
- Sussex Advertiser. 3,228 issues of the Sussex Advertiser are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[179]
- Tamworth Herald. 3,855 issues of the Tamworth Herald are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[180]
- Taunton Courier, and Western Advertiser / Taunton Courier. 2,815 issues of the Taunton Courier, and Western Advertiser are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[181]
- Wells Journal. 858 issues of the Wells Journal are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[182]
- West Briton and Cornwall Advertiser. 309 issues of the West Briton and Cornwall Advertiser are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[183]
- West Kent Guardian. 1,077 issues of the West Kent Guardian are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[184]
- West London Observer. 74 issues of the West London Observer are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[185]
- West Middlesex Advertiser and Family Journal / West Middlesex Advertiser. 481 issues of the West Middlesex Advertiser and Family Journal are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[186]
- Western Daily Press. 22,754 issues of the Western Daily Press are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[187]
- Western Gazette. 3,701 issues of the Western Gazette are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[188]
- Western Mail. 8,515 issues of the Western Mail are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[189]
- Western Morning News. 9,300 issues of the Western Morning News are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[190]
- Western Times. 18,400 issues of the Western Times are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[191]
- Westmorland Gazette. 2,442 issues of the Westmorland Gazette are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[192]
- Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald / Whitstable Times. 1,879 issues of the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[193]
- Wiltshire Independent. 157 issues of the Wiltshire Independent are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[194]
- Windsor and Eton Express. 105 issues of the Windsor and Eton Express are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[195]
- Worcester Herald. 496 issues of the Worcester Herald are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[196]
- Worcester Journal. 3,089 issues of the Worcester Journal are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[197]
- Worcestershire Chronicle. 3,002 issues of the Worcestershire Chronicle are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[198]
- Wrexham Advertiser. 2,025 issues of the Wrexham Advertiser are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[199]
- Y Genedl Cymreig. 1,090 issues of Y Genedl Cymreig are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[200]
- Y Goleuad. 1,311 issues of Y Goleuad are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[201]
- York Herald. 10,933 issues of the York Herald are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[202]
- Yorkshire Gazette. 3,258 issues of the Yorkshire Gazette are available to read in digitised form at the British Newspaper Archive.[203]
- ^ Digitised copies of the Aldershot Military Gazette at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Ayr Advertiser, or, West Country Journal at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Baner ac Amserau Cymru at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Belfast Morning News at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Belfast News-Letter at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Berkshire Chronicle at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Berwickshire News and General Advertiser at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Birmingham Daily Post at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Birmingham Gazette at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Birmingham Journal at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Blackburn Standard at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Bradford Observer at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Brighton Patriot at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Bristol Mercury at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Bucks Herald at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Burnley Advertiser at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Burnley Gazette at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Bury and Norwich Post at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Bury Times at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Caledonian Mercury at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Cambridge Chronicle and Journal at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Cambridge Independent Press at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Carlisle Journal at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Carlisle Patriot at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of The Champion at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of The Charter at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Chartist Circular at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of The Chartist at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Chelmsford Chronicle at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Cheltenham Chronicle at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Cheltenham Looker-On at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Cheshire Observer at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Chester Chronicle at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Chester Courant at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Cobbett's Weekly Political Register at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Cork Examiner at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Cornishman at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Coventry Evening Telegraph at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Coventry Herald at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Coventry Times at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Derby Daily Telegraph at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Derby Mercury at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Herald at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Devizes and Wiltshire Gazette at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Dorset County Chronicle at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Dover Express at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Dumfries and Galloway Standard at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Dundee Advertiser at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Dundee Courier at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of The Dundee Year Book at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Dundee, Perth, and Cupar Advertiser at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Dunfermline Press at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Dunfermline Saturday Press at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Edinburgh Evening News at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Elgin Courant, and Morayshire Advertiser at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Elgin Courier at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of The Era at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Essex Newsman at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Essex Standard at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Evening Telegraph at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of The Examiner at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Exeter and Plymouth Gazette at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Exeter and Plymouth Gazette Daily Telegrams at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Exeter Flying Post at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Falkirk Herald at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Fife Herald at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Freeman's Journal at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Glasgow Herald at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Gloucester Citizen at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Gloucester Journal at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Gloucestershire Echo at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Grantham Journal at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of The Graphic at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Hampshire Advertiser at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Hampshire Chronicle at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Hampshire Telegraph at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Hartlepool Mail at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Hastings and St Leonards Observer at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Hereford Journal at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Hereford Times at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Hertford Mercury and Reformer at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Herts Advertiser at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Herts Guardian, Agricultural Journal, and General Advertiser at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Huddersfield Chronicle at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Hull Daily Mail at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Hull Packet at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Huntingdon, Bedford & Peterborough Gazette at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Illustrated Police News at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Ipswich Journal at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of The Ipswich Journal at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Isle of Man Times at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Isle of Wight Observer at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Kendal Mercury at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Kentish Chronicle at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Kentish Gazette at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Lancaster Gazette at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Leamington Spa Courier at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Leeds Intelligencer at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Leeds Mercury at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Leeds Patriot and Yorkshire Advertiser at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Leeds Times at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Leicester Chronicle at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Leicester Journal at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Leicestershire Mercury at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Lichfield Mercury at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Lincolnshire Chronicle at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Lincolnshire Echo at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Liverpool Daily Post at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Liverpool Echo at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Liverpool Mercury at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the London Daily News at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the London Dispatch at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the London Standard at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Louth and North Lincolnshire Advertiser at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Luton Times and Advertiser at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Manchester Evening News at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Manchester Mercury at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Middlesex Chronicle at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Morning Chronicle at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Morning Post at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Morpeth Herald at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Motherwell Times at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Newcastle Courant at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Newcastle Guardian and Tyne Mercury at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Newcastle Journal at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Norfolk Chronicle at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Norfolk News at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the North & South Shields Gazette and Northumberland and Durham Advertiser at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the North Wales Chronicle at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Northampton Mercury at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Northants Evening Telegraph at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Northern Echo at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Northern Liberator at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Northern Star at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Nottingham Evening Post at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Nottinghamshire Guardian at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of The Odd Fellow at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of The Operative at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Oxford Journal at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Pall Mall Gazette at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Perry’s Bankrupt Gazette at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Police Gazette at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Poor Law Unions’ Gazette at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Poor Man's Guardian at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Portsmouth Evening News at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of The Post. at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Preston Chronicle at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Reading Mercury at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Reynolds's Newspaper at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Rochdale Observer at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Royal Cornwall Gazette at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Salisbury and Winchester Journal at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Salopian Journal at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of The Scots Magazine at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Sheffield Daily Telegraph at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Sheffield Evening Telegraph at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Sheffield Independent at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Sherborne Mercury at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Shields Daily Gazette at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Shoreditch Observer at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Shrewsbury Chronicle at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Sligo Champion at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Somerset County Gazette at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the South London Press at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Southern Star at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Staffordshire Advertiser at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Staffordshire Gazette and County Standard at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Staffordshire Sentinel at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Staffordshire Sentinel and Commercial & General Advertiser at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Stamford Mercury at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Stirling Observer at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Sunderland Daily Echo and Shipping Gazette at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Surrey Advertiser at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Surrey Mirror at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Sussex Advertiser at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Tamworth Herald at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Taunton Courier, and Western Advertiser at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Wells Journal at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the West Briton and Cornwall Advertiser at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the West Kent Guardian at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the West London Observer at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the West Middlesex Advertiser and Family Journal at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Western Daily Press at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Western Gazette at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Western Mail at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Western Morning News at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Western Times at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Westmorland Gazette at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Wiltshire Independent at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Windsor and Eton Express at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Worcester Herald at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Worcester Journal at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Worcestershire Chronicle at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Wrexham Advertiser at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of Y Genedl Cymreig at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of Y Goleuad at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the York Herald at the British Newspaper Archive
- ^ Digitised copies of the Yorkshire Gazette at the British Newspaper Archive