About myself
I was born in Venezuela, educated in the US, and currently live in the Canary Islands in Spain. I studied communications and now work as a freelance copywriter and translator (English/Spanish). I'm 29 years old and have been married for a year and a bit more.
How I came to be here
I'm also a car buff, but not so much of mechanics. More of a graphic admiration for vehicles. I collect car pictures and car information. Once, while searching some information on a car, I landed in Wikipedia. Once I searched for the information I started checking out the whole car database and noticed there were quite a few models/pictures missing and started making my own contributions. After a few uploads I got recommended to join this group... and here I am.
As of the time/day of this post, I've already updated the "A" marques.
At the time I'm mostly out of the Wikipedia circle, since I've been dealing more with work and reality.